The People Walking in Dungeons are surely not Normal

Chapter 3095: Each has its own merits

I am not a bronze man with steel and iron bones, and even if I am a bronze man, if I can move, I will not keep my hand if I meet someone who cuts without saying a word.

Just don’t understand, I’m just doing it, so why should I be judged?

Thinking of this, I became more assertive, firstly because of the legitimate defense, and secondly because of the opponent's first move, and in the end they all couldn't beat me - except for Xilan.

But I think Xilan should not be able to do anything, at least not to fight with me over trivial matters.

Sure enough, when the head of the branch and Heroes questioned me, Xi Lan actually fell asleep.

‘Heroes, have you seen it? Xilan dozed off on such a serious occasion! ’

I really wanted to scream like that, but thinking of the trouble that might be caused, I stopped this stupid behavior again.

The questioning, like interrogation, continues, but my attitude is clear: I killed people, but I am a legitimate defense. When a stranger looks at you with a knife, do you let the other party cut it?

In the end, under my refusal to admit that I was wrong, the questioning ended.

There was no conviction, no trial, but the Blue Witch and I were expelled-from the Oath Guard Organization branch.

After one night, I bought a locomotive and got into the car with the blue witch holding the tuo. Heloise came to the car with a contradictory expression, and finally tried to convince me again.

But how can my character be easily persuaded, especially when I am still in the right position,

When I was about to start the locomotive, Xilan held the window of the car: "Next, what are your plans?"

Although the words were asking me what I had planned, I knew that he was asking me if I would still participate in the raid on Weeping Eye Held.

"I will stay for a few days in the residence near the ancient library headquarters."

Xilan was taken aback when he heard the words, and quickly reacted, nodded at me, said cherished words, and watched us leave.

On the way, the Blue Witch threw Tuo Tuo back to the back seat, pouting her mouth, and grumbled: "What a bunch of unreasonable bastards!"

Glancing at her, seeing her cheeks bulging like a hamster, she couldn't help but smile: "You have to understand, they are also thinking about their status. If we don't care about what we do, not only is the organization of the oath guards here? Members of the Ministry will be dissatisfied in their hearts and even have disputes, which will eventually turn into mutiny, and other members of the Oath-Guardian organization will also rebel. Before long, this huge organization may fall apart."

"Is it so serious?"

The blue witch frowned, but she didn't believe it.

"I'm just talking a little bit more exaggerated, this organization should not collapse, but the position of the branch leader is about to change, and the manpower that Heloise is so easy to win will also alienate her from this."

Having said that, I sighed softly and said, "That's why I don't want to join those large organizations. I will always be subject to various restrictions because of these and other messy things."

"Listen to you, you are also a person of great status in Hefeng Continent, do you have a similar organization under your hand?"

"No" I shook my head: "Apart from those false names, I am just the president of a small guild, and the members of the guild are all my family members."

"Then do I want to join that guild?" The Blue Witch tilted her head and asked.

From the gaze she looked at me, I felt a little worried.

Smiling and holding her small hand in the palm of my hand, I smiled and said: "Don't think too much, don't worry, the guild is our home, since it is a home, apart from some inevitable minor constraints, it is still very free."

"Inevitable small constraints?" The Blue Witch tentatively asked: "For example..."

"For example, wash your hands before and after meals, and don't touch food with dark oily claws."

"I won't!"

The Blue Witch said with anger.

While speaking, she stretched out her left hand and looked over and over again: "Such a small white hand is not a black oily claw."

I can't help but smile.

When the locomotive traveled halfway, it was night.

Rushing at night is not safe, and it is easy to get tired, so I gave up on the road and took a rest in a few cars with the blue witch.

Before the break, I did not forget the dinner.

Collect a pile of dead branches and leaves, take out the iron shelf, set up a temporary stove, put the pot on it, pour water, light a fire, and boil water.

After a few minutes, the water boiled.

Take out the cut pieces of meat and put them in the pot. When they are half cooked, serve.

The white slices of meat and green vegetables echo each other in the fire, weaving a delicious soup.

When the meat and vegetables are almost cooked, slowly sprinkle some seasonings into it.

The seasoning thrown into the soup pot is like a stone thrown into the sea, and it disappears in an instant, and only a little foam is left, which is proof that it once existed.

When the dishes are no longer bright and dripping, and gradually become darker, turn off the heat immediately, put the pot and cover.

Then take out a saucepan, put oil on, continue to light the fire, when the oil boils, put the steak on.

With the sound of the sound, golden oil dripping continuously, some jumped onto the steak, attached to it, and continued to dance, some jumped out of the pot, moisturizing the soil.

During the jumping of the oil drop, the color of the steak gradually changed from dark red to lighter, lighter lighter, darker again, and deeper and deeper, then the fire was turned off, red wine was poured, the juice was collected, and the pot was raised.

When the steak temperature is just right, sprinkle a pool of pepper sauce on top of two slices of vegetables.

Then, he took a small table from the car, put it on a plate, served the soup, took out two chicken drumsticks, put them in the pot, used the remaining heat, and fry them for a while, and you're done.

Of course, it is impossible to fry raw meat with the residual heat of the pot, and we don't like to eat raw meat. This chicken drumstick is not raw meat, but a roasted chicken drumstick that has already been bought, but it just got cold midway.

By the moonlight and smelling the fragrance of the green grass, I sat opposite the blue witch and had a moonlight dinner.

As for Tuo Tuo, I fed it a cold roasted chicken drumstick. After all, dogs cannot eat hot food, it will hurt their tongue.

Apart from food, I did not forget to open a bottle of red wine.

This is a fine wine purchased from a tobacco and alcohol specialty store in the town. The texture is naturally not as good as the fine wine in the wine town, but it is never inferior. At least it is better than the fake wine that other pubs serve us. Superb.

The blue witch does not drink often, but it does not mean that she does not drink, on the contrary, she also has a favorite wine, which is the fruit wine made by the monkeys in the forest.

The degree is not high, neither spicy nor sweet, but a bit sour and sweet, like plum wine, but it tastes different from plum wine, each with its own advantages.

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