I stopped my body, ignored my aching body, opened my eyes, and looked at the huge creature with full guard.

A sea monster more than a hundred meters long, it is like sucking a bean, sucking it into its mouth. If it's me, what can I do to defeat the opponent?

As soon as this thought came to my mind, Odachi’s voice rang: "Don’t be delusional, you can’t defeat it. At least with your current strength, even if you stand still, let you attack for a few days. Even at night, it can't break its defense."

"It... is it so terrible?"

I was horrified.

"Really" Dadachi said, "I don't have to lie to you about this kind of thing."

"Compared with the apostle, which one is stronger?"


The tone of Odachi's answer is beyond doubt.


I was cold in my heart, and murmured: "Even the apostle is not its opponent. Now we are in a disaster."

"I think your idea is a bit redundant."

"Huh?" I was stunned after hearing this: "What do you mean?"

"The meaning is clear" Datadao said: "You think too much."

"What makes me think too much? First of all, here is the bottom of the sea, and there is nowhere to escape. Secondly, the opponent is so powerful..."

"It seems that you are in chaos on the go," Taitadao said, "Don't you even feel the other's momentum?"


"Right" Otadao said: "The opponent has no intention to kill."

Hearing what it said, I just calmed down and started trying to perceive the other's momentum.

As Odachi said, this monster did not release any killing intent or negative emotions. On the contrary, its breath was very active and seemed very excited.

"How is this going?"

I am puzzled.

The huge sea monster slowly approached and stopped when I was still a few meters away.

Seeing that the other party was not malicious, I was in the mood to take a closer look at the other party's appearance-white with blueish skin and a transparent film outside the skin...

As I looked at the opponent carefully, suddenly, my skin trembled, and a few seconds later, a giant black dot moved in front of me.

I was taken aback. I quickly backed up and back more than a dozen meters before I could see that the radius of this giant black dot was as long as a submarine... and it was not a skin. It's the pupil!

My god...just the radius of the pupil, it is 100 meters long...what kind of monster is this?

Just when I was shocked to a bewildered look, the giant sea monster uttered a gentle low noise, and then shook his body and swam deeper into the ocean floor.

It wasn't until I swam hundreds of meters away that I couldn't see clearly. Isn't this the giant baby fish I encountered in the sea territory?

No, to be precise, it is not a giant baby fish, but a descendant of the overlord of the deep sea!

So far, it has helped me twice, but I am afraid of it because of its huge size, which shouldn't be.

For some reason, I shouted loudly: "Hey!"

The baby fish stiffened, stopped in place, and slowly turned to me.

In those huge eyes, there was no trace of other emotions, only simplicity and doubt.

I tried to swim towards it, and after swimming up to the front, I reached out and stroked the top of its head and said loudly, "Thank you, my friend."

Wawayu's eyes suddenly became flexible, and while turning, there was a happy sound in his mouth.

But it didn't act like a baby at me. Instead, it shook its huge head before turning around and wandering away.

Watching the baby fish leave, I swam back to the submarine. Through the window, I saw Master Dewey with a smile on his face, and a group of staff with excited and grateful faces. One of them was wrapped in gauze on his forehead.

Extend your finger and point to the top.

Master Dewey nodded and left the window.

Not long after, the submarine just started to float.

When we floated to more than 60,000 meters underwater, a group of national forces finally rushed over.

I glanced at them, who were heavily armed and'coming late', and I said: "Several guys, come a little bit late, the matter has been resolved."

Although national forces are wearing a full set of diving suits, they can still receive outside sounds, but they cannot make sounds on the seabed.

Seeing that there was nothing serious about me and the submarine, all the national power looked ashamed.

But I just teased them, and there was no malice. After the teasing, I stretched my finger to the top, and the national power was on the thumb and agreed.

After nearly half an hour, we went out of the sea and came to land.

The submarine was also dragged ashore by the staff.

When the hatch opened, Master Dewey took the lead to walk out, smiling and nodding to the crowds of imperial officials who came up, and amidst a crowd of concerns, he got on the carriage and drove towards the palace.

Upon seeing this, I nodded to President Aoli and President Steel Hammer, and started from the small road alone and walked towards the palace.

After entering the palace, I took a shower and changed into clean clothes. Then a court waiter came and handed a bag of documents to my hand.

This file bag is exactly the file bag that records the identities of the ten criminals.

The file bag that I took into the water before was actually dropped when I was chatting with the assassin leader.

There is only a wad of white paper in that document bag.

Then I took the document bag and jumped into the sea. When I went deep into the water tens of thousands of meters, I threw away the soaked document bag.

All this illusion is to paralyze the nerves of those nobles who want to undermine Master Dewey, so that they think that my evidence has been soaked in the sea.

Kaifeng, after taking a look at the content in my eyes, I couldn't help but sneer, saying that the fat nobleman and the thin tall nobleman were going to die this time.

To dare to assassinate Master Dewey, and to force me to submit, is simply bold!

When I came to Master Dewey's office, the Goblin King and Dwarf King were also here.

After asking, I smiled and put the file bag on the desk.

Master Dewey didn't say a word. He opened the file bag and read it over and over. He sneered and said, "It's really bold. It seems that I gave the noble group a good face."

After that, with a cold snort, he patted the file on the file bag and continued to work on data recording.

On the side, the Dwarf King and the Goblin King picked up the file curiously. Just after looking at it for a while, the Dwarf King roared with a loud voice: "This group of bastards! When you see benefits, like a dog, he leaned forward in minutes. , Seeing that there is a missing piece of interest, he immediately felt hatred, and wanted to be unfavorable to their gold master, it should be killed!"

"Yes." The Goblin King calmed down and said coldly: "They only saw the elder brother banning drugs, human trafficking and other ill-gotten gains, and the economic losses brought to their family, but they did not see the conscience of the older brother. , This kind of injustice should really be killed."

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