After eating and drinking, the little princess Analetta, who is more familiar with the fairy forest than me, took the initiative to act as a guide for the first time, and took the blue witch to tour the fairy forest.

And I, taking the naughty Becky, took the magic airship to the island where Maker Luke was located.

When riding in the magic airship, Becky exclaimed, all kinds of joys, and the airship scurried around, almost unable to stop for a moment.

Although it looks crazy, this is what a little girl should be.

After half a day, the airship arrived at the destination and landed slowly.

It was the maker Luke himself who greeted me.

The little old man is still like that, with a weak and harmless appearance. If he doesn't understand the inside story, no one can guess that he is one of the rulers of the devil world.

"Yeah, Luke, hello, I'll go!"

Halfway through the greeting, I was knocked down the escalator by the sudden force.

Fortunately, my position was less than five meters from the ground at this time. Even if I fell down, I wouldn't suffer any injuries. But this kind of running around and hitting people is both impolite and dangerous.

I got up from the ground, looked around, and quickly found the culprit-as expected, this reckless guy is Betsy!

"It's dangerous, little guy!" I waved my fist and shouted.

However, Becky did not notice me at all. At this moment, she was looking at the thin tall old man in front of her with a look of surprise and disbelief.

After a while, she murmured: "You...are you, old man?"

Luke didn't answer, but he chuckled twice, raised his big hand, and petted Becky's head.

This speechless action caused Becky’s tear ducts to collapse in an instant, and crystal tears, like a stream, flowed from the corner of her eyes for a moment, and followed the tender face, gathered together on the chin, and then dripped down and got wet. The clothes are contaminated with the ground.

Then, she flew up and threw herself into Luke's arms, crying bitterly, and venting the grievances she had accumulated for thousands of years.

On this occasion, even if I deliberately wanted to take the opportunity to "blackmail" Luke, I couldn't say it.

Forget it, today is their reunion day, I won't join in the fun.

Thinking of this, I spread my hands, made a gesture to Luke for a period of time, entered the airship and left.

Luke just stared at me calmly, but I knew that he would thank me again, but the current atmosphere is not suitable for talking about similar things.

After leaving here, I went to Dragon Island again, met with evil dragon Spitz, and chatted for a while.

Spitz was very interested in my journey to the Demon World, thinking that my performance in the Demon World was not bad, and mocking the way of life in the Demon World—chaotic and savage.

When I mentioned that someone had established a sect that believed in Tyrannosaurus King Bakar, Spitz scoffed at it and said, "Those people just want to use their faith to gain strength."

"With the help of faith, can we still gain power?"

I was curious.

"Of course," Spitz said, "This behavior is equivalent to creating a deity."

Hearing this, I couldn't help being taken aback: "The deity of creation?!"

Spitz clicked on the huge dragon head, and then said: "Yes, creating a deity, but don’t compare this deity with a great will. The great will is the true god, and the created deity, but It is an existence that has powerful power and can empower believers, and its status is roughly equal to the core of the puppet."

Understood, that is to say, the created deity is actually not a **** at all, but exists like a storage battery, charging believers when needed.

"Then as a created deity, besides empowering believers, what benefits will it gain?"

"Benefits?" Spitz thought for a while, and said, "Perhaps it can make the deity look more mighty and majestic? Well, that's probably the case."

As soon as I said this, I suddenly felt that becoming a **** is not a good thing. It is not worth the loss to not gain stronger strength, but also to give strength to others.

I was disappointed in becoming a god, and started a new topic.

After chatting for a long time, the dusk has arrived. At the invitation of Spitz, I stayed in Long Island for one night and tasted the special dish of Long Island—Dragon Breath Grilled Fish.

Fish is an unknown giant fish with a huge head, even several times larger than a whale. Through the grilling of the dragon's breath, it quickly emits a delicious fragrance.

Although the taste of this fish is not as tender as crucian carp, the feeling of chewing with big mouthfuls is not good enough.

While eating wildly, I admired: "This is the heroic way a man should eat!"

Spitz carried a giant grilled fish, biting it wildly, and nodding his head repeatedly, expressing agreement with me.

Soon it was time to sleep.

The dragons sleep directly on the ground. After all, the dragon scales are thick and the dragon skin is very warm. It can almost be said that it is not afraid of cold and heat, and ignores the sticks.

But I can’t, my skin is not rough, my flesh is not thick, lying on the cold beach, one will suffer from insomnia because of too cold, and the other will be frostbite because of too cold, which is diarrhea.

So I asked Spitz for a bunch of leaves and piled them together to make a fairly soft cushion.

The feeling of lying on it, although not as comfortable as sleeping on the mattress on the airship, is barely enough.

Anyway, if I want to sleep in the airship, I must not chat with Spitz while drowsiness is brewing.


When it dawned, I got up, said goodbye to Spitz, called the airship, and left Dragon Island.

After that, he returned to Moonlight City.

After landing, I went straight to the Moonlight Pub.

Entering the tavern, I saw Saran and Alice chatting with Socia wine tasting.

Seeing that it was me, Alice asked eagerly, "Where is Xi Lan? Did you find him?"

I nodded: "Found it."

"Where is he?" Alice asked, "Is he here?"

"No" I shook my head: "He hasn't come, it is impossible to come back again."

Alice heard this, her pair of beautiful eyes instantly lost their brilliance. After a long while, she murmured, "Xilan...what happened to him?"

"Xilan, dead" I said, "died in the hands of his best friend."

"What!" Alice was distraught: "Xilan was killed by a close friend? How could this be...Yes, who killed him? Do you know? Who killed him?"

"It's a man named Barn" I said: "You must have heard of this man."

"Ban...Ban...Could it be that it is a short sword master, Barn?"

Alice's expression was both stunned and sad, and she couldn't make a sound for a long time.

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