Although the physical method of falling asleep works, the sequelae are quite scary.

Early the next morning, I was violently beaten by the blue witch who woke up.

Although the blue witch has a weaker body, she is also an adventurer above level ten, and the damage caused by the small punch is still very objective.

After holding the head rat for an hour, the blue witch finally stopped, and the main reason for the disappearance was hungry.

As we all know, the only thing that can stop the violent behavior of eating goods is the option of being hungry.

And the only violent behavior that can provoke foodies is the option of being hungry.

The former is to give her enough food, the latter is to prevent her from eating good food.

Look, it's that simple to control a foodie.

Although my cooking skills are not good, it is still more than enough to satisfy the blue witch's taste buds.

After eating the food, the blue witch stopped immediately, still lying on the bed lazily, like a lazy cat.

Shaking my head helplessly, I went downstairs to the door and said hello to the boss who had just woke up from the hangover.

"Yeah, I just woke up."

I laughed.

The boss pinched the bridge of his nose, looked at my eyes, and said with a smile: "It's better to be a young man. The hangover has recovered so quickly."

"You are not too old" I said with a smile: "You are in your prime of life, and I am not actually drunk, so what about a hangover?"

"What?" the boss exclaimed, "Are you not drunk?"

"Yes, I'm not drunk" I said seriously.

"My dear, how much drinker you are!" the boss was surprised.

"It's just a little bit bigger than ordinary people..."

"Slightly bigger?" The boss shook his head and said in disbelief: "Don't tease me. Among ordinary people, even if I drink a lot, you are even bigger than mine. What do you say? Is it a little bigger?"

"Actually, it's really just, big...billion points."

"Okay, I won't be arguing with you anymore." The boss poured a cup of tea, poured another cup for me, pushed over, and said, "If you live in the store these days, don't pay."

"You are so generous."

I smiled.

"Fart, how generous I am, I have always been calculating in the eye of a needle. If I can earn one more copper coin, I will resolutely earn a copper coin. Others call me a miser, but you call me generous."

"That's because they can't know people with their eyes." I said with a smile: "Your hotel is the best in town, and the room I live in is the best in the hotel. You can save the money for the hotel behind me. It is not generous, and What is it?"

"Don't say that." The boss smiled and waved his hand, and said, "I did this, but I just want to give the group of unscrupulous little money, it has nothing to do with others."

Hearing what he said, I figured out something wrong.

Looking around, there was no one, so he lowered his voice and asked, "Are you planning to leave?"

"Yes." The boss nodded: "What you said yesterday woke me up. Even if I continue to do it, the industry will eventually return to the city lord and nobles. Why don't you let it go early so that you can go to Lincheng for a certain way out."

"Then do you have a settlement allowance?" I curiously asked, "Is it enough for a small business?"

"There is definitely there, but not much, but if you rent an ordinary room, it is still enough."

"Do you have a plan?" I asked again: "When do you plan to leave?"

"Wait for a while," the boss sighed: "If you leave at this time, you may be suspicious of the noble master."

"That's right." I nodded in agreement: "After all, not long after the assassination happened, the whole city is full of rumors. Unless the real murderer is caught, anyone is likely to be suspected."

"I think so."

The boss shook his head helplessly, picked up the tea cup, and took a sip.

I also drank a few sips of tea. The taste was light and average, but it was quite fragrant.

Outside the hotel and on the streets, many adventurers are still fighting to death. Perhaps for them, the meaning of survival is to fight each other, fight, fight to the death, and become the last survivor.

This is cruel, but it is inevitable, because they are just the weakest group in the organization, and they are also the group with the lowest status, and they are insignificant.

Only by surviving, will it be possible to be favored by the organization and become the one to be cultivated.

Just as I was watching the battle with gusto, the phone in my pocket suddenly rang.

Picking it up, it turned out that it was Heroes calling.

After connecting, I smiled and said hello: "Hello."

"Hello" Heroes said: "Is it An Xiaoyi?"

"it's me."

"Where are you now?"

This question puzzles me, because I don't know what the name of the town is, so I turned to ask the boss, and after getting the answer, I replied to Heroes.

After the latter listened, there was silence in the microphone. After a while, she said, "Why did you run behind us?"

"I don't know what's going on," I said innocently: "I really want to ask you, why did you run ahead of me?"

As a result, when I asked this question, I also asked Heroes.

After a long silence, she said: "Can you come over now? I'll wait for you in the next town."

"I'm afraid it won't work."

"Any questions?"

"This city is closed."

Then, I recounted what happened the day before yesterday. After hearing this, Heloise said fiercely: "Damn, why is there a problem at this time!"

"Is there something wrong with you?" I asked curiously.

"Something's wrong," Heloise said, "We were ambushed by the Haxiu faction halfway through. Many people were injured and needed care."

It turned out to be a temporary nurse.

"Where is Xilan?" I asked.

"He is sticking to his guard post, he hasn't closed his eyes all night."

When Heloise said this, she was obviously distressed.

"Although I sympathize with your experience, but...I can't go over the wall and go out. Now the wind is tight, and any wind and grass may cause trouble."

Heloise sighed deeply when she heard the words, and said, "I would have taken you with me and set off, so I can have a look after, hey."

"Don't be so discouraged. It's not a dead end without a solution." I comforted: "No matter how arrogant the Haxiu faction is, it can't attack the organization branch. That is tantamount to provoking a full-scale war. It is a fool's approach. "

"The Shaxiu faction is definitely not a fool," said the blue witch: "But they must be mad. They may not attack the organization branch, but they will surround the branch. Don't talk about people, just don't even a bird. I want to fly out!"

"Isn't that just right" I said: "In this way, you can also wait for us to pass."

"Now that time is so tight, how can we stop moving forward?" The Blue Witch retorted.

"But even if you don't stop, what's the point?" I asked, "Kill out and fight the Shaxiu faction to the death? Or break through the siege and continue to act according to your plan? Don't be naive, since the Shaxiu faction can besiege You, it means that they have a certain understanding of your whereabouts, and may even know the purpose of your trip."

People who like to walk in dungeons are not normal, please collect: ( People who walk in dungeons are not normal. The literature is updated the fastest.

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