Things have to start from a week ago.

It is the same in any world, where there is light, there is darkness, and where there is white, there is black.

Just as there are six major organizations in the Demon Realm, there are also shadow forces, there are apparently wanted, and there are also orders for hunting down by underground organizations, and there are similar situations in the Hefeng Continent.

As opposed to the five major guilds in the Hefeng Continent, there are ancient civil organizations. Although these ancient civil organizations do not have the support of the five major countries, because of their very long existence, they are also deeply rooted in the civil society. It is difficult to clean them all.

Of course, how deeply rooted and intertwined civil organizations are, these are not the points I want to talk about. My point is that if they have an independent lifestyle, they naturally have a set of processes and rules that belong to them.

Corresponding to the wanted orders of the five major guilds are the reward orders of civil organizations.

Reward order, as the name suggests, I pay, you do the work, the thing is done, the money is taken away, the thing is not done, find the next person to continue.

And this kind of reward order generally only appears in the underground world. It is popular with many members of civil organizations and bounty hunters. Orthodox adventurers like me are often out of reach.

But my inaccessibility does not mean that the people around me are also out of reach.

Coincidentally, Boss Rennes, with my support, has already developed a large-scale underground organization. Although it is not a leader, it is also an unshakable behemoth.

One night a week ago, Boss Ren suddenly approached me and showed me a reward order.

It didn't matter if I looked at it, I directly crushed the teacup in my hand angrily.

The reward order is very clearly written, investing 30,000 gold coins, and the goal is to hand over the fairy royal princess to the investor.

After receiving the reward order, I sneered three times, and ordered the boss of Rennes to immediately investigate who made the reward order. Once found, I brought it all—I mean the victim and all his family members, relatives, and friends.

Afterwards, I burned the reward order and murmured in my heart: It's not that I want to become Shura, it's because I was forced too tightly.


Rao is the boss of Renn, who is very efficient, but how big is this ‘underground world’, especially if his family wants to investigate clearly, they can investigate clearly?

Especially in the underground world, there is also a strict rule: no customer information is allowed to be leaked.

This rule has made investigations more difficult.

However, I believe that Boss Rennes must be able to investigate the identity of the other party. After all, he has been immersed in the "underground world" for decades.

During this period, I can only see Xiao Lemi protect her at all times, or turn it over to a trusted and reliable person, ask the other person to protect her, or go to battle personally and protect her by her side.

Xiao Leimi wants me to protect her personally. After all, this way, we can have more time together.

But the problem is, I can't always accompany Xiao Lemi like this, because if I can't become stronger, even if she is always by my side, one day, she will be taken away by a strong enemy.

Thirty thousand gold coins may be a small sum to me, but for most adventurers, it is a sky-high price, and this includes national power.

Fortunately, until now, no adventurer has acted on Leimi. The possible reason for this is the identity of Father Taylor, my identity, and the forces behind me.

The existence of Father Taylor will make a considerable part of the veteran national power have to weigh whether they have the ability to complete the reward. My identity makes a considerable number of adventurers, especially those with business relationships, dare not act rashly, and the people behind me The power even more discouraged the ancient organizations.

Don’t you see, the Bane of the Apostles was a notoriously terrifying disaster during the reign of the fairies!

Think about it, as strong as the era of the fairy rule, it is extremely troublesome for the apostles. This is far inferior to the legendary hero period of the fairy rule. Isn't it even more of a mistake?

Besides, the apostles in the era of the fairy rule came here one by one, and they could attack them in groups, but nowadays, the apostles are coming in a group, so why are you just bashing?

In the eyes of those ancient organizations, one apostle meant the loss of soldiers and soldiers, and two apostles meant that the ancient organization would disappear if it was not done well. A group of apostles had the potential to destroy the Hefeng Continent.

They are living well, but they don't want to annoy these evil spirits.

But this does not mean that Xiao Leimi must be safe. After all, under the reward, there must be a brave man, and God knows whether there will be such a rash man who is only for money and does not want his life.

Once this kind of guy appears, it is very likely to cause another chaos.

Set off a melee...

I am a little bit skeptical, this reward order might not have anything to do with Herder, right?

Could this be announced by Herder's puppet?

Thinking of this, I entrusted the little Lemi to the old man, took the magic airship, and came to the sea where Antuen was located alone, found Antuen, and asked him to help summon Rotes.

When I said my guess, Rotes shook his head and denied: "I didn't feel Herder's magic wave. This incident should have nothing to do with her."

"Why?" I wondered: "Isn't she afraid of chaos?"

"She is really afraid that the world will not be chaotic, but that does not mean that she will definitely come to trouble every moment." Rotes said: "I think Herder at this time should still be studying that piece of slavery. The meat cut from your body."

"Who would it be that dare to offer a reward for kidnapping my fiancee?"

I frowned, I wondered.

"I think it might be caused by some lo*ic*n guy" Odachi's voice sounded in my mind.

"Are you awake?" I said in surprise: "I thought you would sleep forever."

"Sleep all the time?" Otato snorted, "It's no good for me, besides, I'm just a knife. Sleeping doesn't do anything for me."

"What do you think about the fact that Xiao Leimi was offered a reward?" I asked: "I mean, eliminate Lolita."

"Nothing," Ota Dadao said: "Except for those who would rather abandon everything for Lori, who would ignore their lives and offer a reward for a fiance who is a princess of the same country and has an apostle as a backing force. Where is the little loli with dual identities?"

"Maybe the other person is a lunatic."

"Yes, the other party is very likely to be both a lo*ic*n and a lunatic, and both are serious. I think this is the final answer."

"What should I do then?" I frowned, and I asked in the letter: "I can't arrest all the loli controls, right?"

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