What is the top nobility?

The so-called top aristocracy is an ethnic group that far surpasses others regardless of status, status, property, or education.

For people living in this class, the pursuit of perfection is the way to survive.

Among these top aristocrats, some pursue the ultimate wealth, some seek supreme status, some seek infinite knowledge... and the Blue Witch asked everyone present to put the most expensive ingredients in their family This kind of **** is precisely the performance of pursuing the ultimate gourmet.

And this is also in line with the status of a top nobleman.

Many of the people present at the time were of noble origin. Their families may be far from the top aristocratic ranks, but the education they received had a method of distinguishing top aristocrats from ordinary nobles.

Presumably, at the moment when the Blue Witch said that she wanted ingredients, in the eyes of these people, the shadow of the top nobles completely overlapped with her.

"That's it."

I looked dazed and nodded again and again.

Speaking of which, this is really crooked.

Early the next morning, when the Blue Witch wore another set of expensive long skirts and walked side by side with me on the street, the nobles I saw yesterday, as well as the head of the guard and some of the guards, as well as the restaurant owner, and even the fat chef and The front desk manager, all surrounded by big bags and small bags, respectfully offered the things they brought with both hands.

The Blue Witch didn't even look at them, she just frowned slightly, and whispered in a disgusting tone: "It's so annoying, it's blocking my way."

As soon as these words came out, the group of people took the initiative to stand in two rows and gave up the middle position.

Not only was the passer-by stunned by this move, even the adventurers who were fighting on the street stopped the fight and stayed where they were with a dumbfounded look.

When passing by these people, I accepted the top ingredients one by one with no expression, and walked proudly behind the blue witch.

But this time, my arrogant and indifferent attitude did not cause anyone's dissatisfaction. They all watched the blue witch leave with a more respectful look, and when they retracted their gazes, they did not forget to cast me awe.

Perhaps in their opinion, I am just the blue witch's bodyguard, and I am also a specially hired super thug, otherwise, how could it be possible to easily shock everyone without using weapons.

In constant misunderstandings, the Blue Witch and I ended our trip to this town.

Riding the locomotive, we left unrestrainedly, leaving this town only legend and loneliness.

On the way, the blue witch showed off her acting skills to me, and proudly accepted my praise of her.

Seeing her holding up her chest and raising her head with a proud expression, I couldn't help but think of the fairy tale "The Proud Peacock" I had heard. I wonder if the blue witch will be like a peacock, because she is too proud and suffers serious damage. frustration.

Although I am very dissatisfied with her proud attitude, I still pray that she will not suffer setbacks. After all, she is my fiancee. After all, she has suffered so much.

During the break, I made an expensive dish of the blue planet-steamed shark fin, based on memory.

The reason why it is expensive is mainly because the price of shark fin has been fired up on the blue planet.

When the hot steamed shark fin came out, the blue witch couldn't wait to taste it first, and then said to me with disappointment: "It's not delicious."


To be honest, I have never eaten shark fin, but it is said that it should be delicious. Why is it not delicious?

So I also filled the bowl.

The result is the same as the blue witch said, shark fin, not tasty.

In fact, strictly speaking, it is not bad, but it has no taste.

Yes, you are not mistaken, shark fin has no taste at all.

"Sorry, I didn't expect it to tasteless."

I apologized, I swallowed the shark fin in the bowl with a wry smile, and then took out some seasoning from the trunk and put it in it.

After cooking again, the blue witch really showed a satisfied expression, and quickly dried out a whole pot of steamed shark fin.

As for Tuotuo, it is not so lucky. Steamed shark fin does not have its share, but the top-quality air-dried ham has its share.

I cut a large slice and threw it to Tuo Tuo. What it eats is called a Huan, and it gnaws it is called a fierce. I am worried that its few puppy teeth will be lost, but fortunately, it has good teeth. The competition with hard-dried ham is only shocking, but not dangerous.

After lunch, we continued on our way and arrived at the next town before dusk the next day.

As soon as the room was booked, the phone rang, and when I took it out, it was Heloise who called.

The blue witch doesn’t like Heroes, so she urges me not to answer the phone, but as a man, it’s impolite to refuse female calls. Besides, Heroes doesn’t go to the Palace of Three Treasures, so she can call me this time. There must be a reason for the call.

After connecting and confirming that it was me, Heloise directly complained to me: "Are you and the Blue Witch playing aristocrats in XXX City?"

I was stunned when I heard that, because I didn't hear the name of the town clearly, and I never remembered which town I passed, so I didn't react for a while.

It took a full half a minute before I recollected it. Yes, I played a nobleman with the Blue Witch, but only passively... How did Heroes know? Yeah! Our business, shouldn't it happen?

Thinking of this, I hurriedly asked Heloise, "What do you know?"

"All" Herois said: "Why are you so courageous? How dare you play the role of a nobleman, and you are still a top nobleman?"

"We are not to blame" I immediately clarified: "The reason for this is this..."

When I finished talking about the causes and consequences of the matter, Heloise groaned helplessly and said, "You guys..."

"What's the situation now?" I asked curiously.

"What else?" Heloise said in a huff: "The nobles in the whole city have been bombed, where can you post your wanted warrant now?"

I suddenly couldn't laugh or cry: "This...is it guilty? Isn't it just some top ingredients?"

"It's guilty," Herois said: "Those are precious ingredients treasured by the noble family, each of which is invaluable. As a result, I was fooled by you. If you replace it with who, will you not be angry?"

"This... hey" I was also very speechless, but since the ingredients are in my pocket, it is impossible to return them.

"Since you are wanted, let's do it. Anyway, I have nothing to fear. The big deal is to take the blue witch on the road."

"It won't be enough," Heloise said suddenly: "It's just an ordinary-level wanted order. The case you did is not enough for the Demon Realm wanted order."

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