While the wine city was still immersed in a peaceful atmosphere, the other towns were already fighting hard.

This war, which began with the battle between Haxiu faction and Talakuta, has already ignited more than half of the north and spread to the south.

According to the data given by Heloise, up to now, the direct population loss caused by this war is as high as tens of thousands. This is only limited to the statistics of the six major organizations. As for the small organizations with insufficient strength, It may be destroyed everywhere.

In this way, the stage of the Demon World is really not a good hotbed, at least in Hefeng Continent, there are very few similar incidents.

The most recent choke was an xenophobic incident performed by Achilles on the front line of the second son of City Lord Ai Rui.

However, this xenophobic incident resulted in the death of more than 20,000 people at most. The others dragged their families and fled to Dasai City and York Seoul.

Among them, Dasai City is the most.

After all, many residents of York Seoul are also very exclusive. This is not because they have evil thoughts in their bones, but because York Seoul has established such a rule since ancient times.

While not so friendly to foreigners, York Seoul is still a large religious country. In fact, it is not always a religious country. York Seoul does not have a national sect. There are just countless small sects. Among these sects All of the believers are still fanatical. Once you are caught by them, if you do not agree to join, the other party will not beat you, nor humiliate you, let alone hurt you or kill you, but will be like gum Silk entangles you, unless you agree to join, or die on the spot.

These two points have caused many foreigners who are not used to this kind of living environment to retreat to the matter of entering York Seoul.

This undoubtedly strengthened the reputation and strength of Darcy City inadvertently.

Simmons Locke was originally opposed to this situation. He was eager to have more people settle in York Seoul. This would not only bring greater taxes to York Seoul, but also expand his choice of elite selection.

However, domestic stubborn illnesses continue and are deeply rooted. If you want to show your ambitions, you still need to continue to work hard.

Closer to home.

Although the Demon Realm is in chaos, it is fortunate that there are so many people, almost one-third of the population of Hefeng Continent. Not to mention tens of thousands of people killed in battle, or hundreds of thousands, millions, even tens of millions. Will hurt the bones.

But the impact of this scourge is very bad.

Except for the six major organizations, the remaining organizations can only linger, or defect to the six major organizations, except for those that have been annihilated.

The six big organizations that have grown up will fight again, consume each other's energy, and focus on more places to absorb nutrients and strengthen themselves.

As a result, it will probably not be long before the strength of the six major organizations will reach unprecedented strength.

At that time, if there are strong leaders and challenges like the apostles, there may be a new king's organization born from the six organizations and standing on top of the six organizations.

Although this situation poses a status challenge and threat to the other five of the six organizations, it must be said that this is also an opportunity, an opportunity to challenge the apostle and get rid of the apostle’s control.

Even if the Shah Xiu faction is tightly grasped by the Weeping Eye Helder, as long as it has the ability to defeat Herder and severely inflict her on her, the Shah Xiu faction will also gain autonomy for a long time-until again. Until Held regained control.

However, the time required for this process varies depending on whether Herder is seriously injured.

Early the next morning, Xilan and I emptied the tavern in advance and sat down to drink.

Near noon, the door of the tavern was kicked open, and Heroes rushed in fiercely, pointed at me, and shouted: "Why did you get me drunk yesterday!"

"I'm afraid you will die from overwork."

Holding the wine glass, I calmly said.

"I won't die!" Heloise said excitedly: "I won't die until I fulfill my long-cherished wish!"

I raised my hand and hit her in the stomach with a scabbard at a speed that could not cover my ears. At this time, Heloise let out a cry of exclamation and almost sat on the ground.

With my feet moving, I walked with me like a shadow, came behind Heroes, and held her back: "Look, you are also a human being, no different from other humans, so if you are overworked, you will die. Come, sit down. , Have a drink together, discuss the current situation, and discuss countermeasures."

While talking, I pushed Heroes to the table, pressed her to the chair, and poured her a glass of wine, and said: "But the time for talking in the afternoon is limited, and I have to go out when dusk approaches, and Even if it’s night chatting, it’s not too late, otherwise you won’t be able to go back to the room."

Hearing what I said, Heroes' cheeks were red, and she glared at me: "I'm going to talk to you on business, and you're good, but I only remember the love of children!"

"How important is the relationship between children and daughters" I said: "That is related to how many offspring I will have in the future. As for business matters, don't rush or rush. Anyway, there is no quarrel. Besides, even if the quarrel is over, there will be no apostles. Hold on, once the apostle intervenes in this matter, we will have a chance."

"This is true," the drinking Xilan said leisurely: "Once the apostle takes action, we can counterattack it in the name of the Organization to Save the Oath Guard."

"It's easy to say" Heloise snorted and said: "By then, those who die will be the defenders."

"A little sacrifice for the purpose is inevitable." Xi Lan picked up the glass and drank it, then said: "Perhaps this battle will also be my last battle."

Looking at Xilan, I stunned, and joked, "I have even the will to die? But I still refuse to try to survive to face Alice?"

"Alice?" Heloise murmured and repeated, and looked at Xi Lan with a strange look.

"Alice is Xilan's lover, but it's a pity that the flowers are sentimental, and the water is unintentional. One of the flowers in the Hefeng Continent has fallen, while the other is still drinking and drinking in the Demon World.

"Don't talk nonsense!" Xi Lan said sullenly: "I and Alice are just friends!"

"Tsk tut."

I made a disdainful voice again.


Xilan's complexion was swollen and he almost straightened up to give me a wine jar, but stopped in time and was silent for a few seconds before suddenly raising the jar and pouring her mouth down.

Gudonggudonggudong, Xilan drank all the wine in the jar in one breath, and then put down the jar, his face was a little red.

As the saying goes, cutting meat with a blunt knife does not hurt.

If Xilan drank little by little, he might not have such a big reaction, but who made him excited? This person, if he drinks heavily when he is excited, it will be easy to get up, and this top up will be easy to get drunk.

After sitting down again, Xilan drank two more glasses of fine wine, then plopped and passed away on the table.

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