The fact that Heloise called me really surprised me.

By the way, shouldn't she be in love with Xi Lan Zheng?

How can there be time to have a long-distance call with me over an unknown number of light years?

Could it be that some parts of Xilan have been frequently used and improperly maintained, which resulted in malfunction?

I thought maliciously.

So I quipped her and said: "Excuse me, it didn't bother me, but I was very curious. Shouldn't you be sleeping at this time?"

"This, I..." After a moment of silence, Heloise murmured: "Can't sleep."

"That's right." I nodded: "When you can't sleep, it should be the best choice to find someone to chat."

"By the way, if I take the liberty, dare you ask if Xi Lan is beside me?"

"No" Heloise explained quickly: "He rests in the guest room."

"That's it" I asked with a smile: "How is your relationship with Xilan going?"

There was another silence.

When I heard Heloise's voice again, I could even clearly hear the helplessness in her words.

"Xi Lan... he doesn't seem to mean to get married."

"Huh?" I said in amazement: "Can I take the liberty to check again? Are you saying that Xilan didn't mean to get married, or you didn't mean to get married?"

"Xilan" Heroes said: "He said he was not ready to get married yet."

"Then what do you think?"

"I...I..." Heloise paused for a long time before saying: "I don't know."

"You don't even know whether you want to get married or not?" At first, I looked confused and surprised, then my voice slowed down and asked: "Or, you actually know it in your heart, but you just want to respect it. Xilan's thoughts?"

Heroes was silent again, this time silent for a long time.

The case is closed.

Heloise actually wanted to get married, but 80% of Xilan thought of something, or there was a psychological barrier, and he couldn't get past it. As a result, he began to avoid marriage.

In fact, Heroes is really a good companion to Xilan, and Xilan is also the same to Heroes.

Let me talk about Xilan first, in the Demon Realm, he doesn't even have an official identity, a pure black household, and besides his exquisite swordsmanship and strong strength, he basically doesn't produce anything, and he doesn't want to live under people. If you click on a piece of it, you will put him in waste wood that is of little use other than eating.

Let’s talk about Heroes. She is from a noble background. She is the princess of the Sworn Guardian organization among the six major organizations of the Demon World. If she can have the strength to match her identity, even if her appearance is close to neutral, she can still be the most shining in the Demon World. That star is sought after by countless people in the devil world.

However, her strength is not only not strong, but also very weak, and her talent is not a combat type, she can be described as a weaker among adventurers of the same level.

In the large environment of the demon world where the weak and the strong eaters, it is a shame to have an identity but not enough strength to match.

However, her identity is not something that can be discarded if she wants to.

Because of all the above, Heroes had to endure humiliation for many years.

There are only two ways to change her situation. One is to make Heroes' actual level reach a daunting level, that is, to reach or close to the full level, because it is said that the adventurer who reaches the full level will Will become an existence with the same status as the great will, of course this is just a legend, because today, no one has successfully matched this level.

Presumably Heroes couldn't reach it, even if she worked hard, even desperately, she would still be unable to do so.

Then there is only the second way, and that is to find a strong husband-in-law and consolidate her position with the strength of the husband-in-law.

This seems to be the easiest, and perhaps the easiest to do, but once this is done, it is very likely that an unpredictable future will appear.

As I said before, the Demon Realm is a world where the weak can eat the strong.

Even if Heroes has a very high status, if her husband-in-law is much stronger than her, and has the ambition to control the Oath Guardian organization, then the Oath Guardian organization is very likely to have power disputes.

Once disputes arise, chaos arises.

The Oath-Guardian organization is likely to have internal emptiness. If it is handled in a timely manner, at most the strength of the Oath-Guardian organization is weaker, but if it is not handled in time, the huge organization may split as a result.

This is an extremely bitter fruit.

As for Xilan, he likes the life of idle clouds and wild cranes, and he is addicted to alcohol like fate. Only these two points are destined to have nothing to do with the fight for power.

Since there is no desire to fight for power, the leader of the Oath-Guard organization, that is, the father and mother of Heroes, there is no need to put vigilance on Xilan, the son-in-law.

Furthermore, Xilan's strength can help Heroes to consolidate her position and achieve two goals with one stone. Why not do it?

However, Xilan doesn't want to get married for the time being, and I'm an outsider. As the saying goes, it's best not to get involved with a third party in the matter of two people, otherwise there will be chaos.

Therefore, I had to comfort her and said: "Don't think too much, isn't Xi Lan still living in the Oathguard Organization, and I guess, your parents should also be very satisfied with this'son-in-law', right?"

"Well, my parents are very satisfied."

I must be very satisfied. A son-in-law who has both strength and no ambition like this is the golden turtle son-in-law in the eyes of high-ranking households.

"Since your parents don't object, you also like Xilan. The rest of this depends on Xilan herself and your relationship with Xilan."

Afterwards, I explained: "The so-called relationship between you and Xilan refers to whether you get along well or not. Xilan is a prodigal son who likes freedom and wine. On this, you can't restrain him, the best way. , Is to compromise as much as possible. Anyway, he walks blindly and does not spend money. In the eyes of a big family like the Oath Guard organization, he doesn’t care. Besides, he has no other bad habits. It is better to indulge and let him. Have fun, have a good drink, maybe after a while, you will be able to care for you."

"Do you care about me?" Heloise's tone was questioning.

In fact, when I said this, I didn't know anything about it. After all, Xilan had a dark history of abandoning his wife and children. This is simply the biggest stain in his life.

Although it seems normal for men to be lustful, long for beautiful women, and even to be ambiguous with beautiful women, everything has a prerequisite.

Until they are unmarried, they are free and can choose whatever life they want, but once they are married, they must bear the responsibilities they should bear in the marriage.

Obviously, Xilan did not do well in this regard.

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