The People Walking in Dungeons are surely not Normal

Chapter 3040: The zephyr continent in the ears of Heroes

After Xi Lan was sent away, Heloise quietly approached me and asked in a low voice, "That Alice, who on earth can make a hero like Xi Lan worry about it?"

"This Alice is really not a mortal" I said: "Although I can tell you her identity, you must keep it secret."

"I keep it secret."

"for sure?"

"for sure!"

"Never break your promise?"

"Never break your promise!"


Heloise slapped the table angrily and shouted, "Oh, say it!"

"Good, good" I raised my hand to express approval, then lowered my voice, telling Heroes the true identity of Alice.

Of course, during this period, all the content related to the crying eye Herder was replaced by me.

"It turned out to be a doll made by her..." Heloise covered her mouth with her small hand, astonished.

"After all, she is the chief figure among the apostles, besides, she is also the founder of Tarakuta. She is proficient in magic, and the lengthy years have made her boring. It is not surprising that she has a few special skills."

"It's not unreasonable to say that, but the puppets actually have feelings...This is incredible" Heloise said: "This kind of thing, even a high-end magic scholar in an ancient library, is not necessarily Can you make such a fine product."

"That's because you don't know the strength of the ancient library" I said: "Do you know Luke the maker?"

"Naturally knows" Heroes said: "He is the most imaginative and creative apostle in the devil world."

"Luke has an assistant named Becky, who is also called the naughty Becky, do you know this too?"

"I know," Heloise said: "When I investigated you before, I found out the purpose of your coming to the Demon World. One is to find Xilan, and the other is to find Betsy."

"Upside down" I said: "Finding Becky is my main purpose. As for Xilan, I just do it easily. Even if I don't find him, I can still bring Becky back."

"But didn't you say, Alice asks you to find Xi Lan?" Heloise asked curiously.

"Just please, and I didn't agree to her plea. I just told her that I would find a way. As for Xilan's death or alive, whether he can go back or not, it doesn't matter to me."

"Huh? Isn't you breaking your promise like this?"

"What kind of backlash is this?" I said with disdain: "Furthermore, even if I agree and Xilan is unwilling to go back, I can force him back? Stop teasing, I don't have that ability."

"Then you stay here, please persuade Xi Lan more, maybe he will follow back."

"Impossible" I shook my head: "You think, Alice tried to persuade Xi Lan for a long time, hoping that he could stay with her, but Xi Lan, didn't she go into the portal of the teleportation without looking back and come to the Demon Realm to assassinate him. That woman, although I admit that he is to fulfill his promise, but think about it, even the beloved woman can't persuade me, how can I be able to persuade a stranger like me?"

Heloise heard the words, thought for a moment, and nodded: "Yes, it's really helpless to meet such a man."

"That's it," I said: "But I will ask him again before leaving the Demon Realm. If he really has no intention of returning to the Hefeng Continent, I won't persuade him anymore."

"Hefeng Continent..." Heloise's eyes lit up and she curiously asked, "What kind of planet is that?"

"It's bigger than here... ten times, or dozens of times? I can't calculate this, but it is certain that the scenery of Hefeng Mainland is better than here, and the humanities and customs are also more interesting than here. And the products are more abundant than here..."

I have been talking about Barabara for a long time, but Heloise listened obsessively, and she was stunned.

Just when she was most obsessed with it, my words suddenly stopped.

"Huh?" Heloise looked at me puzzledly and asked, "Why didn't you talk about it?"

"What's going on in the future will not be so beautiful."

A question mark appeared in each pair of Heloise's eyes, and she wondered: "What's the explanation for this?"

I looked at her seriously: "Want to know?"

She nodded.

"Well, then" I said: "The beautiful scenery, characteristic humanities, and interesting customs of the Hefeng Continent, I have talked about it for you, and the rest is its horrible place..."

Later, I told her all the forbidden areas, dead places, and horror places in Hefeng Continent.

At first, Heloise didn't take it seriously, but as I continued to speak with great emotion, she gradually became obsessed with listening. The more obsessed she listened, her expression became more frightened.

When I mentioned that the heirs of the Deep Sea Lord could easily treat the apostle as a snack between her teeth, she covered her mouth in horror and couldn't help but exclaim.

Although Heroes had a bad impression of the apostle, she also admitted that the apostle was the **** of the demon world.

What she never expected was that being as strong as an apostle, coming to Hefeng Continent was not the top of the food chain. On the contrary, there were many natives of Hefeng Continent who could kill them like ants.

Such a gap was unexpected to her.

"You said that the heirs of the Deep Sea Lord are so terrifying, what about it itself?" Heloise asked curiously.

"I don't know" I shook my head: "It is said that the overlord of the deep sea is really going crazy and can eat the land. For example, the northern towns of the Demon Realm are probably enough for him to eat."

Heloise was silent, she was completely stunned, she was made up by my idiots.

Yes, that's right, the words just now were made up just now, because I have never seen the master of the deep sea at all, just thinking about it out of thin air.

"Then...Is Hefeng Continent still capable of defeating the deep sea overlord?" Heloise asked like a curious baby.

"That's a good question!" I said, "I don't know."

"You..." Heloise became angry and pointed at me whether I should scold or helpless.

I spread my hands and said helplessly: "I really don't know, you think, I can't even beat the apostle, how can I touch the strong at that level, but I guess, the center of the fairy forest, there is Maybe there are such monsters."

"The forest surrounding the Fairy Forest? Is that one of the forbidden areas of the Zephyr continent you mentioned before?"

"That's right," I said: "The monsters in there, even the least influential group at the edge of the inner circle, can easily destroy any small and medium-sized town in the north when they are brought to the Devildom."

"His" Heroes took a breath, and said in amazement: "That's so powerful! How does it compare with the apostle?"

"That's not as good as the apostles" I said: "They are after all a group of infamous monsters. To say that they are powerful, they are only compared with our human beings. If you really want to compare with the apostles, you have to go in, at least some social status. Monster Lord level."

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