lo*ic*n can never be caught.

Because it is one of human nature to like cute, stupid and petite, and nature is difficult to change.

So if you start from this aspect, it is nothing more than choosing a road that is difficult and has no end.

But I don’t have any good ideas if I take a different approach.

Ever since, I asked Odachi for help.

However, Odachi told me that it has no good way. The reason is very simple. Although it understands the sinister heart, it is only a knife after all. The way to solve the problem is generally the simplest and most skilled one—— That is, all the suspects were cut off.

Simple and effective.

After all, as long as all the suspects are killed, there will be no suspicion for the rest.

But the problem is how many innocent people have to be killed by mistake if all the suspects are killed!

I am not a bloodthirsty lunatic, nor a cold butcher, I just want to protect the safety of my fiancee, nothing more.

So without thinking about it, I directly rejected Odachi's suggestion.

After that, I spoke and asked the two apostles for help.

Anthun said that he had no way to help me. He was not good at this kind of things, but if he wanted to attack the city, there would be no problem, because this is his strong point.

Rotes thought for a moment and told me that he has a way, but this method is not necessarily suitable for the Hefeng Continent. After all, he has been in the Demon Realm longer, so the way of thinking about problems tends to be unconsciously biased towards the Demon Realm.

Hearing what he said, I was a little curious, so I continued to ask: "What are your tactics?"

Rotes was also unambiguous, speaking out his thoughts concisely and concisely, roughly meaning that since stacking can post a reward order in the "underground world", you can also use a higher price and also post in the "underground world". Reward order, as long as your reward price is high enough, there is no secret that can be hidden.

The second plan is to contact all the high-levels of the Hefeng Continent and concentrate their efforts to clean up the underground world. As long as the underground world is gone, these people who issue rewards can only choose the guilds and organizations of the earth world, and the guilds of the earth world You and the organization are already in your hands, so you can never hide your identity and escape guilt.

Hearing that, I pondered for a moment, and decided to think about it first.

To be honest, the second set of plans is a bit big. I have said before that although the underground world of the Hefeng Continent is not as powerful as the earth’s world, it has survived for many years, and it has long been rooted and deep-rooted. I want to eradicate it in a short time. It's impossible, and even if it can be eliminated, it will cost a lot.

Do not underestimate these ancient organizations, they also hide a large number of top masters, even if the apostles are confronted with them, they will suffer.

The world is still not peaceful now, and it is not possible to spend too much manpower, material resources and energy in this aspect. For the present, it is to retain strength as much as possible for later use.

Then, if you want to find the initiator of the reward, you can only choose the first plan.

The first set of plans is very simple, it is to compete financially.

If the other party can offer a reward of 30,000 gold coins, then I will offer a reward of 300,000 gold coins to buy all the other party's information, so that all problems can be easily solved.

But here comes the question. If I do this, will I meet someone who wants to die for money and issue a reward order?

And we don’t need to have too many such guys, one in a month is enough for us.

Of course, money is not a problem, the problem is annoying.

In order to put an end to this shameful behavior, I can only hold back my anger for the time being and do not go to the underground world to issue a reward order, but first report the situation to the two queens.

Although they probably already knew about the rewards in the underground world, they still had to report what they had to report, and they had to report everything up until they were able to get the most beneficial assistance.

Thinking so, I hurried back to Moonlight City in the airship to meet the two queens.

When I met with the two majesty, and after I had counted what I saw, heard, and thoughts in my heart, the fairy queen took the lead and said: "After so long, I thought you could solve it."

I always blushed and said in a low voice: "I'm disappointed."

"I'm not disappointed," the fairy queen said: "I just want to say, you little guy, the experience is too shallow, you should do what you should do if you save your life."

I suddenly widened my eyes: "You mean...does it, you have done something to the underground world?"

"That's not true." The fairy queen said lightly: "Although I also want to destroy this world hidden in the shadows, it is a pity that it has been rooted for tens of millions of years, hundreds of millions of years, and now it has been deeply rooted, and I want to get rid of it. It can't be solved by just spending some manpower and material resources. Maybe, you have to gamble on the national fortune. The gains outweigh the losses."

I nodded. I was not disappointed because the Fairy Queen didn't immediately stand up for her granddaughter. On the contrary, I was relieved because the Fairy Queen was still as sensible.

And the more sensible the fairy queen, the safer the environment Xiao Lemi was in.

The reason is simple, rational, and meticulous, so that there will be no omissions, no omissions, how to solve the situation?

The fairy queen continued: "Although you can't move the underground world yet, you can start from the earth world."

"Start from the world on earth?" I wondered: "How to proceed?"

The fairy queen said: "Don't look at the two extremes of the underground world and the earth world, but in fact, the two are still closely related. The reason is very simple. If people in the underground world want to survive, they must live in the earth world. Show up, and the world on earth is the territory of our monarchs."

"As long as they dare to show their heads, my people can catch them in the first place."

"Doing this will lead to resistance in the underground world?"

"The underground world and the earth world have their own rules, and the rules cannot be easily broken. If the underground world dares to go against the rules and counterattack the earth world, then it will be time for the underground world to perish."

I still refused to answer, looking at the fairy queen blankly.

On the side, the elf queen explained: "If the people in the underground world break the rules, the entire underground world will be attacked by all the worlds on the ground. Even the city of Eri, which has the most ordinary relationship with our Moonlight City, will take the initiative to attack."

"Why?" I wondered: "Can't he take this opportunity to have a good relationship with the underground world?"

"Of course it's impossible," the fairy queen said lightly: "There can only be one monarch and only one monarch for each race in each country."

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