If you don't listen to good people, you will suffer.

Although I am not a good person, I have kind thoughts and good intentions when I warn them not to mess around.

How can they blame me for not listening?

No, it's just been two weeks after the departure, and something went wrong.

When their caravan was stationed in a forest on the outskirts of York City, it was plundered by a group of unidentified adventurers. Dozens of adventurers who were in charge of the **** were killed. The staff in charge of the business were forced to hand in the inventory and After the purse he carried, he was also killed. The only one who survived was a middle-level worker who drove away and went to a remote location to pee and smoke.

At the time of the incident, he was rushing back. After seeing this scene, he was frightened and collapsed directly on the ground. While shaking, he gritted his teeth and dared not make a sound.

Fortunately, his survival response was both timely and standard, which saved him from a catastrophe.

After that, he stumbled to Dasai City and came to the family base in Dasai City.

During this period, he was regarded as a liar. Fortunately, this guy was not stupid. He promptly produced a family certificate to prove his identity. After a short investigation, it was confirmed that he was not a liar.

Then, he cried out the incident again with a nose and tears.

Although the merchant family has some power, the highest level of adventurers it raises is less than ten, and the maximum number is no more than a hundred people. Even if you count the other merchant families that are related to it, you can only get one. A small army with a rank of no more than ten and no more than a thousand men.

And through the description of this surviving guy, the identity of this group of robbers is most likely not a straggler, but an adventurer from a regular army.

Combined with the ban issued by the two majesty not long ago, the head of the family is even more sure that these people are the troops sent by the noble groups in York City and Eri City.

How can a private army of a few thousand people be the opponent of this group of regular troops?

The head of the family was so worried that his hair was white. There is no other way but to suggest that the survivors go home quickly and report the matter to the owner of the family, who will decide.

This person thinks about it. How many private soldiers can there be in the family resident, even if there are, no matter the size or number, they are far from the opponents of the regular army. The most urgent task is to report everything to the head of the family, and his elderly decides.

After hearing this terrible news, the head of the family couldn’t help being furious. First, all kinds of aristocratic groups in York, Seoul and Ari City were ungrateful, forgetting how much benefit he had given them, and even dared to **** his family’s goods. , It's a bear heart and leopard gall!

After venting his anger, he began to worry again, should he report it to the diplomatic service, or should he solve it by himself?

Later, it might have occurred to me that as a foreign elder, I probably wouldn't care about them. He simply decided to take the risk and send someone to invite the aristocrats of York, Seoul and Eri City to interview.

However, the post was sent, but everyone took care of him.

This result directly made the Patriarch angrily attacked his heart, and how far a mouthful of old blood spurted, he almost swayed his soul back to Huangquan Road.

Later, he appealed to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and pleaded for assistance.

I knew the news a long time ago and I was ready, so I didn't want to bother about such an unstable factor.

So I entrusted the matter to my secretary.

My secretary is too lazy to resolve this matter. She herself is one of the elf queen’s most trusted personal servants. In the future, I will marry the elf queen, and she will also marry with her majesty, both as a wife and as the queen’s personal servant. .

And she herself came from a high-powered and loyal noble family.

With such an identity, why would you care about the mess of such a sesame-sized figure?

So she also picked up her son and left the matter to her subordinates.

The third in command wanted to hide away, but the other party was not only my secretary, but also the close maid of Her Majesty the Elf Queen, or a noble background. The most terrifying thing was one of my fiancées.

These relationships were superimposed together, and he didn't dare to pick one up.

Nothing happened, so I had to organize manpower to receive this hapless Patriarch.

Seeing that it was not me, nor was it my secretary who received him, the owner immediately knew that this was difficult.

Regardless of the fact that the third-in-command has great power in the diplomatic department, any decision made by him must be approved by me. In particular, this violation of His Majesty’s prohibition requires me to personally sign it before it can be passed.

In view of my previous warning, the unfortunate Patriarch felt that this time, he was afraid that he would be planted.

That's a huge amount of cargo. If you can't catch it back, it will hurt your muscles and bones.

However, he couldn't find me justly and confidently, or sue me for malfeasance.

Because the two sires have already issued a ban, and during the period of prohibition, they have given the merchants retreat, and even promised that as long as the agreement is signed, all the goods can be sold to the local government at the original price.

If they don't sign an agreement, that's their business, and if they are unlucky, they have to take it for themselves.

Not to mention that the country didn't give a way, and don't blame your majesty for being ruthless, it's really their own desperation.

But in this way, how can their family, who have been hurt by their nerves and bones, continue to maintain their family glory?

Patriarchs who can't help, have to do everything they can to meet me in private, and even use his family's destiny as a bargaining chip, only hope that I can raise my hand and send troops to help them recover their losses.

Hearing this, I couldn't help but sneer.

Let’s not mention the fact that your family violated the agreement. Just say that you want to tie the fate of the family to me. Is it too natural?

Do you think I care about your family assets?

Or do I covet your daughter and granddaughter?

Or the feeling of my desire to control the fate of the family as I please?

Stop it, okay?

As the son of Master Dewey, the last thing I lack is money.

I have a group of fiancées, and all of them are Tianjiao's national colors, and most of the purposes of being with me are simple.

I am a foreign elder myself, and at the same time the successor to the behind-the-scenes master of Fort Witch, the feeling of manipulating life and death has long been tired of me.

None of these points can satisfy me. Why should I offend your majesty for your family?

So I continued to insist on strict rejection.

Despite the pleading of the Patriarch, he just stayed the same.

Finally, the Patriarch was desperate, and he had to go back silently.

Although his pitiful back makes me a little sad, it is actually his payment for his actions.

You know, your Majesty has made repeated orders to prohibit business with York, Seoul and Eri City. I also held a meeting some time ago. I also called all the family heads of Eri City that have business records with these two countries together and opened a second time. In the collective meeting, they themselves rejected my kindness.

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