I think the goblins mentioned by the boss of Rennes are at most just a group of regular army-level goblins with the ability to march and fight.

I was wrong.

According to the description of the boss of Rennes, the strength of this group of goblins far exceeds the regular army, reaching the level of elite adventurers.

This can't help but make me more curious.

"Have we robbed the goblin corpse ourselves?"

"Yes" Boss Wren said: "A dozen corpses were robbed in York City."

"Where are Moonlight City and Fort Witchcraft?" I wondered: "They just saw the advantage being taken by others?"

"I think, even if the corpse is not snatched, Moonlight City and Fort Witchcraft haven't lost anything."

Upon hearing this, I wondered: "Could it be said that this time Moonlight City and Fort Witches dispatched all the national forces?"

"No" Rennes boss shook his head: "Moonlight City and Fort Witch did not participate in this disaster eradication operation."

"Didn't participate?" I wondered: "Why? What do the four sires think? Why don't you get a share of the pie?"

Boss Rein groaned for a moment, and said: "I don't know the specific reason, but the two majesties of Moonlight City are not interested in participating in the elimination of disasters, and there seems to be more important things to do.

"More important things..."

I murmured.

If it is more important than the elimination of disasters, there is only one thing to guard the country and strengthen the country.

Regarding the matter of guarding the country, the two majesty should not need to worry about it. After all, whether it is Moonlight City or Fort Witch, they are considered island countries. If you want to invade these two countries, you must take a magic airship or take a ride. The ship arrived.

Master Dewey has stipulated that magic airships can carry soldiers, but there are prerequisites, and the relevant departments under his command must be approved before they can carry weapons and board in large numbers.

If you want to transport a large number of soldiers to a place without approval, once this matter is learned by Master Dewey, the offending country will be immediately blacklisted, and the magic airship of the country will be the first time, all go away.

Without the magic airship, the national transportation system will collapse, and goods can only be transported through the most primitive methods, for example, by car or by sea.

Fortunately, although the time is a little longer, the road is bumpy, and you may encounter vicious robbers, most of the robbers are the masters who rob money and do not kill. Even if the resistance is too fierce, it will stimulate the robbers. The bottom line is, at most, a sword, and most of it will leave a whole body.

But shipping is not so easy.

As we all know, the two most dangerous areas of the Hefeng Continent-the forest surrounding the Fairy Forest, and the deep sea.

In this way, we can know the danger of the deep sea of ​​Hefeng Continent.

Unless you are lucky, one ship will be counted as one, and you will have to be buried in the deep sea. Not only will you lose money, but you will also have no bones.

Therefore, no one wants to offend Master Dewey, and it is even more impossible to use the magic airship to send troops to the two island countries.

In this way, the only more important thing is to increase national power.

Speaking of it, it is not complicated to increase national power. It is nothing more than two aspects-strengthening oneself and alliance diplomacy.

The former has been implemented all the time, so it is not included, so I think that during this period, the two queens should be busy establishing diplomatic relations.

As for who to establish diplomatic relations with, I can figure it out easily as long as I return to the diplomatic department.

After all, as a foreign elder, my main function is diplomacy.

"Yeah" nodded in satisfaction, and I asked again: "How about looking for the island?"

"Looking for it."

"It seems that I didn't find it."

Boss Renn nodded slightly and said: "It is not so easy to find a satisfactory island."

"That's right." I thought about it, and said, "I want to be rich in resources, but I don't want to be in any territorial waters. It's really hard to find such a place."

"If you are in a hurry, can you find an island near the apostle's range?"

"No" I shook my head and denied: "It's easy to disturb the apostle. Maybe there will be conflicts with the apostle in some details of life. This is not worth the gain."

"Let's continue to search for uninhabited islands outside the territorial waters."



After sitting for a while, I got up and left the tree house of Boss Rennes.

Speaking of it, the main reason why I asked him to find islands was to build a country that belongs to me only.

The territory of this country does not need to be too large, even the population is only my family and friends.

The reason for looking for similar islands, as long as the purpose is to get rid of the game between countries.

Imagine if one day in the future, Moonlight City conflicts with any country that is related to me and sends me as a messenger. At that time, will I go or not?

Go there, of course, I can get the appreciation of Her Majesty the Fairy Queen and Her Majesty the Fairy Queen, but the question is, how does the prince of the country I have a relationship with me?

When I think of the Orc King, or Simmons Locke meeting me with a quirky smile, my head feels big.

If I am the monarch of another country, even a small country with a bigger sesame seed, I can refuse to be a messenger through diplomatic rhetoric, and I don’t need to worry about being criticized by other elders, nobles, and officials-the identity of foreign elders Just a part-time job, my true identity, but the monarch of a country!

Thinking of this, I can’t wait to immediately draw up the borders and build the country.

It's just that everything is ready, I only owe the island, hey, helpless.

Saying hello to my family, I took the magic airship to York Seoul.

Simmons Rock heard that I was here, and specially prepared a grand family dinner.

During the dinner, through his introduction, I got to know several of his children.

In fact, Simmons Locke’s children are not as unbearable as he said, either they are powerful, or handsome, or shy, or calm and gentle.

Let me say that according to my standards, any one of them is eligible to be the crown prince of a country.

However, Simmons Locke belongs to a very pure father. The prince in his impression is probably the same as him. Not only is he rich in learning, he has to be talented, he is also super powerful, and he has outstanding appearance. The most important point, It just has to be domineering.

After learning about Simmons Locke's prince standard, I think that few people in Hefeng Continent can meet his standard.

As far as the people I know, Emily may barely be able to meet it, but she does not possess the domineering spirit, more, she is like a sharp sword.

Kagali may have the domineering spirit, but she is not considered to be very talented.

As for the others, there are more or less missing two or three items, and such as Rocky's teasing, even one is not consistent.

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