The People Walking in Dungeons are surely not Normal

Chapter 3285: Take the other way, return the other body

The tone of the fairy queen is beyond doubt.

At the same time, I secretly accused myself of being too stupid.

Imperial power has never been in doubt, and has never been indivisible.

Although each race has its own monarch, and there are two pairs of monarchs who live together day and night to unite the country.

But between them, they all deeply remembered the impassable truth of imperial power.

For example, the dwarf king only rules the dwarf tribe, and the goblin king only rules the goblin tribe, and in terms of various areas, they are also clearly divided, only when one party has a problem, the other party will take power on its behalf.

But as long as the person in power on the other side is not a fool, he will never make any policy that goes against the development of the country.

After all, the two countries unite the country, and once anything is done against the interests of one's subjects, the country's comprehensive strength will be consumed.

And the final result of excessive consumption of the country's comprehensive strength can only be invaded by other countries.

Therefore, Moonlight City and Fort Witch, which have two monarchs at the same time, the relationship between the monarchs is much closer than the relationship with the monarchs of other countries.

This can be seen from the performance between the monarch and the monarch.

Although the Goblin King and the Dwarf King quarreled when they were fine, the tacit understanding between them was far greater than that of their brothers.

Although the Fairy Queen often substitutes the Fairy Queen to issue orders, the two will hold a secret meeting in the office before making a decisive policy.

Looking at the relationship between other monarchs and monarchs, or the relationship between monarchs and officials, it is not so intimate.

Although the Orc King would solicit the ideas of all his courtiers as much as possible every time he discusses major issues in the country, he may not necessarily follow the suggestions of any one of his subjects when he collects, collects, and issues his will.

Most of the time, he will be arbitrary.

This also directly caused many top nobles to feel dissatisfied with him.

Simmons Locke has a team of think tanks, and they will give him ideas when they encounter problems, but there is a premise that Simmons Locke will point them out where they can discuss, and they will discuss it again.

Carter Horton has several prime ministers. Together they assisted Carter Horton in rectifying government affairs. However, these government affairs are mostly trivial matters. When they really encounter major events that require decision, Carter Horton will take the lead in marking his own ideas. Let the prime ministers refer to the decision.

The prime ministers of these people naturally know how to do it.

The result of such indulgent Carter Horton was that after the melee expelling foreign forces, the overall national strength of Ai Ruicheng was suddenly reduced, from the original economic power to the fourth economic power.

But this is the case. Those prime ministers who let Carter Holden are still in high positions, and after the end of the melee, Carter Holden praised these prime ministers more than once for their loyalty, because of their joint efforts with himself, Ai Only Ruicheng can regain the rule of the human race.

I don't know what others think. I despise Carter Horton's behavior anyway. He will not only continue to weaken the national power of Eri City, but also ruin the future of the Carter family in Eri City.

However, doing this is good for Carter Rodney, because the more chaotic the city of Eri, the more chance Rodney has to take over the city of Eri.

But before that, some of his rivals need to be eliminated, for example-Carter Scott.

Pull a little further and get back to business.

Although on weekdays, these monarchs will have transactions with various forces in the underground world, or keep in touch with each other, once there is a situation of anti-objectism, that is, the underground world will extend their minions to the earth world, these monarchs will not be ambiguous at all. All will take action to eliminate these minions in the shortest time.

Maybe they will carry, beat and beat the organizations of the underground world.

This situation is not uncommon.

Not long after Carter Horton succeeded to the throne, there were organizations that disobeyed his rule of the underground world and were ready to initiate a coup, to overthrow Carter Horton's regime, and then succeed him.

As a result, it didn't take long for him to show up, he was uprooted by the young Carter Horton and completely wiped out.

The same situation has appeared in several other monarchs.

The one who killed the most was Her Majesty the Fairy Queen.

Speaking of it, the main reason for her Majesty the Fairy Queen's massacre of the organization of the underground world is not the underground organization, but her Majesty.

At that time, Her Majesty the Fairy Queen was just in her twenties, at the same age, but she was ruthlessly abandoned by Father Taylor, and she inherited the ceremony when she had grievances in her heart.

At the beginning of his ascension, an organization in the underground world appeared, preparing to assassinate an insignificant nobleman's concubine in exchange for a reward.

However, when they were successful and planned to retreat, they inadvertently touched the alarm and were chased by a group of adventurers. The final result was arrest.

In prison, they confessed to their crimes and confessed the reward order.

As a result, this matter was heard by the fairy queen.

Her Majesty the Fairy Empress was in a bad mood, so she was about to take these guys.

If a monarch wants to clean up his subjects, even if the other party is of a family background, he will not escape death, let alone an alliance of ancient organizations with a better foundation among the people.

The fairy queen confidant was furious and commanded the elite of the Rose Legion to attack the underground world.

The president of the Rose Army at that time was Elder Sonoda Mai, and Elder Sonoda Mai, who was about the age of Her Majesty the Fairy Queen, had just been promoted to the power of the country just not long, and it was the time when he was both warlike and capable.

Therefore, under the imperial decree of the murderous fairy queen, she led tens of thousands of the top powerhouses of the Rose Legion to launch a killing in the underground world.

This killing was a corpse thousands of miles away, blood flowed into rivers.

The top powerhouses of the Rose Legion lost a total of nearly a hundred, while the ancient organizations of the underground world shrank by two-thirds.

The remaining one-third are ancient organizations such as Tarakuta, which have already had a fairly dominant position among the people.

This is the case. Ancient organizations such as Talakuta also tacitly formulated an unspoken rule-absolutely must not provoke imperial power.

"Grandma" I said curiously: "You said, this time the reward order, is it possible that some ancient organization that doesn't know the heights of the earth?"

"Do not rule out this possibility," the fairy queen said lightly: "In recent years, the ancient organization has indeed escaped a bit. It's time to beat and beat."

"How are you going to beat them?"

I asked.

"Naturally, it is based on the way of the person, but also the body of the person."

As she spoke, the fairy queen's eyes flashed, and her dangerous aura suddenly overflowed.

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