Under the blue witch's soft and hard bubbling, I still gave my own inference.

If the deep sea overlord were really the disaster maker, as early as the ancient times, its existence was not allowed by the ruler of the Hefeng Continent at that time, and it was either permanently sealed or imprisoned somewhere.

This is not groundless.

Which group of monsters imprisoned in the forest surrounding the Fairy Forest, which one was not the one that was once a disaster? The best of them can even completely abuse the apostles.

So arrogant and domineering, they were not imprisoned in the forest of the elves by the ancient elves and elves in the end. Today, after countless years, they still dare not break through the forest.

This is the real end of the disaster.

On the other hand, the overlord of the deep sea, although its huge body and terrifying strength, and its unbearable spiritual oppression, give people a feeling that it is disaster, but it has not been sealed by the ancient elves and elves, or Confinement, on the contrary, the two ancient races were very conniving to it.

This can be known from the fragments of some historical documents.

From the above inferences, I’m sure that the Deep Sea Overlord is not the source of the disaster, nor the carrier of the disaster. It appears at the source of the disaster, or it is really accidental, or there must be a reason. In short, the cause and effect of this is not me. Wait for mortals to guess.

At least, I can't get in until I recover the real body of the ancient fairy.

After listening to the blue witch, she laughed, she thought that I was very wonderful, especially the analysis later, although it sounds not true, but the analysis is really good, at least the logic makes sense.

After listening to her comments, I can only bite the bullet and say thanks.

A few days later.

We finally arrived at the second settlement island.

This is the last stop before reaching the southern continent.

This island is not as beautiful and quiet as the previous island, with forests, game, and honey to cut.

This island is purely a transitional island that has been developed. There are many buildings on the island, and more are businesses.

Selling food, medicinal materials, tools, etc., etc., there are so many varieties. If you count them down, there are 20 merchants of different categories, and there are as many as hundreds of merchants of the same category.

Regardless of the number of businesses, there are more ships registered on this island.

There are merchant ships, passenger ships, and patrol ships.

Seeing the patrolling ships, the first thing I thought of was the pirates.

It may be influenced by a certain comic in the previous life. The first reaction I saw from the navy was their enemy, the pirate.

By the way, I haven’t seen the pirates of the Demon Realm. They are the same as those ragged rums on the blue planet and the uninhibited pirates who love freedom, or they are the same as those in a certain man who sing and challenge the rubber man everywhere. Where is the pirate?

The former is more chic, while the latter is more free.

In addition to this, I am also curious as to whether there are strong men with terrible strength among those pirates?

After all, without two brushes, who would dare to challenge the official ships on the vast sea?

You know, these young men in navy uniforms, big girls, all look heroic, brave and invincible.

Of course, although I am concerned about the prostitution of pirates, I greatly praised the navy, but in fact, I don't think they have how powerful combat effectiveness.

Whether it is the Demon Realm or the Hefeng Continent, it is the same. There is no Devil Fruit. All strengths are trained with one shot, and all experience is killed with one shot.

Without the devil fruit, it means that no one will be disgusted by the sea, and no one will be disgusted by the sea, which means that they will be able to water. As long as they are not exhausted and have no focus, they will basically not be drowned.

Since it is not easy to drown, it depends on the strength of the navy or the pirates.

The strong survive, the weak die.

This is an eternal law.

In such a comparison, I suddenly lost confidence in the Navy, and at first I didn't think they were invincible.

The main reason is that the navy fights are routine, and the pirates fight for their lives.

Regard this matter as an official business, complete it if it can be done, compromise if it can't be done, and make up nonsense if it doesn't work, and you can always fool it.

If you treat this as a private matter, you have to finish it if you can't finish it. It's a death if you don't finish it!

Therefore, once the Navy and the pirates fight, the latter can burst out terrible potential in most cases and crush the former.

After thinking about it for a while, our group came to the hotel.

Solve the accommodation issue first, otherwise so many navy tourists, who knows whether they will finish the room.

After booking the room, we dangled on the street together.

In fact, there are not many places to hang around on the street, except for those casinos.

But I didn't enter the casino for gambling, I just wanted to join in the fun and watch the fun.

If someone fights, that's my favorite part, because I have fun watching it.

But Heroes disagrees. She thinks the casino is not clean. It is full of smoke, alcohol, sweat, and smelly feet. These smells come together, just like those who have been soaked in the pit for many years. It is like a stone, even if it is washed, brushed, or even replaced with floor tiles, or the wall is scratched, it can still kill an individual.

The Blue Witch also didn't approve of me going to the casino. She felt that the place was so wicked, all of them followed like demons.

In her opinion, idiots are contagious and it is best to stay away.

Except for these two female compatriots, others are not opposed to entering the casino, especially Xilan. He tells me without a trace that when he was young, the casino was his favorite, second only to knife and food.

I asked him why he didn't gamble afterwards?

Xilan told me that afterwards his money was kept by his apprentice, so he could only go to the casino occasionally and bet on a game, take the money if he wins, and admit it if he loses.

At first, Xilan's behavior was also recorded by the casino owner, who thought he had a problem.

After all, besides him, who would leave with just one play?

But then one time, the casino owner designed to detain Xilan and forced him to play a few more games. As a result, he invited Xilan's apprentices to visit him.

The ‘visit’ lasted ten minutes.

When the loss was counted, the casino owner almost didn't cry to death.

The entire casino was smashed into a mess. A dozen guys were injured in half, more than 40 thugs lost 20 directly, and the remaining 20 were broken hands and feet. In short, there was no good person except the boss. .

Since then, Xilan went to the casino again, never saying that he would only win or lose, even if he wins half of the casino money, they would have to send him away with a smile.

After all, the casino is welcoming and sending off, and the oil and water in the middle is abundant. Even if you lose a few days of profit here in Xilan, you can make it back in the next few days. It is better than the shop being smashed, the personnel killed, and there is nowhere to redress the grievance. .

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