Facing the navy’s inquiries and the public or hidden concerns of the guests, I frankly said: “I encountered this meteorite on a street stall. Seeing that it was in good condition, I bought it and sent it to forging. With this pair of gloves, it didn't cost much, only dozens of silver coins."

In the restaurant, the customers exploded in a rush, some sighed, some jealous, some envied, and some had dangerous lights in their eyes.

Leaning against the bar, the navy with the draft beer cup laughed a few times, and said: "Then you are really lucky, I have no such good luck, let alone meteorite, I didn't see any on the stall. A good thing too."

"Maybe you are not lucky, or there is really no good stuff on the stall."

"Perhaps" The navy was not upset, let alone coveted my handguards, but rather envied it.

Not much time, breakfast was ready, I nodded to the navy, and left the restaurant with breakfast.

After breakfast, the Blue Witch yelled to go shopping, I took her to find the same idle Heloise, and asked them to go shopping together.

Heloise was very happy, after all, she and the Blue Witch were the only women in her companions, and the others were sour and stinky old men.

But the elders don't like to go shopping, so she is very idle and troubled.

Therefore, when I heard that someone could accompany her to go shopping, I was immediately extremely happy.

The blue witch did not follow Heroes to leave, but reached out her little hand at me.

"Huh?" I looked at her puzzled.


She was justified.

"Called Heloise Flower, she is rich."

"No" The Blue Witch shook her head and said, "I want to spend my money."

I chuckled, "You are spending my money, it has nothing to do with your own money,"

"You are my fiance, and spending your money is equivalent to spending my own money."

Hey, the Blue Witch wanted to be open, but she was right.

After smiling, I took out a handful of silver coins without magic fluctuations from my pocket and handed them to her.

The blue witch calmly took the silver coin, put in her purse, and then turned to leave, her free and impatient expression, like a little girl who just asked for pocket money from her grandfather to buy sugar.

In fact, in this island town, there are really not many places to spend money, and the prices are not high, but in order to take care of the impulsive consumption that may occur, I still gave her a lot of money.

If it's finished, it's a happy picture. If it's not finished, you can spend it next time.

This should be a sentence: a lot of money, willful.

Watching the two women who were shopping with them leaving, I strolled to Xilan's room, knocked on the door, no one answered, pushed the door, and it was locked.

Probably went for a drink.

I secretly said in my heart.

Go downstairs and head towards the tavern, stopping when there are still more than ten meters away from the tavern.

Looking through the window, he froze on a gray-haired sloppy uncle who was gurgling into his mouth holding a wine glass. This person is not Xilan, but who would it be.

Shaking my head, I turned and left, heading towards the commercial street.

I don't plan to drink wine, mainly because there are too many people, very crowded, and there is no drinking atmosphere that I like.

Of course I don't want to go shopping, because there is nothing to buy.

Go to the commercial street, mainly to find a cold drink shop, buy some cold drinks, while sitting in the shade, while waiting for the sunset.

The reason why there is such a Buddhist idea is mainly because this island does not have too many places to move freely. I cannot practice the knife skills at will, nor release the killing intent at will, and there is no prey to fight, and there is no forest. visit.

In short, it is boring.

As soon as I walked out a few dozen steps, I noticed that someone was blocking the way not far ahead, so I stopped subconsciously and took a closer look. They were some ordinary-dressed adventurers, but their weapons were pretty good. They were made of stainless steel. .

Stopped and was silent for a few seconds, I asked: "How many people can ask me for something?"

"Something" said one of them humanely: "We are very interested in your guard, I don't know if we can cut love?"

Oh, it turned out to be a fancy to my guard.

"Sorry, not interested."

I waved my hand and refused.

"We can pay a lot of money, as long as you can make a price."

I opened my arms and showed the clothes on my lower body. I said lightly: "Sorry, I don't lack money."

"Then what do you need?" the man asked: "As long as you can tell, I can get it for you."

I don't believe him at all, just fart.

Although from the perspective of their weapons, I believe they have the strength and status, but they are online, and they are definitely not high.

Like in the novels and comics, the situation where the prince descends to the people is chic, although there may be, but it will never appear here, because neither the prince, the son of the lord, or even the relatives of the lord, are basically not allowed to go abroad. Out of the city, let alone come to this island like a transit station.

Some people might say that Kagali is not the daughter of the city lord, and the princess of Dasai, doesn't she run around too?

But Kagali only worked within Darcy City in the early stage. In the later stage, it was because she met me, and her father, queen and mother also knew of my existence, and realized that her daughter loved me miserably. At this point, they allowed Kagali to leave Dasai City and take an airship to Eri City to find me.

This is the case, Kagali had to keep in touch with her family through the phone crystal every once in a while.

Maybe someone else said that Bai Yunying, who is the princess of York Seoul, also escaped from York Seoul and spent a long time with me in Ai Ruicheng?

This is a good question.

That’s right, Bai Yunying left York Seoul for a while and lived with me in Ai Rui City, but the problem is that York Seoul and Ai Rui City are allies and have a very close relationship. Basically, they do not need to go through border formalities for business. Kind.

With such an iron relationship, is there any difference between Bai Yunying's in Ai Rui City and in York City?

And later, Bai Yunying was also picked up by Simmons Locke's guards.

But this island town is different. It is far away from any town. Once something happens, there is no time for rescue.

So I concluded that these people may have status, and they may even be children of aristocrats, but their status is by no means high, and at best they are the kind that are dispensable in aristocratic families.

So their various promises are not credible.

And at this moment, I don't have any mood to wrestle with them. After all, I still want to go to the cold drink shop to taste delicious and refreshing ice cream.

So I shook my head and said firmly: "If you don't sell it, you won't sell it at any price."

"Don't be so unfeeling." The man walked forward with a smile, came to a place less than two meters away from me, and whispered: "We are from aristocratic background, you know the aristocrats, that's..."

He raised his finger and pointed to the sky: "...the kind of people above, you know."

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