When Heloise heard this, she was anxious: "Is there a ghost in my people?"

Seeing her lost sense, I quickly reminded: "You are gaffe, Heroise."

"I am sorry."

"You don't need to apologize to me" I said: "What I said just now is just a guess. There is no real basis for it, and..."

"I think it's very unlikely that there will be a ghost in your subordinates."

"What...what do you mean?" Heloise asked puzzledly.

"Very simple" I said: "If there is a real ghost and you know the purpose of your trip, I believe that not only will the people of the Haxiu faction not stop you, they will even let you and your team go all the way instead of chasing and blocking them. "


"Because what you have to deal with is the apostle, and the second apostle known as the ancestor of magic. To be honest, even I am not optimistic about your conquest. That is the apostle, the ceiling of the demon world, as long as If you play normally, you can destroy any team like yours anytime and anywhere. How can those who fear not chaos give up such a good time?"

Heroes' voice trembled suddenly: "Don't you even think about you?"

"Huh?" I heard the disagreement: "So, besides me, there are other people who are not optimistic about you?"

After a moment of silence, Heloise said: "Yes, my father just called me on the phone not long ago, and he is not optimistic."

"It's no wonder," I said: "After all, the opponent is an apostle. If you can't gather the power of the entire organization, how can you defeat the opponent?"

"This revolution must be carried out!"

Heloise said firmly.

I didn't refute her beliefs, but instead asked: "What do you think will happen if you fail?"

"Fail..." Heloise's voice trembled slightly: "That is... the battlefield of death."

"No, no, you won't die, you certainly won't die."

I repeatedly denied.

"how is this possible?"

"Because you are a descendant of the Niu, because you have the blood of the Niu family flowing in your body, because you are also the spokesperson of the Oathguard Organization."

"You mean... the spokesperson?" Heloise denied: "No, I'm going from a personal standpoint."

"You are really a naive girl" I helplessly smiled: "Even if you really only represent you personally, but I ask you, who would believe it?"

There was silence over the microphone.

"Let me tell you, no one will believe it, do you know why?"


"Because the blood of Niu is flowing in your body" I said: "And Niu has a great influence in the devil world."

"Unless you can erase the blood of the nun in your body, you will never be able to ask the Oathguard to organize the name of the spokesperson. Then I ask you, can you erase the blood?"

Heloise was silent for a while, and said: "No."

"That's it" I said: "Since it cannot be erased, you will not be able to get rid of the identity of the spokesperson of the Oath of the Guardian organization, and your trip, whether it is a revolution or a challenge to the second apostle, is to defend Do you think that if the Xiu faction knew the purpose of your trip, what would you do?"

"Will... release it unconditionally."

"Okay, then I will answer your second question."

"Nowadays, the Oath-Guardian organization does not have a strong presence that can match the apostles with personal strength, but it is one of the six organizations after all. Its sphere of influence covers the entire demon world. Once the second apostle does your hand, it will mean challenging the whole The face of the Niwu family is even challenging the face of the Oathguard organization. I believe that soon, all the Oathguard organizations will initiate more violent retaliatory behaviors. By then, the demon world that has been built up to this day will fall into The abyss that cannot be restored, I think, this is not what the Second Apostle wants to see."

"So, as long as the second apostle doesn't want to destroy the demon world, you will be fine."

Heloise fell silent again, and when she spoke again, she seemed to feel much lighter: "If this is the case, it will be fine."

After that, it was useless for the two of us to talk for a while, but it was more about the assassination the day before yesterday.

Heloise used her noble thoughts to suspect that this matter was most likely done by the enemy of the noble master.

But I don't believe this conjecture, nor do I think it might happen.

First of all, the noble lords are very close to the city lord, and they are also the top nobles in the town. The average murderer must not dare to take this list, otherwise it is very likely that the list will not be completed, but will take themselves in.

Secondly, if the murderer really cares about money, he can expose the report to the noble master. Think about it. If you report a person who wants to assassinate the noble master, is there more to be gained than helping this person to kill the noble master, and it is risky Still low?

In the end, the person who assassinated the aristocratic master must have been paying attention to the aristocratic master's life and travel, and knew his situation very well, otherwise he would not bombard the aristocratic master's room with such precision.

Such a judgment, I suspect, was done by the noble master, but there is no evidence.

After hearing this, Heloise also felt that it was possible, and then she said several kinds of her own speculations, some of them were very distinctive, some were very routine, and some were purely fanciful.

After the chat, Heloise's chatting was gone, and she said goodbye to me, and hung up the call.

Putting away the mobile phone and returning to the hotel, the boss was still tasting tea. Seeing me back, he poured out the tea in my cup and poured new tea again, saying: "This is yours?"

As he spoke, he held out his little finger.

I shook my head: "No, just ordinary friends."

The boss looked ambiguous and didn't believe it at all.

"Really" I explained: "She has a boyfriend and is a very strong adventurer."

The boss stared at me earnestly for a few seconds, then shook his head regretfully.

I secretly said in my heart: You who don’t know the situation, sorry for the wool, at home, but another group of fiancees are waiting for me. If I abduct a few more from the devil world, I believe that as soon as I go home, I will be ruthless by my fiancees. Trial.

But I didn't say this to the boss, because the boss looked like an honest sorrow, the kind who has a good job and has a lot of thieves in his heart.

Once I talked to him about my family situation, he would be envious and jealous, so the rent for the past few days is probably inevitable.

After that, I chatted with my boss for a while, the main content revolved around the future life after moving.

Although it is just an imagination, it can be regarded as a plan for the future.

Some questions can be considered in advance to avoid stubbornness when the problem comes.

The boss is also very happy to chat with me silly. After all, the two idlers have no interests and come from different towns. Even if they say something rebellious, they don't have to worry about being shaken out.

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