The restaurant fell silent again.

Except for breathing, no sound can be heard.

After a long while, a clear metal sound rang, it was the sound of the sword landing.

Then there was a similar but different voice.

When the weapon of the last guard landed, within one meter of me, it became a vacuum zone.

Whether it is a guard, a restaurant owner, a chef, a lobby manager, a waiter, or a group of guests, they all look at me with monster eyes.

It's no wonder they would look at me with such a look, turning me into a twist with their bare hands. This scene is comparable to dismantling a Gundam with bare hands on a blue planet.

"Who else wants to kill me on the spot?"

I asked in a deep voice.

This time, no one spoke, and even the most ferocious guard leader who had previously called was silent.

What else?

Ordinary people in a room, confront a monster who can pinch oathlon with bare hands?

If such an order is really given, even if we leave alive this time, is it still possible to convince people in the future?

Moreover, do you think that the chief who is in vain to take his life, will anyone regard such a person as a chief?

The silence of the guard leader made the entire restaurant extremely depressed.

The long swords scattered all over the ground, the long swords stuck in the door, and the shan copper long sword held in twists became the last straw that crushed the courage of everyone in the restaurant to resist.

No one thinks about whether to resist and try again. Everyone is trembling, like a mans back, for fear that any action will offend me and be killed again.

Seeing everyone had closed their mouths, I nodded in satisfaction, and said, "Since no one is speaking, I assume that I have no plans to kill me on the spot. Then, let's talk about the conditions we made earlier. ."

After finishing speaking, I looked at the terrified and horrified middle-aged uncle: "Are you the boss here?"


The middle-aged uncle who was no longer arrogant, even became stammered when speaking, and his body that looked rather sturdy could not stop shaking.

"I didn't intend to make enemies with you. I just felt that the food was unpalatable and wanted an apology. However, you have been aggressive again and again, so I have to make this move. I hope to forgive me for the offense."

In the restaurant, a crowd of people waited and looked at each other. Isn't this nonsense? The knives are on their necks. Who dares to forgive me?

But thinking about it, no one dared to say this.

In a depressed atmosphere, I set out my conditions one by one.

Money and the like are not very attractive to me, so I just choose to skip it.

Of course, skipping does not mean not mentioning it, but the Blue Witch. Although she is not very interested in money, she is quite concerned about buying delicious things. The relationship is clear, I believe she will estimate a good price.

As for me, I have no plan to beat this restaurant to death. No matter how common the dishes here are, and no matter how bad the chef's service attitude is, this is after all the way people operate. As an outsider, I will give advice. Point, it is impolite behavior.

So most of my requests are related to intelligence.

Of course, direct inquiries about intelligence are not acceptable. After all, restaurant owners and others are all identifiable people. Once the intention of inquiring about intelligence is too exposed, it will arouse their suspicion, and even the content of the information obtained may be fake.

Unless you are hitting an information station, false information is worthless.

Therefore, in the process of inquiring about intelligence, I have to entrain more irrelevant factors to confuse the audience and divert attention.

These skills are all learned from the boss of Rennes. He told me that the best way to deal with nobles is to cover up and cover up irrelevant information with the most rigorous means. In this way, you can Completely lure the nobles' sight to the irrelevant information.

This situation occurs mainly because the more cunning and vigilant nobles, the more suspicious, and the more suspicious people, the more eager to learn the most protected intelligence.

Regardless of whether it is a nobleman or a commoner, there is the same misunderstanding of thinking, that is, the more closely guarded intelligence is, the greater the value.

In most cases, this kind of thinking is correct, but once in an abnormal situation, this kind of misunderstanding of thinking will become the best breakthrough for getting information.

It is precisely because of the instruction of Boss Rennes that I deliberately put the intention of inquiring into intelligence aside, and regarded the gossip of some great nobles as the main purpose of interrogation.

Doing so will give them an illusion: I am in the ordinary class, in order to enter the upper class society, and continue to collect the lace gossip and scandals of the nobles.

When this illusion gradually took shape and penetrated into the body, my goal was achieved.

When I mentioned the lace gossip and scandal-related issues of the nobles, these people dare not keep their mouths open, but they all have erratic eyes when answering. It looks like they are afraid and not knowing what to do, but in fact they are racking their brains. Fabricate lies.

But when I asked about the information related to the town, their answer almost blurted out without hesitation.

As we all know, lies also need to be fabricated, thought and scrutinized. Lies that come with open mouths are often unable to withstand scrutiny. Only after brain screening and short-term scrutiny can lies can barely withstand scrutiny.

In such an atmosphere where life is hanging by a thread, it is unrealistic to spend a long time making up lies. Therefore, they must either use their wits, make up lie that is full of loopholes and kill their lives at once, or they will tell the truth. Explain everything you know.

Obviously, these people already have their own ideas.

In terms of lace gossip and scandals that I am particularly concerned about, they fabricated all kinds of falsehoods, but in terms of intelligence that I am not concerned about, they chose to speak frankly and without concealment.

And this is exactly the result I want.

When the information was collected, I gave the home court to the Blue Witch with satisfaction, and she asked for it.

And the request of the Blue Witch seemed very funny to me.

She asked the restaurant owner and all the nobles present to contribute the most precious ingredients in the family.

Just when I thought that such a funny request would be questioned by everyone present, I suddenly found that everyone present was shocked, then very flattering, and respectfully agreed to the request of the Blue Witch.

This plunged me into deep contemplation.

Why is it so?

Just when I was confused by this totally unconventional plot, Master Dewey's call answered all my doubts.

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