With my acquiescence, the apostles continued to harass and kill.

And it gradually got worse.

After just two days, the underground world has fallen into a semi-paralyzed state.

The elf man once again ordered someone to invite me to talk.

Came to the bar and entered the room. This time, the attitude of the elf man finally changed substantially.

As soon as I saw me, I knelt down with a plop, and said with a sad expression: "My elder, please raise your hand. If this continues, the underground world will really collapse."

"I know" I said: "But what does it matter to me?"

"Don't you really care about being overwhelmed?" He raised his head and said bitterly.

"I don't care," I said: "Who would let someone dare to do something to my family? Since they dare to do it, they must dare to be and take responsibility."

"But my lord, there are more innocent people in the underground world!"

"Isn't my fiancée innocent?"

The elf man finally stopped speaking. He knew very well that if he continued on this topic, he would never get an answer.

It is better to go directly to the point.

With a deep sigh, he got up, took out a titled document from the penultimate drawer of one of the cabinets, hesitated for a long time, then hovered for a while, cruelly, put the document on the table, and said in a low voice: "My lord, This is all the information of that person. Please raise your hand and let the underground world a yard."

Instead of picking up the file, I smiled and said, "Why, the customer's information is not top secret?"

"It's not worth it" the elf man smiled wryly.

"What's not worth it?"

"For such a person, ruining the entire underground world, this deal is not worth it."

"But in this way, won't your reputation be greatly compromised?"

"Compared with the future of the underground world, how much is my reputation worth?"

The elf man smiled bitterly and shook his head: "I just hope that after this catastrophe, the underground world will not collapse."

"The underground world will not collapse" picked up the file and I said lightly: "As long as there are people, the underground world will not collapse. At most it will be turbulent for a period of time, but isn't this also an opportunity?"

The elf man subconsciously said: "What opportunity?"

"You can use this to rectify the underground world, so that it can be reborn from Nirvana and have a fresh start."

"My lord says that...does it mean you want..."

"Can't it?" I asked rhetorically.

"If it is an adult, there is no problem."

"Thanks a lot."

Get up and smile.

"You are polite" The elf man bowed and sent me away respectfully.

What I want to do is actually very simple, is to join the underground world, so that my forces have a place in the underground world.

In the future, if anyone dares to disadvantage my family, I will mobilize the power of my underground world and turn the underground world upside down.

Leaving the bar, hand over the file to the boss of Rennes and let him help with the matter.

Boss Renn opened the file bag, glanced at the file, and smiled.

"What are you laughing at?" I wondered.

"This guy is really fearless." Boss Ren said: "A mid-level nobleman in Eredi City, in a small area, even dared to issue a reward order for arresting the princess in the underground world. I really don't know what is in his mind. Paste?"

"Paste or not, I don't care, I just want to figure out two things."

"First, why did he arrest Xiao Lemi."

"Second, whose instruction? Or, whose instigation?"

"Understood" Boss Renn smiled slightly, his smile coldly like a winter wind.


A week later.

According to rumors, there was a middle-sized nobleman in Ai Ruicheng, the whole family was slaughtered, a large-scale noble family, and all the people involved were killed. After this incident, the medium-sized nobles will no longer exist, and the large-sized nobles will also become medium-sized nobles.

Boss Ren's house.

"One of the heirs of the large aristocrats wanted to see the ugliness of the stupid son of the medium-sized aristocrats, so he bought his personal guard and encouraged him to go to the underground world to issue a reward."

"The whole incident is that simple?"

"Yes, it's that simple."

"I don't understand it." I frowned, and said unhappily, "Are these people getting full? Just let it go for a good day, but do you have to provoke a princess?"

"It's always been the case, or else I can't explain why they provoke your fiancee" Boss Rennes laughed.

"Huh? What does this mean?"

"Perhaps you haven't heard this rumor, right" Boss Ren said: "Today's Hefeng Continent has two taboos, one is the three forbidden places, and the other is your family."

"What...what do you mean?" I was at a loss.

"It means in writing" Boss Wren said: "If the whole Hefeng Continent knows that you have a relationship with the apostle, you also have an army left over from the ancient times, and Master Dewey as a backing, just these three points together. Together, they have built you into an existence second only to the three forbidden areas."

"It's really a bunch of idlers" I complained: "I don't study business all day, but I have to make up some messy things."

Regarding my complaint, Boss Rennes smiled and said nothing.


With the death of the reward order, the reward order was immediately erased by the publisher.

At the same time, for this reason, the reward order issued by the wanted reward order was subsequently revoked.

After all this, I went to meet with the two queens.

The fairy queen patted my shoulder lightly, indicating that I was doing well.

The elf queen worried more than appreciated.

From this we can see the difference between closeness and closeness.

Although I am very important to the fairy queen, Xiao Lemi is more important. After all, I am just her future grandson-in-law, and Xiao Lemi is the future heir to the throne and the continuity of the lineage.

I have no jealousy about this, after all, Xiao Leimi is considered the last bloodline heir of the fairy queen, she is really going to have something wrong, and the fairy royal family will be cut off at this point-only on the surface.

In fact, as long as I am still alive and have the ability to reproduce offspring, the bloodline of the fairy royal family will not be cut off.

But if you want the descendants of the true fairy royal lineage, you can't rely on Xiao Lemi, because she is only a fairy fairy.

There is only one person who can rely on, and that is Lizi.

Because so far, the only pureblood fairy I know of is Lizi.


For the time being, Xiaomi's business has come to an end.

During this time, Celia's performance was slightly different from usual.

Speaking of Celia, I actually have a lot to say.

This girl has always looked peaceful and quiet since she came to my house. Even if she was assigned to help in a cafe, she was the most quiet one.

Because of the very quiet relationship, the relationship with the other maids in the cafe can only be regarded as not too close.

Because of this, I have always been worried about whether Celia will suffer from depression if this continues.

But in the past few days, I discovered that Selya's personality has undergone a radical change, from being silent at the beginning to being a little bit ridiculous.

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