After the banquet, Simmons Rock went to the office side by side with me.

During the period, he asked me about Bai Yunying's situation, and I told him about Bai Yunying's situation that I had seen recently.

Then he asked me what I had learned about this trip.

Speaking of, I went to the Demon Realm, except for my family and Her Majesty the Fairy Queen, no one knew.

It is generally claimed that I left Moonlight City and went to travel on an unknown island.

Now, when I return safely, I am also concerned about Bai Yunying’s elders’ inquiries. I naturally don’t want to continue to conceal, so I frankly said: “It’s okay. Up."

"The Devil?" Simmons Lock looked dazed.

"Yes, Devildom" I explained: "It's another planet."

"What!" Simmons Locke exclaimed, "You left the Zephyr continent and went to another planet?"


" did you arrive?" He curiously asked: "It stands to reason that the magic airship does have the ability to navigate the universe, but it is impossible for it to travel in such a short period of time. Complete an interstellar journey."

"Yes" I said: "It can't, and I didn't call it a magic airship to reach an alien planet, but through a portal."


Simmons Rock was shocked again.

With a profound family heritage, he naturally knows what a portal is, but at the same time, he also knows better how strict the restrictions on portals are.

Not to mention anything else, the total amount of magic power needs to be dozens of times more than an ordinary person.

And there are more than one adventurer who can reach dozens of times that of ordinary people with the total amount of individual magic power, and all are the pride of the heavens.

Simmons Locke, a high-level adventurer, also knows that I, as a person, don’t know anything about magic, and my magic power is pitifully low, let alone opening the portal, it’s just a mere fireball, it can’t condense more than a fist. big.

Therefore, when I mentioned opening the portal, he showed such a surprised expression.

"Your expression hurts me a lot." I glanced at Simmons Locke's shocked face, and I couldn't help complaining.

"You said you can open the portal?" Simmons Locke emphasized in disbelief: "Even high-level magicians can't say that they can open the portal, you can open it, and here it is. An interstellar journey?"

"That's the truth" I said seriously, "Of course, you can continue to question me, but I also have the right to continue to refute you, because everything I say is fact."

"Okay" Simmons Locke said: "I can trust you, but you have to show some performance that can convince me."

I nodded and said, "There is no problem at all."

After all, with the palm facing up, a ball of fireball the size of a basketball quickly condensed.

Simmons Locke was shocked at first, then gradually calmed down, and said in a deep voice: "Unexpectedly, I didn't expect that you should have such a majestic magic value!"

"It's okay" I scratched my head and said with a smile.

"But I'm curious, why did you hide yourself before you?"

When Simmons Locke said this, his expression was slightly unnatural, and his brows were frowned. I expected that he must be crooked, thinking that I had some unruly plot, but that was not the case.

Thinking of this, I explained: "It's not that I'm clumsy, it's the me who used to be. The total amount of magic power is really low. The majesty is also due to recent adventures."

"Adventure?" Simmons Locke was very curious: "What kind of adventure will make an adventurer whose total magic power is exactly the same as ordinary people, and in a short period of time, the total magic value will rise to the number of high-level magicians. Ten or a hundred times?"

"About this, you should also be very clear" I said: "I am a fairy, not a human. The total amount of magic power contained in myself is higher than that of humans. It is commonplace to be able to open portals, I It refers to the fairy."

"Well, it makes sense" Simmons Locke nodded, and then said again: "But why is your total amount of magic power so low?"

"Ashamed to say" I said: "My bloodline was sealed before, and the power of the goblin tribe was almost useless. The time I entered the deep sea, I was lucky enough to open a gap in the seal to gain the majestic magic value. , And then when I was in the Demon Realm, I got another adventure, which finally stabilized this majestic magic value. Now it is all luck."

"Even if it's luck, you must first have the potential to possess this power. I was still worried about whether your son Bai Yunying will become like you, a physics adventurer who can't do anything magic. Now it seems that my worries are unnecessary."

For some reason, listening to his words, I always feel a bit harsh: "Uncle, I don’t know if I misunderstood it, or what you did. Why from what you just said, I heard a strong malice towards the physics adventurer. ?"

"Malicious?" Simmons Rock shook his head: "How come! You know, I am also an adventurer in the physics department."

"That being said, I just feel... something is wrong."

"There is nothing wrong, but you think too much," Simmons Rock emphasized.

The chatting stopped abruptly.

Later, under the leadership of Simmons Locke, the two of us came to the Secret Research Institute in York City.

Here, I saw many weird creatures, quite a few of which can even be traced back to the era of the reign of the fairies.

"There are biological specimens from so long ago, and they are still so well preserved!"

Looking at the creature in the giant glass tank in front of me, I couldn't help but exclaim.

"In fact, these creatures can be found now, but the traces are relatively rare," Simmons Locke explained: "There are only a few species of truly extinct creatures here, and these extinct creatures can be said to be completely extinct. It's all caused by natural disasters."

"From this point of view, our ecological protection measures in Hefeng Continent are still quite good," I said: "Only natural disasters can lead to species extinction."

"Who said no?" Simmons Locke raised his hand, stroked the cold and hard glass cylinder, and said slowly: "It's like this kind of bird, originally living in the northern continent, but because of the constant cold current that lasted for several years, This has led to the extinction of species. It is a pity to think about it now."

Looking at the bright feathers and beautiful shapes of the birds in the glass tank, I nodded in sympathy.

This reminds me of the blue planet.

There, more creatures were slaughtered and forced to extinction. Compared with the blue planet, the Hefeng Continent is simply heaven.

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