I didn't ask for the name of this southern town specifically, but the appearance of its facilities made me refreshing.

Unlike northern towns, southern towns have closer and more refined buildings.

The distance between residential houses is only one meter, and the distance between shops and restaurants is only two meters. With such a distance, it is difficult to walk side by side.

But there are some advantages, that is, there are not so many locomotives blocking the road.

Speaking of it, in the streets and alleys of some northern cities and towns, after the locomotive blocks the way, the remaining distance is less than one meter, and sometimes you have to squeeze away from the lights.

Although there is no traffic jam at the corridor entrance, the vehicles such as locomotives are all transferred to a few large parking lots within the town, or parking lots outside the city.

It can be seen that the parking lot in the city, especially some parking lots that seem to be in a good location, are not very dense, and some parking spaces are even vacant, while those parking spaces that are not well located are crowded, say yes. The car is crowded, and the car can't be too much.

The parking lot outside the city has much fewer vehicles than the parking lot inside the city, and it is also much cheaper, and there are many unsightly scratches or dents on some car bodies.

Probably it was caused by some bad people with evil thoughts, or it was damaged by some beasts and birds walking outside the city, but there is no way, who said that the parking lot outside the city is not under the jurisdiction.

Free, there are some problems after all, which cannot be avoided.

Fortunately, Heroes didn’t obey me and had to persuade me to buy a car. Otherwise, where would this car park?

When I think of this question, I feel a little embarrassed, haha, I am shortsighted.

Apart from the differences in foreign objects, southern towns are also different from northern towns in terms of food, or daily life, especially food.

Northern cities and towns pay more attention to flavored foods. Generally, there are more seasonings. Spicy and other refreshing, sweat-wicking and digestive foods are usually put in every meal, and there are a lot of them.

Unlike the southern cities and towns, the people here are all lighter in taste, and it cannot be said that they are all lighter. It can only be said that they don’t like too many flavors and seasonings. In contrast, they prefer light and sweet foods. Especially sweets are almost a must.

These people, add sugar to soup, add sugar to cakes, add sugar to porridge, and even add sugar to alcohol. They are also called sweet wine.

I took a sip, didn't like it, it was dying, and I ran six tanks of water to dilute the strong sweetness.

The Blue Witch is the same as me. She doesn’t like the food here. Compared to sweet ones, she prefers spicy ones. So she only ate a few slices of biscuits and stopped. Then she pulled my hand and kept on me. Write in the palm of your hand: Cook me barbecue tonight.

I nodded vaguely, before she let go of her hand, her face was calm, as if nothing had happened.

The same as the Blue Witch is Heroes. This girl is also not used to sweets, but she doesn't like spicy food, but sweet wine is more suitable for her taste.

This woman who usually only has a drink, has killed four bottles of sweet wine today.

Although the sweet wine's degree is not high, it has a strong stamina. As soon as this stamina comes up, Heloise can't resist it, and she plops on the table and stops.

Fortunately, this is the nest of the Oath Guards organization branch. If it is an enemy camp, it would be strange if she hadn't been arrested. Even Xilan could not keep her.

In other words, Xilan is very accustomed to the life here, whether it is food, wine, customs and culture.

It’s right to think about it. Xilan was on his way to exile, but spent a long time in southern towns. Not only did he taste the southern cuisine, but he also tasted the local customs here. I just don’t know if he was merciful during this period. Some descendants or something.

Seeing Xilan's serious appearance, it doesn't look like it, but who knows the real situation?

Don't tell me that for these tens of millions of years, Alice was thinking about Xilan's head. I don't believe that.

If he was really so infatuated, when I persuaded him to return to Hefeng Mainland, he would definitely agree on the spot without saying anything.

The reason for hesitating, procrastinating, and silent escape is because his feelings for Alice are changing. This is an unavoidable fact-long-distance relationships rarely have good results, not to mention so many light years away. .

This is also the reason why I want to bring the Blue Witch back to the Hefeng Continent. Even if something happens to the Blue Witch and I have children, once I haven't been with her for too long, I will gradually become emotionally strange.

Don't mention that I and Bai Yunying, or I and Kagali were separated for so long, why the relationship is still strong, even better than before, for a few years, it is not called a long separation, this is called Xiaobie wins newlyweds.

I mean long, in ten years as a unit, or perhaps in a hundred years.

Some people will also say that Alice has been suffering and waiting for tens of millions of years, hasn't she still missed Xilan?

I just want to say that it is because there is no outstanding man who can be worthy of Alice. Believe it or not, if during this period, suddenly a talented and handsome, rich and enemy country, knowledgeable, courageous and capable Man, came to Alice and greeted her with warmth. He has been the same for decades, caring for her, protecting her, loving her, thinking what she thinks, I don’t believe Alice will not be captured!

In this case, probably only Phoenix will not be captured. After all, Phoenix is ​​a pure thread in feelings. Look for it, and will not let go for a lifetime, just like her feelings for her master, even if sometimes Today, her master has been missing for more than ten years, and she still adheres to her original intentions, she must find her, regardless of life or death.

This persistence is not something that everyone can do. It is also one of the memorials for Phoenix to be able to stabilize his sister's status in the family.

Speaking of this, I want to try to attack Alice again, because the attack on Alice means that Saran and Socia are very likely to be attacked by me.

Don't think this is the problem of three people. After tens of millions of years of precipitation, these three people who are inseparable have long been like one person. As long as any one of them is captured, the other two will easily be captured.

As for why the three women were captured, the reasons I mentioned before, I won’t go into details here.

After lunch, I went back to the hotel with Blue Witch, Tuotuo, and Xilan.

Along the way, I ran into a few people who didn't open their eyes, but after being cleaned up by us, no one would trouble us anymore.

After returning to the hotel, I asked the owner of the hotel for something like a grill, went back to the room, set up the stove, and remembered that I had to go down again without buying the ingredients.

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