Saying that Celia was a silly talker would have wronged her a bit, but if she was not, her performance during this time was indeed the case.

Almost every day when I get home from get off work, Celia will haunt me, telling me what she has seen and heard in the cafe all day.

Some of these things are more interesting, some are very boring, and even a few times, I just dozed off.

However, this is the case, Celia still talks nonstop every day.

Although I don't hate these content, and Selya's voice is also very good, it sounds like listening to a song, but the problem is that her changes before and after are also big, a little uncomfortable.

From being a quiet virgin to talking about tuberculosis, this is not a little change, it is an earth-shaking change.

"Today, a guest looked at me all the time. It's so annoying." Sitting on her knees beside me, Celia whispered, "But the guest is very generous and took out a gold coin as a tip."

"It seems that there are customers using gold coins as tips every day these days," I said perfunctorily.

"Yeah," she murmured, supporting her cheek, "When it wasn't like this in Dasai City, everyone there used copper coins."

"Compared this way, is it better here?"

"No," Sai Liya said: "Although there are more here for tips, it is happier and freer in Dasai City, and there is no impolite sight."

"That's because the high priest is sitting in town, right" I smiled and said: "If you have nothing to do with the high priest, but just an ordinary service person, I'm sure that no matter which town you are in, you will be People are aiming around."

"How could it be..." she whispered without confidence.

"It's not how it is possible, but it will happen" I said: "Because you are very beautiful, and everyone has a love for beauty, right?"

Celia's face turned red suddenly.

"Ah, am I in danger too?" Barbara didn't know when she leaned in. She leaned on Celia's shoulder and said, "A cute and lively girl like me will definitely be coveted by more people. It's... terrible."

While speaking, she turned to me with a pitiful expression.

"Come on," I said with a smile: "No matter which town you work in, you will never - yes, absolutely - you will not be harassed."

"Why!" Listening to me, Barbara raised her eyebrows and said in a bad tone: "I need to explain! If you can't explain to me, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

After all, raising his little hand, five sharp claws stretched out.

"Shaoan not impatient" I waved my hand and said, "I am not saying that you are not beautiful, nor that you are not cute, I just said that a brave and powerful girl like you, no matter which town you are in, dare not Someone bullied you."

"That's it." Barbara's cold face melted, and her eyebrows smiled: "I'll just say, Celia is cute, but I am as cute as her, so how could I not be coveted? Huh, it turned out to be because I am brave~"

She was in a good mood, humming a song, and went back to the hall to chat.

I was relieved just now as I watched her go away.

Celia said at this time: "Sometimes, I really can't guess what Barbara thinks. She is stupid. When working in a cafe, she is shrewd, but she is shrewd, but sometimes the reaction It's silly."

"She's not stupid" I said with a smile: "Don't look at Barbara's silly look, she is actually smart."

"Uh-huh" Celia pursed her lips: "Only when working in a cafe."

I didn't refute, just smiled.

Maybe Celia didn't know why Barbara would approach us as if there was nothing to do, but I knew it very well.

This is because Barbara does not want other girls to be too close to me, or in other words, does not want me to be closer to other girls than I am to her.

The little vinegar jar is like this, if there is a little turmoil, you will immediately be surprised, and then put your ears to the front, eavesdropping on whether you are talking about ambiguous love again.

If a similar situation occurs, she will come out immediately, interfere, or interrupt. In short, she will try every means to prevent the other party from succeeding.

She did this for her reason, after all, cats are more possessive.

But Celia, who is not very good at human relations, is very dull in this regard.

After a moment of silence, I opened the topic and asked, "I said, Seliya, have you been on your mind recently?"

"Things?" Celia smiled unnaturally, "Nothing."

"Uh...I'm your fiance, right?"

She nodded without hesitation.

"Although we haven't officially become a husband and wife, our relationship is already the closest apart from you and the high priest, right?"

She nodded again and looked at me blankly.

"Since our relationship is so close, you have something on your mind, why don't you tell me?" I tried to smile gently: "Is there anything unspeakable?"

"No, no," Celia shook her head and was silent for a long time before murmured: "Actually...I recently felt..."

"Hmm" I looked at her seriously.

"My bloodline power seems to be awakening gradually."


Hearing this, my eyes widened suddenly, and my heart was shocked.

The awakening of blood is not a trivial matter.

You know, Celia is a Mori fairy, and once the blood of Mori fairy awakens, it will gain extremely powerful power and unknown special effects.

For the time being, the powerful force is not mentioned, the unknown effect is the focus.

Take the Inferior Ikky, for example, she, who possesses power comparable to that of an apostle, is not actually jealous of the apostle. What really makes the apostle jealous is that she has the power while also giving life to objects.

This is the most terrifying place.

Even the most proficient apostle with magic and life can only give life and soul to puppets by creating puppets.

In contrast, the ability to directly give life to an object is appalling.

However, this is only one of the special abilities that Mori Fairy has when the bloodline is awakened. Almost every Mori Fairy will master at least one special ability after the bloodline is fully awakened, and as the bloodline concentration increases, it will master the special ability. The number of will increase accordingly.

According to incomplete statistics, the Mori Fairy who currently masters the most special abilities in Hefeng Continent has a total of more than ten special abilities.

And that fairy fairy, happened to be the first fairy emperor.

It's right to think about it. How can it be easy for people who can use their own power to break the chaos, settle the powerful disasters, and unify the Hefeng Continent, who can have such means and strength?

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