The People Walking in Dungeons are surely not Normal

Chapter 3226: The Fallacy of the Blue Witch

I always thought that all the apostles who stayed in the Demon World were from the second apostle Held.

Now it seems that is not the case.

At least, Casillas is not.

Or in other words, he is free.

After the Tyrannosaurus King Bakar's inverse scale was handed over to him, he did not do anything beyond my expectation, but directly poured magic power into him and contacted Bakar in an unknown way.

Although I can't hear Bakar's voice, I can sense that Casillas has successfully established contact with him.

After a short period of silence, Casillas regained consciousness and returned the inverse scale to me.

"Contacted Bakar?" I asked knowingly.

"Yeah" Casillas responded.

"What did he say?" I asked.

"Same as you said" Casillas said: "The monster sealed in the forest called the Fairy Forest seems to be extremely powerful."

"What do you think?" I asked again: "Are you interested in walking around the Fairy Forest?"

Casillas pondered for a few seconds, and said: "Forget it, I am not interested in things that are too much beyond the scope of cognition, and besides, I don't want to die there without knowing it."

"I thought you were a fanatic who sacrificed his life in pursuit of excitement."

"I'm just a fighting freak, and I only pursue the ultimate in martial arts, and the thrill of fighting the enemy's blood. I am not interested in all thrills.

"Really" I curled my lips: "Listening to you, I always feel a bit...disappointed."


Casillas responded indifferently.

"Hey, I said I was disappointed, why didn't you react at all?"

Casillas stopped and asked, "How do you need me to react?"

"At least it must be the kind...a bit lonely, a bit lost, and eager to know why I am disappointed with you, probably that's it."

"Heh" Casillas sneered: "It can't be done."

"Really, you don't have any deductive spirit at all." I spread my hands and spit out.

"I'm not an actor."

"Foreseeable, your life must be very boring, I mean, everyday life except for fighting."

"I don't think so."

"Maybe you really don't think so, but it is the case." I said: "Believe it or not, if one day, you find your beloved girl and combine with it, she will complain to you soon. Life is boring."

Casillas stopped suddenly.

Just when I thought he would feel scared because of my words, but unexpectedly, Casillas turned his head and said to me with a serious face: "This will not happen, because I am already married to the fighting."

Casillas' answer reminded me of those who married to work, married to a career, or married to the hands.

Of course, when I say this, I don't mean any discrimination. I just simply feel that this kind of person lives very self and is also true in another sense.

"Okay" raised my hand, and I surrendered: "Since you chose to fight, then I won't persuade you anymore."

"Very good" Casillas straightened up in satisfaction, nodded slightly, and said, "Thank you."

Back at the castle, the Blue Witch was gnawing on a fat roasted chicken leg. Seeing me coming back, she stopped her movements, her face was in disbelief.

"You... are you back?"

Accompanied by the sound of chicken legs hitting the plate, the Blue Witch couldn't believe it and said idiotically.

"Yes, I'm back." I smiled and opened my arms. I smiled and said: "Girl, come over and hold one."

Fifteen seconds passed...

One minute passed...

Five minutes passed...

The blue witch ignored my movements and continued to chew the chicken legs.

This reaction made me feel sad.

Hey, I always thought that I could train the Blue Witch into a good girl like the Phoenix, but now it seems that all this is just my dream.

The kind of considerate and sticky girl like Phoenix was not cultivated at all, but was born innate. It's just that I was lucky enough to run into it.

As for the Blue Witch development plan, hey, let's forget it, as long as she doesn't become Kailan who is the same day by day, I will be content.

The meal is over.

Casillas packed his bags and prepared to go out.

I asked him why he was going, and he said to fulfill his promise.

I asked him again, is it difficult? Do you need help?

Casillas shook his head and said that he was not asking him to assassinate Herder, but to save individuals, which was difficult.

Although Casillas said it lightly, I don't think this is really a light thing. After all, this is also an act of grabbing meat from Herder's mouth.

So I decided to discuss with the blue witch first to see if I would help. After all, it was my task to rescue the naughty Becky.

But the Blue Witch didn't want to leave, at least she didn't want to go anywhere anymore before she left the devil world.

Although it looks empty and boring, you can lie down leisurely every day and eat a variety of food anytime, anywhere.

Although the food here is not as good as the barbecue I cook, it is far better than the cook of that famous large restaurant.

And the people here treat her very well, all kinds of compliments and all kinds of flattery, they just barely lift her to the sky.

After I heard it, I couldn't help feeling ashamed.

"This kind of life is easy to degenerate" I reminded her: "You don't want to be a useless person, do you?"

"Of course I don't want to be a waste person for the rest of my life, but becoming a temporary waste person, I can think about it."

Holding a wine glass with her fingertips, she lay leisurely on the recliner, shaking it gently.

"You are in this state. When you return to the Hefeng Continent, I'm afraid you won't be able to adapt for a while."

"What can't you adapt?" The Blue Witch said with disdain: "Isn't it just a busy life, I haven't had it before."

"It's not the same." I shook my head and said, "Hefeng Continent has dungeons that have never existed before in the Demon Realm. There are monsters that cannot be killed. Our mission as adventurers is to constantly kill monsters and accumulate experience. , Upgrade, and then go to kill stronger monsters."

"So it goes back and forth?" The blue witch frowned, looking at me with a complicated expression.

"Yes" I said: "It goes back and forth."

"How boring." The blue witch curled her lips and said with a look of disgust: "It's like the life of an arranged puppet."

"Then do you think that a lazy life is not like a puppet?" I asked.

"Of course" the blue witch took a sip of her wine and said comfortably: "The life of a puppet is busy, boring and tasteless, but a life of laziness is different, because laziness is to enjoy ease, and puppets cannot enjoy ease. ."

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