
There was a muffled sound, and the ocean current was surging.

The strength was so great that it even shattered all the monsters within a range of nearly 100 meters.

With my body trembling, I suddenly opened my eyes wide, staring at the scene in disbelief.

In front of me, a giant submarine is horizontally there.

On the giant submarine, a sturdy and exaggerated tentacles slammed on it, and even dented the submarine's top cover!

If the blow hit me just now, maybe I will survive, but I won’t be able to escape the fate of broken bones.

What made me even more frightened was that the tentacles rushed down my head. Once they were hit, they would probably lose consciousness on the spot.

In the deep sea of ​​about 100,000 meters, once you lose your consciousness, you will easily be eaten up by sea monsters waiting to spy on it as food.

Thanks to the submarine for saving my life... But, under such a terrible impact, will Master Dewey be okay?

Thinking of this, a chill rose from the tail bone and went straight to the forehead.

After the chills passed, I no longer held up, condensed the killing intent, and at the same time accumulated the power of the goblin, aiming at the giant sea monster tens of meters away was a slash.

This blow, drawing a knife, condensing all my strength, I am confident that even Isis and other apostles, if they are hit without special defensive measures, they will surely end up severely damaged.

Knife Gang was like a colorless crescent. It cut through the thick sea water, and cut it on the body of the giant sea monster with irresistible force, then pushed it all the way horizontally, and then penetrated out into the deep sea, and disappeared.

The giant sea monster roared dullly, with a miserable voice, mixed with deep anger.

Seeing this scene, I couldn't help feeling a little desperate.

Even the apostle was able to inflict a heavy blow, and it failed to cause absolute damage to it. This one hundred-meter giant is really extraordinary!

Damn it!

I secretly said in my heart: I had known that I would leave a bit of strength, I don’t need to draw the sword, I should use the streamlined drawing, so at least there is a chance to deal with it, if I can wait to support the team, with the power of a group of national power, Even if it can't be subdued, it will definitely be driven away.


Looking up at the top of his eyes, there is no one person.

Counting the time, even if the national power accelerates with all its strength, it is indeed impossible to come over at this point in time.

Looking at the desperate atmosphere in front of me, I can't help but regret secretly.

It's not that I regretted dying in the deep sea, nor that I regretted the rescue, but I regretted why I didn't leave a trace of stamina.

The angry giant sea monster doesn't matter whether I am in a frozen state or not, it just wants to swallow me such a small bit in its belly in one bite, so as to calm the offended anger.


A big mouth, muffled roar.

The sound trembled the sea, and the trembling sea formed a distorted picture, standing in front of my eyes, the body of the giant monster against it was distorted and funny.

But I couldn't laugh, because the monster was obviously angry, but I couldn't move. This is not a desperate situation, what is it?

The giant monster gave a low growl, and countless tentacles shook back. The huge body rushed towards me at an extremely fast speed. At the same time, it opened its huge mouth and was ready to swallow it all round.

At this moment, the submarine moved again, blocking the giant sea monster.

The huge mouth slammed into the submarine, and there was a tremor.


What it wanted to do was blocked again, and the giant sea monster was even more furious. It waved its tentacles and rolled up the submarine fiercely. At the same time, a pair of tentacles exerted force at the same time, trying to smash the submarine into two.

"Foster father!"

I yelled, but my body was still in a stiff state, and I definitely couldn't move.

I watched the submarine’s surface trembling slightly, and it seemed that the waterproof paint was peeling off. I was even more anxious. If this continues, the submarine’s defense mechanism is very likely to be destroyed. Once the defense mechanism is broken, dive The boat is not far from being smashed.

In despair, the little sea monsters around the giant sea monster suddenly trembled together, and then they scattered like frightened fish.

After just a few breaths, these little water monsters disappeared without a trace.

"What's the matter?" I wondered, and there was a panic in my heart.

Almost each of these little sea monsters is tens of meters long, and when placed in a sea area of ​​10,000 meters, they are also the hegemon who can dominate a sea area.

A sea monster like this, even if it encounters Longfoot Rotes, it may not be as panicked as it is now... Then there is only one possibility, a sea monster more terrifying than the apostle ,coming.

Thinking of this, my whole body is cold.

Sea monsters more terrifying than the apostles...there are only those kinds of sea monsters in the legend.

This...At the moment, I feel a little powerless to deal with sea monsters with a length of 100 meters, let alone the legendary sea monsters based on kilometers.

Born to be a kilometer... feed on the island...

Just as I was horrified, and when I was completely cold, a huge black shadow slowly emerged from under the deep sea.

The figure is huge, boundless, and difficult to measure visually.

Just knowing that the monster was just a normal floating action, it set off a sea current and its power was like a tsunami.

It wasn't until the moment when the huge black shadow appeared that the giant sea monster felt abnormal. It stopped the action of pushing the submarine vigorously, but slowly turned the huge head.

The yellow-green eyes just saw the dark shadow, and the pair of tentacles released in an instant.

The submarine was also able to escape.

The submarine that had just escaped, immediately drove in my direction.

If it were on the blue planet, this kind of behavior would be no different from murdering me, but this is the zephyr continent. Even if it was installed by a submarine, even if it was run over by an aircraft carrier, I might not be injured.

When the submarine just drove to my side, the giant sea monster just came to a sense of relief, thinking about swinging its tentacles and quickly fleeing.

But at this moment, the huge sea monster that was approaching suddenly opened its mouth...not completely, but only opened a small gap, but this gap is in my eyes. , But it is like an undersea gap.

The powerful suction was generated out of thin air, and in the blink of an eye, the giant sea monster was sucked into the mouth.

As I was in the sea, my body was hurt by the huge suction, and I was almost broken.

Fortunately, I pulled the flank of the submarine in time, but unfortunately, even though the submarine had fully used its maximum horsepower, it still couldn't get rid of this suction force and moved at a slow speed toward the cracks of the seafloor chasm.

Just when I fell into despair again, my mouth suddenly closed, and at the same time, a powerful repulsive force was generated, which directly blew me out by surprise.

The submarine didn't get any better, and it was also rushed forward by dozens of meters.

Almost hit the seabed rock.

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