"So you already thought of this layer" Casillas grinned.

Between the smiles, full of disdain.

"It is indeed a good calculation to use the prestige of assassinating the apostles without dying to become famous in the devil world."

"After all, in the devil world, human beings who dare to challenge the apostles are tantamount to challenging the gods" I said lightly: "Ordinary people with this qualification may be equivalent to a deadly weapon, and they may be madly mad at anytime and anywhere. The elements are killed, but the people with identity are different. They can use this qualification as a stepping stone and become a superior link. In time, even if they cannot inherit the general rule, they can rely on this qualification to firmly occupy a place in the organization."

"Listening to this, you seem to have a high status on your planet."

"It's okay," I said: "After all, humans were my only identity before the weight of the goblin was really hammered, and I was still a powerless person. I didn't bother to think about how to survive. , It can only become a stepping brick and paving stone for others."

"That's right," Casillas said lightly: "No matter where you are, it's the same. Those who have no strength can only survive and live. If you want to live freely and happily, you can only become stronger and stronger, until Be the strongest."

After speaking, he turned his head and looked to the southeast of the Demon Realm.

Following his gaze, it continued to extend until thousands of miles away. There was a huge town named Brooklyn. In the center of the town, there was an equally huge square. This square was called the largest association square in the Devildom. , On the throne in the center of the square, a humanoid creature with a full body armor and a mask concealed its face, sitting quietly on it.

This humanoid creature, when sitting still, looks like a statue. Only the waves of magic that flow from his body from time to time confirm that he is not a sculpture, but a living creature.

According to legend, this humanoid has not moved for a thousand years.

Had it not been for the magical fluctuations that were still intense and frightening, he would have long known how much guano dust would fall on him.

If so, his body is still covered with a thick layer of dust.

This humanoid creature is the first apostle of the Demon Realm, and is known as the strongest in the Demon Realm, the Destiny Kahn.

For Casillas, Kahn is not only the strongest demon's first apostle, but also the opponent he most wants to challenge and defeat, and at the same time, his demon.

On the way back, Casillas said to me: "Your choice is very wise, and your approach is very smart."


I was confused by his thoughtless words.

Casillas ignored me and continued to say to herself: "Although Herder is dismissive of humans, she even hates humans snatching anything from her, whether it is living or inanimate. Whether it's a small button or a living human being."

"So" he turned to me and said, "If you enter the ancient library alone and take away the naughty Becky, then you can see that it will be extremely difficult in the days to come."

"It shouldn't be that serious," I said: "As long as I save Becky, I will open the portal and leave here as soon as possible."

"What then?" Casillas asked, "Return to Arad?"

"It's not Arad," I corrected: "It's the Zephyr continent. Now Arad is just an affiliated island of the Zephyr continent, and it's still an island with little potential."

"That's after the break" Casillas said with a blank expression on his face, "I once had an incarnation descended on the continent of Arad, and there was also a great place, full of vitality."

"Since I have come to the Arad continent, why not go to the Hefeng continent to take a look?"

"I didn't see any Hefeng Continent" Casillas frowned when he heard the words, and wondered: "What exactly is Hefeng Continent you are talking about?"

"Hefeng Continent used to be bordered by the Arad continent" I thought about it, and explained according to the historical records: "Or, the Arad Continent once stood on the Hefeng Continent, it was on the Hefeng Continent. A mountain bag that looks relatively large."

After listening, Casillas pondered for a few seconds, and said, "That said, I have some impressions."

"As a summoned creature, when I was on the Arad continent, I also heard some rumors. Outside the Arad continent, there is a sea area called the Sea of ​​Outer Lands. It is extremely dangerous, even the strongest. Adventurers must always be cautious, and if they are not careful, they will be swallowed by unknown creatures living in the outer sea."

Speaking of this, he paused, and then said: "At that time, I thought it was just a legend, but now it seems that it is not a legend, but what you said, the Hefeng Continent."

"By the way, did you just say that the Arad continent was once broken?" I curiously asked: "What happened then?"

"As a human being there, you don't even know about this?"

"What's the matter?" I was even more puzzled.

"The Arad continent once had a devastating explosion, and almost everything was destroyed in that instant."

My eyes widened suddenly: "In an instant, everything is gone... I seem to have heard such legends."

"Right, you should have heard of it."

"Yes" I said: "I have indeed heard of it, but that is not the legend of the Arad continent, but the legend of the Hefeng continent. No, to be precise, it is not a legend, but a real disaster. After the disaster, all creatures in places other than the Fairy Forest were almost wiped out."

"Elf Forest?" Casillas heard the words, and said with interest: "Are the creatures in the Elf Forest as powerful as the strongest existence in your ocean?"

"I don't know" I shook my head: "But it's very powerful."

"Probably how powerful?" Casillas became more interested.

"I think about it..."

After a moment of contemplation, I said: "I don't know how strong it is, but what is certain is that neither I nor the apostle who came to the Hefeng Continent would dare to get involved easily, even one step."

"By the way, Bakar has experienced the aura of monsters surrounding the Fairy Forest. He should know how powerful those monsters are."

Casillas suddenly stretched out his hand, this action made me startled: "What?"

"Give me the scales" Casillas said: "Bacal's reverse scales."

"What are you going to do against scale?"

"Through it, I can directly contact Bakar," Casillas explained: "There is no need to resort to any easy-to-detect means."

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