I didn't make any more threats, but calmly looked at the elf man.

It wasn't until a drop of muddy sweat slipped from his temples that I smiled and said, "I'm curious, who can make you protect him so desperately?"

"With all due respect, elders, apart from my family, there is no one worthy of my desperate protection. But to protect my family, I must first abide by the rules, and protecting customer information is the first rule."

"So, customer information is more important than your family?"

"Abiding by the rules of the underground world and never divulging customer information can I keep my job and be able to protect my family. You know this better than me."

He frowned slightly and then smiled: "You are right. Only by keeping your job and following the rules can you ensure a stable life and ensure the safety of your family."

"If, I mean if" I looked at the elf man with a smile, and slowly said, "If I kill you, what will happen?"

The elf man’s body was stretched straight, his face was tense, his breathing was short of breath, and it took dozens of seconds before he barely calmed down, and said in a deep voice, “Nothing will happen. It’s just a different boss here. It’s happening in the underground world. A storm."

"Will you die?" I asked again.

"Yes," he replied without hesitation: "And many people will die."

"That's fine." I waved my hand and said, "With an underground monarch town like you, the underground world can be more stable. It's just that I have nowhere to vent my bad breath. Can you give me a hint?"

"Very, sorry, elder."

He lowered his head and faced me in the most humble manner.

"Hey, it's nothing more. Since you refuse to say, how can I make it difficult for others? This underground world is really dull, and I don't even leave me a chance for accommodation."

While speaking, I slowly got up and walked out of the room.

When I came to the bar, I continued to look at the bartender with a smile, who was still wiping the glass.

Through the reflection of the dim light, I found that his eyes were no longer cold and fierce, but fear and panic.

"Another glass of rum."

I said lightly.

After smashing a wine glass by mistake, the bartender finally delivered the rum to me, then immediately ran aside and continued to wipe the glass.

The elf man walked out of the room when he heard the sound. After seeing the broken cup and me, who was looking at the bartender with a smile, he sighed, said nothing, and went back to the room.

In the tavern, the eyes of other adventurers looking at me changed, becoming puzzled, surprised, nervous, and at a loss.

After drinking the wine, I took out a silver coin, gently placed it on the bar, and slowly left.

In the evening of the second day, after dinner, I was drinking juice in the commercial street. I heard someone whispering in the neighbourhood, saying that the underground world's reward order publishing office went to a big man. He wanted to inquire about customer information, but was rejected by the publishing office boss. , And then all sorts of likes for the boss. Some people say that this big man is very generous and didn't care about the boss, otherwise, the underground world will suffer.

There are also rumors that there are big people who are dissatisfied with a certain reward order and plan to take action on the underground world, but there is no action yet. It is estimated that the underground world will be plunged into great turmoil before long. Those civil organizations will finally be able to It’s hard to tell how many are left.

Some people also said that the civil organizations in the underground world have been out frequently recently, as if they were looking for something. As for what they are looking for, it is not known.

After drinking the juice in one sip, I walked home in silence.

The authenticity of the rumors in the market is very high. I know this, but I didn't expect it to spread so quickly.

Yesterday, I just came out of the tavern. Today, there are rumors about me in the market, and the authenticity is quite high, but I don’t know who passed it out.

But I can be sure that it is not the tavern owner and the bartender, because they don't have the guts and would not do this kind of thing.

It is very likely that one or a few of the few people who drank that day were able to spread this kind of information.

But I do not intend to pursue it, because they spread my affairs and it is not harmful to me.

The second anecdote that I heard, I guess, is probably about the Fairy Queen, after all, she said that she should beat the underground world well.

As for the third anecdote, I don't know what happened.

It is said that people in the underground world are looking for something, and what are they interested in?

As I walked, I held my chin and kept thinking, but I didn't have a clue.

Regardless, I don't bother to take care of things that have little to do with me.

Now, what I care most about is who issued Xiao Leimi's reward order.

After dinner, I sat in the backyard, thinking about it.

Father Taylor also moved a small Mazar at this time, sat next to me, smiled and asked: "Why, have you encountered a problem?"


"Mind if I talk to the old man?"

"Of course I don't mind" I said.

Afterwards, I told him the general course of the matter.

The old man listened, pondered for a long time, and slowly said, "How are you going to deal with this matter?"

"No plan." I shook my head: "I am very new to the underground world and have no clue at all."

"I don't think so," the old man chuckled: "Remember Moonlight Tavern?"

A word to wake up the dreamer.

"Moonlight Tavern?" I opened my eyes suddenly: "Tara Kuta!"

The old man smiled and nodded: "If you want to solve a problem, it is better to look for something related to the problem, maybe there will be unexpected gains."

"Thank you!"

I said excitedly, and jumped up, put on my coat, and walked out.

Moonlight Tavern is different from most Moonlight City stores in that it is open overnight.

But at night, there is no bartender in the tavern, only the owner Socia, her partner, and the wine.

Adventurers who want to buy drunk late at night will take out the wine they want to drink and consciously put the money on the bar.

After drinking, the slightly drunk will go home, and the drunk will lie on the table and sleep till dawn.

There is no need to worry about someone picking up the corpse, no need to worry about someone stealing, or doing something against morals.

Because this is the Moonlight Tavern, because its owner is Socia, because Socia’s friend is the leader of Tarakuta, because Tarakuta is one of the several ancient organizations in the Zephyr continent.

Whoever dares to do anything against morals in Moonlight City will be punished by Tara Kuta, unless it is a great noble, and will never leave the mansion from now on, as long as he dares to leave the mansion, he will be punished.

And this kind of sanction, the two queens of Moonlight City, are tacitly approved.

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