The cargo ship arrived in the southern mainland on the third day.

After getting off the ship and passing through the pier, there is a huge open space. The open space is full of goods to be moved and people standing on board.

Compared with this group of people and goods, our team of hundreds of people turned out to be just a small branch of this huge crowd.

No wonder Heroes is not worried about being discovered. As long as she does her internal work, this trick of fishing in troubled waters is not the best concealment method.

By the way, Heloise was still angry with me because of the incident two days ago. She always felt that I was lying to her, playing her as a fool.

The woman's temperament is small, just as small as her mind.

Passing through the crowds, there is a straight avenue. According to Heloise's men, this straight avenue leads directly to the first town on the southern continent.

After walking for more than an hour, a seemingly delicate town appeared in front of us.

It's just that we are still some distance away from the town, so we can't see it very clearly, but the general size and shape of the town can still be seen very clearly.

Resting there for a while, I took out the buns and clamped the roast beef that was already cold, and handed it to the blue witch, who ate very happily.

After eating six burritos in a row, she clapped her hands contentedly, took the water bag again, took a few mouthfuls, and hiccuped satisfiedly. Then she reached out and took out two burritos from my back bag and tore them up. Hey Tuo Tuo.

Although Tuo Tuo ate the noodles in a hurry, but his little eyes kept aiming at my backpack and showed an even more impatient attitude.

I know, it greets beef.

But I can't feed it.

It was not because I was stingy or abused it, but because it ate a large pot of seafood yesterday, and then it ran out of water and almost lost its life. This is just right. The stomach and intestines are still fragile. If there is gruel, I don't even want to feed it cakes, it's just these principles, even if I said Tuo Tuo understands it, it still can't stand the desire for meat carved in the bones of Wang Xingren.

Heroes and the others are also having breakfast. They eat the dry food they bring-brown bread, mayonnaise, butter...In short, it is a lot of high-calorie food, very suitable for long-distance expeditions, but not delicious.

When we were eating the burrito, Heloise looked very greedy, Xilan was even more greedy, and even wanted to ask me a few times, I also saw it, but since they didn’t say anything, I didn’t know. Anyway, the number of burritos is limited, so you can't serve it to'unrelated people' and suffer your own family.

If it was normal, even if Xilan couldn't pull off that old face, Heloise would come over and ask me for burrito without any bottom line. It would be impossible to grab it.

But this is not a contradiction. She is a girl, and it is always difficult for her to run to me and confess to me. Even if it is really not me who is wrong, she will never admit it.

So Baba watched me finish eating the burrito, and filled her mouth with satisfaction. She smashed the black bread into a ball, and threw it at me without paying attention.

When I turned my head, the bread ball flew out, slapped, and scattered all over the ground. Soon several stray dogs were summoned.

Tuo Tuo raised his head, glanced at the stray dogs who were constantly fighting for it, and made a snort in disdain.

It has never bothered to compare it with this group of stray dogs, because it has an owner, and it will be named the hound dog Tuo Tuo in the future!

Seeing the loss of the bread ball, Heroes immediately gritted her teeth with hatred.

Seeing this, Xi Lan felt uncomfortable, so he leaned in and asked me for burritos in a low voice.

I didn't embarrass him, rolled up two sheets and handed them to him.

Xilan nodded and thanked him, and then went back to share food with Heroes. After eating, the two felt that the taste was good.

He banged on the side beside Heroes, urging Xilan to come and ask for burrito again.

Although Xilan had a thicker skin, he did this and other things every other day, but he would be embarrassed if he turned it around, so he coughed twice, closed his eyes, and slumbered.

Heroes was so angry that she was not full and didn't want to eat brown bread, mayonnaise, or butter. After hesitating for a long time, she finally gritted her teeth and came to me, her complexion stiff, and said, "Bread."

"Huh?" I asked knowingly.

"I said... pie" she gritted her teeth: "Give me burritos."

"Hey, say it early" I rolled four cakes with a smile and handed them to her.

After taking the burrito, Heloise left without looking back, but she seemed to be in a good mood.

After the break, we continued on our way.

During this period, the Blue Witch was a little unhappy. After all, it is not her strong point to keep on the road. If possible, she prefers to ride.

So I tried to communicate with Heroes, can I rent a few cars.

Heloise rolled her eyes: "It's easy to rent a car. What about the goods? Also, what merchant do you see who can transport so many goods on a truck? Shouldn't you lose money?"


Heloise makes sense.

The biggest thing in the eyes of businessmen is profit. Even if they suffer some hardship, they are willing. If they hire a car, they are most likely to be suspected. After all, it is not cheap to hire a car, and with so many goods, so many people... ...

Thinking about it this way, I understood the meticulousness of Heroes' work.

In that case, no more rides.

Turning back, I explained everything to the Blue Witch. The Blue Witch was a little unhappy and wanted to rent a car with me to rest, but this was a collective action. Once there were individual actions, it would affect morale and unity, so I had to Good words to persuade.

Fortunately, the Blue Witch is not an unreasonable person, but because she is not used to making small tempers, when the small tempers pass, she naturally calms down.

After returning for nearly an hour, we finally arrived in the town. When we entered the door, we showed the voucher and stuffed a few copper coins to the guard.

Even though there were only a few copper coins, it was a very expensive tip, and the soldiers gladly let us go.

After entering the city, we were careful along the way and tried our best to avoid fighting, and finally sent the goods to the branch of the Oathguard Organization in this town.

The head of the branch went out to greet him personally, and after the introduction, welcomed us into the office warmly.

This leader is also very good at life. Knowing that Heroes is a child rejected by the family, she still shows enthusiasm and respect, without half adulteration, which is extremely rare.

But if you think about it, you can figure out the key points. Although Heroes is not valued by the family, she has not been expelled from the family and still has the right to inherit.

Who can guarantee that in the future the top spot of the Oath Guardian organization is not hers?

So, if you can make a good relationship as much as possible, try to make a good relationship, bow your head, say something soft, and don't make the other party disgust you, and everything will be fine.

This is wisdom, mortal wisdom, and practical wisdom.

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