Even if Master Dewey didn't intervene in my harem, I was still tossed by my fiancees, and even sending Becky to Luke was temporarily put on hold.

Dinner is very rich, the main course is white fish.

These white fish are all raised in the front yard pond, and from time to time I will feed some white fish mixed with golden honey feed.

Each of them is worth more than tens of gold coins.

The larger ones can even sell for a hundred gold coins or even a thousand gold coins.

However, at this moment, they have been made into a delicious white fish feast.

This is so... so sweet.

As I was eating the braised white fish, I was moved by its delicious and refreshing taste and wanted to cry.

I just wanted to cry, the Blue Witch and Becky, they really did.

Of these two girls, one has spent tens of millions of years in the forest, and has never eaten such delicate and warm food; the other is locked in the headquarters of the ancient library, there is no freedom all day, and even food is scarce. It was pitiful, only enough to keep her energy running.

How can you not be moved if you taste so delicious with everyone?

However, the cry of the blue witch was not so exaggerated, but she cried silently, silently wiped it away, and was comforted by Lilea.

But Becky was crying, and even eating white fish, he couldn't stop sobbing. That little appearance is pitiful for everyone.

Upon seeing this, the lady boss on the side took her into her arms, stroked the top of her head lightly, softly comforted her.

Perhaps this kind of tenderness has never been experienced by Becky. She actually indulged in this tenderness and even forgot to continue eating white fish!

As an elder who has experience in caring for people, the lady boss comforted Becky in only ten minutes, and restored the big-headed loli to the food mode.

As for Tuo Tuo, it is being held in Florence's arms, and every once in a while, he feeds it a piece of fish.

Maybe they have similar blood, Tuotuo and Florence are very close, and their closeness is second only to the Blue Witch.

However, Tuo Tuo's relationship with Barbara does not seem to be very good, and Barbara does not seem to like Tuo Tuo.

Although she didn't like it, Barbara didn't hurt Tuo Tuo either. She just babbled her teeth and threatened it for a while, then ignored it and went on her own.

Nowadays at the dinner table, Barbara even glares at it from time to time, seeming to threaten it, but I think the demonstration is even more meaningful.

At this point, I think there is a fundamental difference between the orcs and animals. At least Barbara and Florence have a very good relationship, and there will be no cat-dog wars.

After eating, start to divide the room.

Since Tuotuo seemed to be afraid of Xiaozhi and Salen, he dared not rest in the yard, so he had to temporarily let the Blue Witch take care of it until it adjusted to the family environment.

Furthermore, although the naughty Becky looked cheerful, he seemed a little afraid of life, so he was also taken care of by the Blue Witch.

As for me, I still sleep on the sofa in the living room.

For some reason, the sofa in the living room has been updated.

Originally, the sofa was only two meters long and more than one meter wide, and it felt a little crowded when sleeping with three people.

But now it’s different. The sofa has been changed to three meters long and two meters wide, making it a big bed.

When I asked Bai Yunying the reason, Bai Yunying said in a daze that she didn't know.

Let me ask Xiao Leimi, who has been rubbing around in my arms and giggling, never caring about family affairs, she actually gave the answer: "Because Sister Phoenix said, this bed is good Squeeze, so I changed."

"What Phoenix said?" I was taken aback, and then I figured out the key points, and smiled: "Did Phoenix hold you to sleep during this period?"

"Yeah" Xiao Leimi nodded, "Sister Phoenix also said that I'm behaved."

Understand, it must be Xiao Leimi because I have been absent for a long time, and have been playing temper.

As for Xiao Leimi, who was scheming, apart from Phoenix, there was no other person in the entire guild who could manage.

Although she is a family member, she is still the granddaughter of Her Majesty the Fairy Queen, and one of the two empresses of Moonlight City in the future, no one wants to have **** with her.

Furthermore, even if you are not afraid of having sex, you really can't control her.

You must know that the reason why Phoenix can eat what she eats to death is because of its great power and greatly beyond Xiao Leimi's cognition, which made her retreat.

But having said that, when I came back this time, apart from the excitement of little Leimi, the eyes of the little princess Analetta also became very strange when she looked at me.

Could this girl miss me because she hasn't seen her for a while, and then suddenly realize in her miss that she is actually full of love for me, right?

In other words, even if she is calculated according to the age of the blue planet, she is still underage, and I don't want to be condemned for this.

Of course, most of the above is a joke, in fact, I don't know whether the little princess Analetta looked at me is love or other emotions.

After all, her age is ignorant and rebellious adolescence, and her inner thoughts change extremely fast. Maybe her front feet adore me a lot, but the back feet annoy me.

So hey, I still don't guess, when she is an adult, everything will be clear.

However, Princess Analita's eyes were full of hot emotions when she looked at me. If I guess it is right, it is probably love.

It’s just that I dare not blatantly be too close to Princess Analita for the time being. After all, the elf queen Anasta is already my real fiancee, although she probably already knows Princess Analita’s feelings for me. But for this kind of thing, the sisters still need to make their words clear and make things clear, so that the future will be easier.

Thinking of this, I suddenly wanted to laugh, maybe this is the so-called sweet trouble.

Just when I was in a daze and was about to fall asleep, not far away, there was a sudden shock. Although not strong, it was obvious.

I opened my eyes quickly and looked wary, but then I relaxed-isn't this the phone I brought back.

After taking a breath, I tiptoed up, took out the phone from my pocket, and looked at the display screen. It turned out that Heroes called. This surprised me.

The Demon Realm is light-years away from the Wind Continent, and it can be contacted via mobile phone. This is simply too exaggerated!

I can't help but feel a sense of awe for the science and technology mastered by the Devil.

He tiptoed out the door, came to the backyard, connected to the phone, and heard the voice of Heroes, still the familiar tone, but slightly tired.

"Xiao Yi?"


"Have you returned to the Hefeng Continent?"


After a long time of silence, Heloise said again: "I don't know why, but suddenly... I think of you. If it disturbs you, please, please forgive me."

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