If someone takes the lead, things will be easier.

After hesitating for a while, the Patriarch of the Shang Shang family stood up and signed the agreement.

However, not all patrons of merchant families have signed the agreement, and a small number of patrons have not signed the agreement.

I smiled and asked my subordinates to bring up another agreement.

The content of this agreement is that all merchant families who have signed the previous agreement can sell all goods to Moonlight City at the original price during the prohibition period.

That is, outside traders are forbidden, but internal traders cannot be prevented.

At the same time, the agreement also states that Moonlight City will not be responsible for any situation in foreign countries that has not signed the previous agreement.

Now, those families that have not signed the agreement are not happy.


There is even a second agreement?

Moreover, the content of the second agreement came immediately after the first!

Isn't this playing them!

However, no matter how much they complain, they will never have the opportunity to sign the first agreement.

Because these people are all the guys who stand in the wrong team and still don't admit their mistakes, they must be punished.

Otherwise, how can my department establish prestige?

Moreover, as long as I don't make a statement at this time, those business families that have signed the agreement will not sympathize with the families that have not signed the agreement, and will even subtly prevent the families that have not signed the agreement from signing the agreement.

It's not impossible that this kind of thing can happen. Don't forget, businessmen are never monolithic, especially peers, who can be called enemies.

Many businessmen can even watch their colleagues die in order to protect their own interests.

brutal reality.

After doing all this, I waved my hand to signal the end of the meeting.

The heads of the family bowed to salute, and then filed out.

Soon, a large area was empty in the lobby, and the group of Patriarchs who did not sign their names remained.

As the leader of the "elders", one of the patriarchs took the lead and said: "Please be accommodating, and let us also sign that agreement."

"No" I shook my head and said: "The opportunity has been given to you, and it is your business not to seize it."

"But I also said that as long as you don't do business abroad, nothing will happen."


Before the leader finished speaking, I got up and left the lobby.

"My elder, please stay, my elder! My elder!"

Behind me, a group of Patriarchs rushed towards me, but at the door, they were intercepted by the guards, and they could only watch me disappear into view.

When we came to the palace, we went straight all the way to the back hall and found two sires.

"The two agreements have been signed, you two have checked."

The fairy queen smiled and said, "Thanks for your hard work."

The fairy queen directly picked up the agreement and read it. After reading it roughly, she said, "How many people have not signed it?"

"more than ten."

"Are there anyone who was forced not to sign?"

"There should be, after all, these families are big and small, and small families always depend on what the big family wants to do."

"If this is the case, then forget it." The fairy queen snorted indifferently. "There are only big families in the eyes, but those without emperor power are useless."

"What you said is" I said.

"But" I worried: "Among these unsigned families, there is indeed a behemoth that is one of the best in the merchant family. Just abandoning it like this, will it affect Moonlight City's industry?"

"You don't need to worry" The Fairy Queen waved her hand and said, "If there is a vacancy, you can contact your foster father and ask him to expand his business to Moonlight City. I can personally approve and assign all these industries to him. ."

"You are really generous."

I complimented.

However, I know very well that the fairy queen's thoughts at this moment-Master Dewey will definitely not care about the properties of several families in this area. It is certain that after learning the news, he must wave his hand and place the property under my management.

In this way, my family's money will increase again.

And I, who spoiled my wife, would naturally be more concerned about Xiao Lemi. In this way, Xiao Lemi will be more comfortable in the days of the Fearless Guild. She is more comfortable. As a grandmother, the fairy queen, naturally also You will feel comfortable.

This is a multi-tasking approach.

From the eyes of Her Majesty the Fairy Queen, I even saw the urge to ban those families.

"Grandma" I asked again: "How long will your ban last?"

"It depends on when the group of nobles will let go," the fairy queen said coldly: "If they have been reluctant to let go, we will remain frozen."

Immediately, she sneered: "However, stiffening will not do us much harm. On the contrary, it will have a big impact on York City."

"Why?" I wondered: "Isn't the sales volume of Moonlight City in York Seoul not large?"

"Not big is not big, but it is a very important thing" the fairy queen smiled.

"What is it?" I blurted out subconsciously.

The "Timber" Queen Elf said: "We have irreplaceable wood for industrial production, and this wood is only available in Moonlight City."

"How about the output?"

"The output is large, but although the output is large, in order to stabilize the price, the output is still controlled, but this time, if the export of this kind of wood can be banned, I believe it will not be long before the noble group will choose to compromise."

"If the noble group can choose to compromise, it must have suffered a big loss from the royal group."

I smirked.

"This is quite reasonable," the fairy queen said lightly.

"Do I need to ventilate to His Majesty Simmons Locke?" I asked, "I believe Simmons Locke is willing to help me."

"No need" the fairy queen said lightly: "Not yet time."

In the next few days, several families that did not sign an agreement sent waiters or people with status in the family to come to my house and ask me to visit the house, but I refused.

The reason is simple, I don't want to have anything to do with them.

I did this because, on the one hand, the two queens decided to clean up them, and on the other hand, because their attitude was too presumptuous. I was so eloquent to reason with them. Not only did they not listen, but they resisted face to face, even with When I confronted me in court, I simply didn't take me as a foreign elder seriously.

Since you don't take me seriously, then I won't take you seriously.

This behavior of courtesy and reciprocity, I play more slippery than you.

For several days in a row, the merchant family continuously sent people to my house. At first, they asked for a narration in the mansion. Later, they turned to begging, but I still ignored their intentions.

Finally, a family owner gave up and continued to beg me, but chose to do his own way.

Naturally, I won't pay attention to this kind of stubborn behavior.

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