Just when the Patriarch was desperate, a merchant family caravan was robbed.

This time, it was robbed in the forest outside Ai Rui City.

This merchant family and the previously robbed merchant family are families that have not signed an agreement.

I have to say that these people are really bold enough.

As the saying goes: People die for money, and birds die for food.

The ancients did not deceive me.

When the caravan was robbed, the owner of the family must not be able to sit still.

The Patriarch of the family whose second caravan was intercepted immediately approached the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, hoping to discuss the matter with me in person.

After receiving my refusal to negotiate, he even said that one third of the robbed goods could be selected and contributed to me.

But I still refuse to negotiate because I am not short of the money.

Some of my staff were a little moved. It is no wonder that the news I got from the informant, that part of the officials who moved, was because they took bribes from the owner of the family.

However, taking bribes means taking bribes. After feeling my determination to refuse to negotiate, they did not force me to persuade me, so I lightly exposed the bribery.

After all, in the officialdom, no one is clean. If you want to have less trouble, the best way is to make the people below clear, such as bribery, as long as you don’t have problems with the main principles, defy me, and Or to sabotage my plan, I can open one eye and close one eye, but if you dare to confront me, hum, don’t say you are just a group of ordinary officials, you are the children of the emperor, I should clean up and do the same.

Don’t forget, I am first the grandson-in-law of Her Majesty the Fairy Queen, and secondly the future husband of Her Majesty the Fairy Queen. These two points are combined. My position in Moonlight City is under the proper two persons and above 10,000. .

And these two people still completely trust me, which is equivalent to disguised as the one with the highest status in Moonlight City.

The status is the highest, and there are two majestic veils, and the natural rights are also the greatest. If I think that any member of the imperial group will affect my plan, even if I kill it directly, nothing will happen.

At most, the two majesty complained for a while.

I know this truth, and others know it better.

No one who was born in an imperial family and can become an official is a fool.

Since then, the two patriarchs who were looted can only follow their contacts and continue to beg their grandpa to tell their grandmother, hoping to get on the line with the higher-level Huanggui group so that they can send troops to assist. It is really impossible. Help suppress it. For the diplomatic department, I can just let it go.

Although the Huanggui Group does have a lot of silverfish and waste, the problem is that there is no fool who can have a certain say in the Huanggui Group, or who is qualified to lead the war.

After this group of people heard that the person to be dealt with was me, they all disappeared one by one, and Quan thought that they had never seen the two patrons.

It didn't take long for the two family owners to be like stinky **** in the upper class. Whoever sees them must avoid them for fear of being stuck.

The two Patriarchs felt bitter, but they couldn't tell.

Back then, they smashed the shopping malls, it can be said to call the wind and the rain, the power is boundless.

Looking at it now, just because of a mistake in standing in a team, just because of being dazzled by benefits, causing the family to suffer a huge loss, not only can't seek justice, but even want to recover the loss has become a rare luxury.

The two Patriarchs were so distraught that they almost committed suicide.

It is said that fortunately, a family member stopped him and it did not lead to a tragedy.

However, the loss of the family is solidified.

After suffering such a huge loss, the position of Patriarch must be handed over.

It is said that in order to compete for the position of Patriarch, the two huge merchant families have launched fierce battles. I don’t know the specific casualties and I have not sent anyone to investigate the statistics. But what is certain is that since then, the two The status of this family plummeted in the business world, directly from one popular merchant family to the ranks of three popular merchant families.

After hearing this news, I had to sigh slightly: time is also fate.

However, the decline of these two families has become a lesson for other families.

For a long time after that, the other merchant families disappeared.

This time it completely stopped.

No other family dared to do business in Ai Rui City and York Han City.

This state lasted for a full month.

However, in this mere month, Ai Ruicheng and the York Seoul aristocratic group could not bear it.

The main reason is that rare wood.

Originally, the import of this kind of rare wood relied partly on public transactions between countries, and the other half was sold privately by aristocratic groups and merchants.

But now, all Moonlight City merchant families have stopped trading with the noble groups of the two countries, which invisibly caused the noble groups to lose a lot of wealth.

Not only that, until the noble group could no longer import wood from Moonlight City, the two monarchs began to consider establishing a direct trading channel with Moonlight City, that is, all wood was traded through the Royal Commercial Road, and no one outside the royal family was allowed to participate in it. .

The royal blatantly wanted to grab business with the aristocratic group. How could the aristocrats bear it, so they began to contact the merchant family of Moonlight City who had a good relationship with them.

However, most of the merchant families they contacted have signed an agreement. Now, their goods can be sold at the original price in China, and there will never be any slow-moving goods.

These families are eager for the ban to be extended for a while, and they even want the ban to go on forever.

After all, it is simply a fantasy to sell all the goods at the original price on the premise that the goods do not appear to be unsalable.

Seeing that these families were unreliable, the noble group had to change the direction of the wind and tried to contact the merchant families that had not signed the agreement.

It is a pity that most of these merchant families are frightened, and no one is willing to do business with the aristocratic groups in Ai Rui City and York Seoul during the ban.

However, there are many of them who are not afraid of death and are lucky.

For these families, the method we adopted is to send a troop of elite adventurers to transform into bandits and rob them on the road.

As for the manpower, I have already prepared the descendants of the legendary heroes.

Don't underestimate the descendants of legendary heroes. Although they failed to inherit the skills of their ancestors, they were not something that ordinary adventurers could fight against.

In order to complete the plan, I specially invited the descendants of Xilan to come forward to help secretly form a strong team of adventurers, and disguised as the strongmen who robbed the two merchant families, and launched an attack on the caravan. .

As a result, we took the goods smoothly, and the merchant family suffered huge losses.

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