Alice knew about Bath.

In the battle to cut off the second apostle Herder's control of her consciousness, the four great sword masters gathered together.

Although the four of them all shot together and caused a certain amount of damage to Herder's chain of consciousness, this scene was deeply imprinted in Alice's memory.

The main reason was that she had already developed affection with Xilan at that time, and naturally she paid more attention to Xilan's companions.

During the time that Xilan left the Hefeng Continent and went to the Demon Realm, Alice spent every day in a muddle-headed manner, except for the other three of the Four Great Sword Saints.

It's no wonder that the four great sword saints are recognized by the Hefeng Continent, and the four companions of equal strength and irreversible relationship will get together almost every once in a while, or have a drink or talk.

Alice believes that as long as she always pays attention to the other three, she can grasp the news of Xilan's return first-hand.

In the days that followed, Alice continued to develop informants and monitor the three sword masters until the adventurers besieged the maker Luke, until Held personally descended on the Hefeng Continent.

After the battle, Held took Barn away, but ignored Alice, who became her puppet.

After learning that Barn had left the Hefeng Continent with Herder, Alice had a glimmer of hope in her heart. She thought that since Barn was a friend of Xilan, then he might take Xilan on this trip to the Demon World. Bring it back?

After all, the Hefeng Continent is Barn's home!

This thought lingered in Alice's heart until Forrest Gump lost the news, and Buwanga died in the snow-capped mountains.

Regarding news about Xilan and Barn, Alice waited too long for too long.

When I heard the news related to it again, it was the bad news that shocked and saddened her.

Xilan is dead.

Bath killed it.

Looking at Alice's sad eyes and feeling the painful breath emanating from her, I also felt sad.

Fortunately, Alice did not know the truth of the matter.

If she knew that Xi Lan was not dead, but didn't want to face her again, and was even preparing to marry a wife and have children in the devil world, I believe Alice would definitely collapse.

Yes, she will.

Anyone who has waited for thousands of years and suddenly finds that the result is contrary to their expectations will not be able to stand the blow of reality and will collapse completely.

After the collapse, it may be better, or it may be heartbroken.

But no matter which of these two results, it is not what I want to see.

I believe that the only good ending of this love affair is to make her think that Xi Lan is dead, so that she can retain the best moment in her heart.

As for my previous thought of chasing Alice into my hands, it was actually just a momentary lust.

I know very well that Alice is not a puppet. She has always had independent thoughts and emotions, but her body structure is different from other people. In other words, Alice is actually a different human being.

If one day, she can have feelings of admiration for me, then, I might find a way to catch her.

but not now.

"Xilan...Have you brought back Xilan's bones?"

Alice choked.

I shook my head: "It's all buried, and tens of millions of years have passed..."

I did not continue to edit, because the more edits, the more loopholes.

Alice has been crying into tears after she was so young.

Saran silently accompanied Alice to the side, stroking her back constantly.

Socia is still holding the wine glass, frowning, seeming to be thinking.

After a while, she winked at me, then turned and walked towards the back hall.

After hesitating, I still followed.

When we came to the back hall, we found a room at random. We sat opposite each other. Socia picked up a bottle of wine, pulled out the cork, and filled a glass without hurries. The white index finger pushed the foot of the glass and brought it to me. , Said: "Go ahead, I want to hear the truth."

"I'm telling the truth."

"Don't talk to me about the nonsense of killing Xi Lan, I don't believe it" Socia said leisurely: "I have known the four of them earlier than Saran and Alice, and I have a deeper understanding of them. Lan is not Barn’s enemy, but a friend. Barn is a very funny person. He may hurt his friends, but he will never kill his friends. This is his bottom line."

"..." After a few seconds of silence, I spoke again, "Those are the truth."

Seeing this, Socia was not annoyed, took a sip of her wine, and continued: "You don't know that Moonlight Tavern is not just a tavern. It has another identity. It is one of the largest intelligence organizations in Moonlight City. One, I said so, you should understand what it means, right?"

Seeing that I didn't answer, she continued: "Although I can't get information from you, I can get information from people around you, for example, the little girl in blue clothes next to you."

Hearing this, I frowned: "What are you going to do to her?"

"Don't worry," Socia said: "Our Moonlight Tavern's intelligence inquiries are absolutely professional and gentle. They only induce answers by chatting, and never intimidate, so you can rest assured."

Now that I was talking about it, I stopped hiding it and looked at the door worriedly.

"The sound insulation of this room is good," Socia said lightly: "As long as it is not loud, you can't even hear a word outside."

Sighing lightly, I slowly said, "Xi Lan is not dead, he has a very good life in the demon world."

"Has he never thought about coming back?" Socia asked lightly.

"I thought about it at first, but after a few failed assassinations, I didn't think about it. Today, he is even more accustomed to life in the demon world. It can be said that he is half a man in the demon world."

"No wonder" Socia snorted and said lightly: "There are too many unfulfilled promises from the Four Great Swordmasters. It's not worse than Alice. If he really wanted to come back, he would have come back long ago. Now it seems that this Man, it's really unreliable."

"Actually, you can't say that." I tried to retort: ​​"At least Xi Lan has been thinking about Alice in the Demon World for many years."

"Is there a hundred years?" Socia asked rhetorically.


I don’t have a bottom, because when I talked with Xilan, my initial judgment was that Xilan had gradually forgotten Alice in the years after he left Alice. It is even said that Xilan has also patronized the customs of the Demon World. Shop many times.

"So, that man, I can't trust" Socia's tone suddenly became cold: "I don't know if you know that when the man was secretly in love with Alice, he already had a family and a child, huh, poor Alice This silly girl is so fascinated by her that he can even give up everything as long as he can be with Xi Lan."

At the end, she added another sentence: "Sad, ridiculous."

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