Two days later.

Rumor has it that two newly established underground world organizations have been destroyed, and the killer is unknown.

At the same time, a new reward order appeared in the underground world reward order, which was a reward order for the person who arrested the princess of the fairy clan with a lot of money.

The bounty is not paid with gold coins, but with Mithril equivalent to thirty thousand gold coins as the bounty.

Once this reward was announced, it instantly detonated the entire underground world organization.

You know, things like Mithril are not allowed to be sold privately.

Of course, it is only stipulated in legal terms. It is actually sold in the private sector, but the number is very small and the fakes are mostly.

The reward order pays attention to the value of the item, that is, if the item is used as the monetary unit, the value of the item should be equivalent to the amount filled in.

And the mithril that 30,000 gold coins can get is enough to build a short saber.

And even if you don't build weapons, but choose to stay as a family heirloom, it still has a very high value.

Especially for the vast majority of adventurers living in the underground world, Mithril is simply the best material for building super weapons.

Under the reward, there must be a brave man.

The adventurers seemed to be crazy, and they started looking for a bounty for the princess of the fairy clan.

However, this person did a good job of concealment, and in the next week, no adventurer discovered the other party's whereabouts.

Don't even know what the other person looks like.

This has to compliment the professionalism of the staff at the Bounty Office of the Underground World.

Even if it is threatened by adventurers, he still refuses to reveal the slightest news about the customer.

Of course, the other party didn't dare to really cruel the staff, because the underground world has rules, and those who don't hurt the staff at the bounty office, otherwise they will be hunted down by all the underground world.

This rule was jointly formulated by all underground world organizations to protect the life of the issuer of the reward order.

Only when the life safety of the issuer of the reward order is guaranteed, will the reward order of the underground world be valuable and more people will be invested in the underground world.

Originally, I didn't want to have any entanglements with the underground world. After all, this world is far more cruel and darker than it looks.

If the frontal world is a game of intrigue between the superior and the superior, then the underground world is a devouring game between organizations.

In the underground world, new organizations will spring up like mushrooms anytime and anywhere, and they look full of vigor.

Some of these new organizations can survive for a long time, like a green pine, never getting old, and some are short-lived and fleeting. Whether it is an organization site or an adventurer, it will be eaten up by stronger organizations. net.

Organizations that can survive this cruel devouring war are generally not simple.

While wandering the streets, according to the intelligence gathered by the boss of Rennes, he constantly looked for the place where the reward order of the underground world was issued.

Not long after, I came to the entrance of a tavern and stopped and looked up.

This tavern looks very ordinary and completely unobtrusive.

Even the sign is so ordinary-hanging directly above the entrance of the tavern, a humble sign with only the word tavern written on it.

Such a little-known tavern turned out to be the most authoritative point of release in the underground world.

Pushing the door open, it was deserted, only three or two guests were drinking quietly.

As I entered the door, the eyes of these three or two guests were quickly cast on me, but in the next moment they inadvertently left aside and continued to work on their own affairs, as if they had never looked at me.

But I know very well that they are wary of me, otherwise, why would they put their hands on the handle of the weapon?

But I don’t care, because I came today not to cause trouble, but to do something.

At the bar, the bartender was drooping his eyelids, wiping the glass.

Under the reflection of the dim light, I could see the bartender's eyes clearly, with a dangerous light in the calm, like a snake waiting for an opportunity to move.

"A glass of rum" I whispered softly: "Add ice."

"Okay, sir."

Just when I was firmly seated at the bar, the cocktail with ice was served.

Holding the wine glass and taking a sip, I said lightly: "Also, I want to see your boss."

"Our boss is not there." The bartender didn't raise his eyelids, and said in a low voice: "If the customer wants to see the boss, please show the appointment certificate."

"Unexpectedly," I said, "Your boss's platoon is quite big."

The bartender didn't speak, and the force of wiping the glass suddenly increased a bit.

Is this going to do it to me?

I thought silently.

At the moment when the bartender stopped, the small door behind the bar suddenly opened, and a tall and lanky man in formal suit walked out.

The next action of the bartender suddenly froze, he turned his head and looked at the man in formal suit.

There is no look on the thin face of the elf man in formal clothes, but he said indifferently: "Stop it, don't be rude to the distinguished customers of this shop."

Hearing this, the bartender didn't hesitate, so he quickly put down the wine glass, bowed to me, and said, "I'm sorry, sir, I am the one who neglected."

I smiled faintly: "No, you didn't neglect just now."

After that, I stretched out my hand and held the wine glass. The killing intent disappeared. Then, I raised my hand again, nodded slightly at the elf man, and followed him into the back room.

Before closing the door, in the corner of the light, I saw the wine glass, which turned into a pile of powder in an instant.

When I came to the back room, the guest and the host were seated, and the elf man poured tea for me while saying: "My elder is here, what's the point?"

I laughed and said, "Ask it knowingly."

"I'm sorry, elder," the elf man bowed and said, "Customer information is absolutely confidential."

"More important than the lives of you and your family?"

The elf man didn't change his face, and said lightly: "Yes."

"Are you not afraid that I will use your daughter and young son's life to threaten you?"

"Being in our business, I have already had this kind of consciousness" the elf man bowed his head and said in a low voice, "but please also ask the elder to raise your hand."

"There is no need to put on such a low posture. You are the king of the underground world. If you lower your head, it will be a joke."

"The title of king is just a boring act of a group of good deeds. In front of you, I am just an ordinary adventurer, an ordinary tavernkeeper, and a slightly powerful little boss."

"I won't do anything to your family." Putting down the wine glass and holding up the tea cup, I whispered softly: "I'm just curious, who is so courageous, who dares to offer a huge reward for kidnapping my fiancee."

"I'm sorry, Elder An Xiaoyi, I will not disclose customer information."

The elf man still repeated the same words.

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