I have to admit that this temporary foothold is much more comfortable than the last island.

First of all, it is well-equipped. There are not only hotels, restaurants, entertainment venues, and even places to enjoy massages.

Although Heloise strongly rejected our suggestion to go to the casino, but took us to the massage parlor.

The massage parlor here looks very formal, at least until now, I haven't seen any service content related to 404.

I took a bath, steamed a sauna, lay on the bed lazily, and started to enjoy the massage service.

Xilan is lying next to me.

Speaking of which, this thief is not authentic.

I was thinking about lying on my stomach in the same room with the Blue Witch, while Xilan was lying on my stomach in the same room with Herois, but Heloise and the Blue Witch hadn’t spoken yet, Xiran took the initiative to take me to the first place. It also said that men and men massage together, they will have a lot of common language, and at the same time they can also enhance the friendship between each other.

I thought to myself: Come on with you, but also the love of comrades-in-arms, I think it is **** love!

Don't look at the beautiful women who are holding the delicate drops. Look at you, a sloppy uncle who is tens of millions of years old, unless I have a brain disease!

I struggled while complaining.

However, in the process of my struggle, in my helpless eyes, Heroes pulled the blue witch into the second massage room.


I was depressed and didn't want to talk to Xi Lan, so I buried my face in the pillow and played dead.

But Xilan, who was on the side, seemed to talk very heartily, talking to himself constantly, talking about the local scenery of the devil world, or unheard of anecdotes.

Lianzhu's witty remarks made the massage lady tremble with laughter.

Seeing this scene, I can't help thinking of Alice, this guy has used this trick to deal with her before.

It is said that such a man with good looks, suave temperament, humorous conversation, and strong strength is extremely lethal to the little girl.

It can be called nuclear class.

This appearance appeared in front of my fiancee. It is estimated that apart from the few who have known me the longest and have the closest relationship with me, the other fiancees will also have love for him.

I believe there must be Kailan in it, but there must be no Blue Witch.

Although Kailan is not going to cheat, her daily performance is very frivolous, and she loves handsome guys. This is even her closest friend, Daphne, admits.

Sometimes we walked side by side on the street, and if there were handsome guys passing by, she would always stare at those handsome guys, or whistle and make fun of them, and even more, would get close to talk to each other without thinking about it. The feeling of my fiance.

At first, I would be angry too, after all, this girl is too deceitful, do you really think my husband is down?

But over time, it became numb. Anyway, as long as there is no physical contact, I just follow all the way. I don’t bother to care about her. I just stand where I am, so that she won’t be able to find me when she returns. .

According to Kailan, her frivolity was inherited from her ancestors, the oldest generation of ancestors. Although the name is not recorded in the Hefeng Continent, she has heard of it slightly from Tyrannosaurus Bakar-Kaili, a wealthy Legendary woman.

According to Kailan, her ancestor, Kaili, was a genius sharpshooter. At a young age, he was famous in the heavens. In the battle against the Tyrannosaurus Bacal, she became very popular. It seems that Only a single gun to solve a tyrannical commander on the battlefield, but also to destroy a team of Destroyers.

But such a legendary woman, in a battle, was attacked by her own person. When she was seriously injured and dying, she chose to jump off a cliff and fell into the sea accidentally. What is more amazing is that she was not attacked by the sea. Blame attack!

Fortunately, she survived. After several days and nights, after several days and nights, she unraveled the knot betrayed by her own people, decided not to return to the heavens again, and stayed in the lower realms ever since. The Hefeng Continent is called the Lower Realm, and the Hefeng Continent is called the Lower Realm. This name continues until the Heaven is shot down and falls on the Hefeng Continent).

Kaili, who stayed in the lower realm, did not abandon the way of firearms because of the betrayal of her companions. On the contrary, after several battles, she noticed that the way of firearms had a great defect, that is, there was no bullet blessed by the power of change. It’s hard to hurt certain monsters that are so powerful,

In order to make up for this, she studied day and night and visited the strong, just to strengthen the guns.

Until later, she heard that magic seemed to be able to infuse bullets, so she became a master of magic, learned magic, and successfully injected magic into bullets, and created the genre of shooters in one fell swoop.

And because of this, Kaili became the top shooter in Hefeng Continent, and was later respected as the gun **** by worshippers.

I remember when I talked about this history, Kailan's expression was focused and fanatical.

Then she told me that her ancestor Kelly’s life was full of legends, but also because of her frivolity, she missed her true love. Later, when she got older and frustrated, she just found a spare baby to marry. With this one of them.

Therefore, it is not that she is frivolous, but she has inherited the character of her ancestors and has to be frivolous.

Whenever I heard her sophistry, I wanted to swell her mouth.

Isn't this really nonsense?

Once, I drank with Saran. When we were drunk, I asked her casually: Do you know Kelly?

Saran listened and smiled: Yes, she is a frivolous and naughty woman, and she is especially good at causing trouble.

Then I asked Saran what fault Kelly had caused.

After thinking about it for a moment, Sharan told me all the troubles Kelly had caused.

That really made me furious, wishing to beat her up.

And this Kelly is not only easy to get into trouble, she also loves money like her life, and made the first generation of enhanced equipment to collect money.

We have to admit that the equipment enhancement machine is a very powerful thing, it can really strengthen the equipment, but its ability to absorb gold is also strong, and the ability to cheat people is even more powerful.

As far as Sharan knows, there are not one thousand weapons destroyed in Kaili's equipment enhancement machine, but there are ten thousand. This is just the number that Shalan has paid attention to.

Ten times, a hundred times, a thousand times these numbers.

Just for this, many adventurers searched for Saran, not asking her to lose money or weapons, but to kill her.

During that time, Kelly was so scared that she hid in the Moonlight Tavern every day and did not dare to show her face. She hid for two months.

This incident is still fresh in Socia’s memory, not because of how beautiful Kelly is, nor because of how pitiful Kelly’s temperament is, not because Kelly is so unforgettable, but because Kelly put her in the store At least half of the wine in it has been dried.

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