Love makes people blind.

This is human nature.

Not to mention that the two people who are in passionate love will not care about each other.

So Alice will behave like this, I don't think she is stupid, but I think she has a human touch.

As a friend of Alice, Socia naturally doesn't want to see her friends be deceived by a scumbag, feelings and body, he tastes reminders, and always despise Xilan.

Now, I heard that Xilan has been in the Devil Realm for thousands of years, but I still don't remember to come back and meet the people who miss him. How can I not be angry and disdain?

What kind of emotion she wants to express, that is her freedom, I don’t care, but there is one thing that must be explained to her clearly, that is—"It’s better not to let Alice know about this, otherwise I’m afraid She couldn't bear it."

"I have my own depth of this matter, so I won't bother you."

Socia's tone was very light, and it made me feel a bit like a chasing order, so he drank the wine in the glass, smiled and said: "I have said what I should say, so I won't bother and leave."

After all, a salute, get up and leave.

Socia did not say anything to stay, and even if she did, I might not stay in the Moonlight Tavern, because I have already said everything I want to say, and there is no point in staying any longer, and maybe I will be caught by Socia. Put in a little intelligence.

I only know that although there are not many secrets, they are all important. If you can keep outsiders from knowing, it is better not to let outsiders know, so as to save trouble.

Leaving the Moonlight Tavern, I couldn't help but sigh, feeling that a heavy burden on my shoulders was taken off.

Walking all the way to the commercial street, I quickly found Old Pachi’s blacksmith's shop, opened the door, and met with a warm breath. Then I heard the clinking sound from the back hall, which must be forging weapons.

With a casual shout, he opened the curtain and entered.

In the back hall, the heat was blowing, making it hard to breathe.

Five meters away from me, a man of the goblin tribe with his upper body was swinging a hammer and beating a piece of metal on the forging table.

This piece of metal is pure white and flawless, like white silver, but the silver is too soft to be forged as a weapon, so I can't help but think of Mithril.

"Yeah, old brick house" I smiled and said, "Where is mythril forged?"

Old Paige didn't even lift his eyelids, he kept beating him, but he just responded to my words and said, "Nothing does not go to the Three Treasures Hall, your kid is here, you must beg me for something, tell me, what's the matter?"

Seeing that the intention was seen through by him, I no longer concealed it. I smiled and took out the phone from my pocket and said, "This, I got it from the demon world. By consuming energy, I can make long-distance wireless calls, but this is the only thing around me. A machine and an energy stone are exhausted, so they can only be discarded or returned to the demon world to replenish the energy stone. However, the energy stones of the demon world are expensive and not sold in large quantities, which makes me very distressed. Yes, I can’t just go to the Demon World every three or two years, so I begged the old brick family for help to build a similar energy stone."

"What about the materials?"

"The material is copper coins brushed out of the dungeon. Almost one copper coin has enough energy to be used for a long time."

"Copper coins will do?" Old Pachi emphasized again.


I responded seriously.

"Okay, I see, put the machine here, I will help you build a batch of energy stones."

"Thank you so much," I hurriedly responded, and then said again: "Yes, please don't tell my foster father about this. If his old man knew about it, he would definitely not agree."

"Huh?" Old Paqi still didn't look at me, but he frowned: "You mean, this thing will pollute the environment?"

"If it's just a machine, the impact on the environment is minimal, or even negligible, but you also know that my foster father and his old man are too principled..."

"Hmm..." Old Paqi raised his brows slightly, and said in a deep voice: "Well, I will consider this. If it is as you said, if the impact is minimal, I will carry Master Dewey and give you more How about making some?"

"Hey, thank you very much, then, what about Aunt Tracy?"

Seeing my head probed, Old Paqi heyed and said: "Okay, don't look around, you Aunt Tracy and Mi Lulu went shopping."

Speaking of this, he paused and turned on the conversation mode: "I said, you stinky boy, since you promised me to take care of Mi Lulu, you can't see people all day, just like something!"

"Hehehe, sorry, I have to do it, but after this event is over, there will probably be a long period of vacuum, and I can stay with them for a while."

Hearing what I said, Old Paige waved his hand and couldn't tell whether he was satisfied or perfunctory.

Leaving the shop, I walked towards the Fairy Forest again.

After a quarter of an hour into the forest, I unexpectedly found the two girls who were swinging in the place where the little princess Analetta often played.

"I said you guys, why don't you take a stroll around this beautiful forest?" With that said, I looked at the little princess Analetta, who was still swinging, and said: "You too, as the host, I don’t know how to do the landlord’s friendship and take her for a good stroll."

"Hmph, I'm happy!" Little Princess Analetta made a face at me.

The blue witch was amused by her actions.

With a light sigh, I waved my hand helplessly: "Forget it, forget it, come down, I will take you for a stroll."

When the blue witch heard this, she was naturally very happy, and immediately jumped off the swing.

But the little princess Analetta is still indifferent, what to play, and what to play.

"Hey, come down quickly too!"

"Why?" The little princess Analetta asked back: "I want to play wherever I want to play!"

"You are not afraid that someone will assassinate you after we leave?" My little secret asked.

"I...I'm not afraid!" Little Princess Analetta still insisted.

Spreading my hands, I curled my lips and said, "Since you think so, then all right, let's go."

After all, holding the little hand of the blue witch, walked towards the depths of the forest.

At this time, the little princess Analetta didn't do it. She jumped off the swing in a hurry, spread her legs, and ran towards us.

"I, I changed my mind! I want to walk in the forest, wait for me! Wait for me!"

The Blue Witch and I didn't wait for her, but didn't stop, just walk leisurely in the forest.

On the contrary, it was the little princess Analeta who thought I was really going to leave her alone. She was so angry that she ran up to me and kicked my calf fiercely, but it hurt her teeth and grinned.

People who like to walk in dungeons are not normal, please collect: ( People who walk in dungeons are not normal. The literature is updated the fastest.

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