Just when we were having a good conversation, there was a sudden noise in the shed. First of all, the two of us were startled, then surprised, got up quickly and opened the door.

As soon as the door opened, a huge monster came straight to the door.

"What the hell?"

Subconsciously, I was about to draw a knife, but was held down by the herdsman.

Seeing that the herdsman pulled his hands and opened the door, he stretched out his hand and grabbed it. With a muffled noise, he held down the behemoth coming from the collision.

Afterwards, I saw the incoming thing clearly, it turned out to be-a cow?

what's the situation?

With a dazed face, I followed the cow and looked into the shed.

"Oh, why did it get out!"

The voice of the blue witch followed.

At this moment, where did she still have the noble appearance that she had when she came here, she is alive and well dressed as a herder who just came back from the cowshed-withered grass stuck in her hair and on her clothes, beautiful and clean At this moment, his clothes were dirty as if they had just crawled out of the ashes, but his eyes were bright and scary.

"I said you, what's the matter?" I stopped in front of her with a surprised look, and I asked.

"I just want to get close to them..."

As soon as I said this, my gaze happened to miss the Blue Witch, and when I saw the scene in the shed, my eyes widened suddenly.

In the shed, a herd of cattle and sheep had already emerged from the stalls, some were taking a leisurely stroll, some were gathering crowds and shouting, and some were using their horns.

My eyes trembled, wishing to reward the blue witch with a thud.

However, looking at her pure gaze and dazed expression, I knew that even if she really beat her, it would not help.

After taking a few deep breaths, I let out a deep sigh, and helplessly said to the herder who was also bewildered by him, "I'm very sorry, these are all my faults."

"No, what?" the herder smiled bitterly: "I occasionally release cattle and sheep for a stroll, please don't take it to heart."

"Really sorry!"

After another utterance, I took the blue witch's hand and walked out.

"What?" The Blue Witch wanted to free me.

"Stop messing around" I whispered: "It's so easy for people to drive cattle and sheep into the pen. I don't know how much work and effort it took. As a result, when you came, they were all released. How much time does it take for cattle and sheep to drive into the pen?"

"But he also said just now, occasionally he would release cattle and sheep for a stroll..."

"He said you believe it?" I asked back: "Think carefully, okay, he's just an excuse, he said that to ease the embarrassment."

"Oh" The Blue Witch finally understood, she seemed to have gotten into trouble, and she quickly lowered her head with an aggrieved expression on her face.

I love and hate her, determined to punish her, but that Xiabu Qu hand, had a pulling force pulling her face, bitterly:. "Happen again, swollen **** to beat you."

She subconsciously covered her **** and nodded repeatedly.

Although I have never beaten the Blue Witch in the ass, she has heard about it from other fiancées. Once it irritates me, beating the **** is an inevitable punishment.

And I have great strength in my hands. I definitely make a noise every time I hit my butt, and after a few hits, my **** will swell up.

Although it can be restored to the original state in a very short time after treatment, the shadow of the **** pain will be imprinted in their minds and it will be difficult to disperse in a short time.

There are two fiancées whose **** had been walked by me in the family. One is Barbara and the other is Leimi. After being beaten by me, they both disappeared for a long time, almost even the boss’s wife. I thought that Barbara would be transformed into a lady.

But when the scar was healed, I forgot to feel the pain. Not long after, Barbara exposed her nature again, all kinds of works, all kinds of troubles, but the intensity is much smaller than before, at least when she is fooling around, she knows that she can keep a little memory.

On the contrary, it was Xiao Leimi, who was called a Tao. After being beaten, she was still that Tao, so she was beaten by me the most times.

Every time she was beaten, she must have red eyes and crackling tears, but she turned her head and continued to behave dumb.

It is a model of repeated teachings.

Although it is not good to be a model, she is very clear about the feeling of beating her ass. She can even remember the feeling that Barbara can't remember when the Blue Witch asks about her and Barbara.

It is exactly the same, the blue witch will be shocked by the punishment of beating her ass.

After the farmer drove the cattle and sheep from the shed back to the pen, I took the blue witch and apologized to him again.

Not many people seem to really care about it, but they just smiled bitterly and said that in the future, try not to let these cattle and sheep out casually. It's not that it is difficult to drive them back to the pen. It is that once they are released, they will **** everywhere. Peeing, or fighting, can easily damage the environment and at the same time hurt each other.

The blue witch bowed to apologize again. This time, the herder hurriedly bowed back, saying that he had apologized twice, but she couldn't afford to apologize again.

Then, the herders took the blue witch and me to tour the scenery of Border Town.

Speaking of it, my relationship with this border town was very ordinary at first, and even before arranging the descendants of legendary heroes, I had never been here in the future.

But since I arranged the descendants of legendary heroes about half the population of the town into this town, the connection between this town and me has deepened.

First of all, the city lord of this town has become a member of my faction for the first time ever, that is, my faction when I was the prime minister.

Later, when I abdicated, the city lord could not follow me anymore, but it also shaped me into the benefactor of the town’s reconstruction, and his status was even higher than the city lord.

In fact, he did this, the deeper meaning is that he wanted to win people's hearts with this.

After all, I don't often stay in this town. When I came, he treated me as a guest and his master. After I left, wouldn't this town still be his boss.

Except for the taxes collected, everything else went into the town's vault, that is, his pocket.

Moreover, he also knows my identity very well, Master Dewey's son, the owner of the magic airship base, just these two identities, it means that I have inexhaustible wealth, certainly will not squeeze his little The vault is out.

Since power is his and money is his, what is his dissatisfaction with me?

How could you be rude to me?

So with the cooperation of the city lord, I was in this town without any obstacles, even the most secret military location, to me, there is no secret at all.

On the contrary, it is herders who have to sign a confidentiality agreement when entering these facilities.

This surprised the Blue Witch. She had heard that I was at odds with the actual ruler of Dasai City, but why can I still have such a big power in this town?

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