I can answer the doubts of the Blue Witch in two more words: personal connections.

You know, this once town was sparsely populated and extremely desolate, and town construction was a mess.

Since I moved the descendants of legendary heroes here, it has not only supplemented human resources, but also brought a lot of vitality.

With the support of this wave of vitality, the town gradually began to prosper.

The prosperity of the town is a good thing for the city owner.

Although the prosperity of this town is still far less than that of first-tier and second-tier towns, at least it has been out of the list of influential towns.

Taxes can also be comparable to third- and fourth-tier cities.

Although the population has increased, I did not include their industries on the national tax list.

At first, my idea was to allow them to continue to accumulate small coffers through hard work, and wait until the right time to re-enter their industry on the national tax list.

After all, I was the prime minister at that time, so this matter was easy to come by.

However, I never expected that when the old duke was in power, my position as prime minister was forced to go down the field, so the taxation matter was stopped.

After leaving Dasai City, I wrote a letter specifically to the lord of this town, telling him that some taxes can be collected from these latecomers, but it is lower than the average tax in the town.

As soon as these words came out, the city lord was excited and happy.

Because before that, the latecomers hadn't paid taxes on a copper coin, and after I left, I didn't raise any tax-related topics to anyone in the old duke's line.

This means that no matter how much tax is collected, it belongs only to the city lord's own vault.

How can he not pay for such a big favor?

Moreover, he did not dare to be too presumptuous in terms of taxes. After all, this group is not just a group of herders, but the descendants of legendary heroes. In other words, most of them are adventurers, and they are all good adventurers. .

If such a force were to be mutinous because of the tax issue, it would be impossible to stop it only with the guards stationed in this town and the guards privately raised by the city owner.

Since they couldn't stop it, it was better not to provoke them, so the city lord collected taxes from them according to one third of the original town tax.

One-third of the tax is indeed unimaginable, and the descendants of legendary heroes will naturally have no complaints.

In this way, the city owner and the latecomers lived in this town peacefully.

But from the beginning to the end, the city lord has not forgotten the credit of his full treasury, so every time I come to this town, he warmly greets me and sends it out.

Over time, all the armed forces in the town became clear. I was someone who even the city lord would treat me respectfully, and they didn't dare to be rude to me.

In the final analysis, the source of all this comes from two aspects, one is huge amounts of money, and the other is extensive contacts.

If there were not so many descendants of legendary heroes to form a bond with me, the lord of this town might be very polite to me, but he would never be able to bow down like this.

And if there is no interest hanging, the lord of this town may slander me because of my connections, but he will never speak his heart.

Originally I wanted to add the word ‘benefit’, but there were outsiders around, which would easily cause unnecessary trouble, so I simply ignored these two words and only mentioned ‘personal connections’.

"The connections are really amazing," the blue witch tutted, "No matter where I go, the people around me are respectful and respectful. It's not majestic."

"Although majesty is majestic, it is not a place without trouble" I said with a light sigh.

"Herring?" The Blue Witch asked curiously: "What else can bother you?"

"I didn't notice the others too much, but one thing is certain, it is privacy" I said: "Because it is so famous that privacy is impossible to be guaranteed."

When they said this, the adventurers and soldiers walking nearby all blushed and scattered and walked away.

"Huh? Is there an emergency for them to leave in such a hurry?"

"Maybe" I didn't intend to break it, so I said perfunctorily.

After walking around half a town and getting hungry in the middle, I and the Blue Witch found a restaurant for dinner.

The restaurants in this town have perfectly inherited the ancient heritage of Dasay City restaurants.

There are no exquisite dishes, and there are not so many condiments that make the tongue obsessed with. Only the original barbecue and stew, as well as the luxurious, but very simple roasted whole lamb and roasted whole cow.

Moreover, the price of these barbecues is very cheap, and the price of the most expensive one is less than half that of the capital.

In addition, vegetables in this town are also very cheap. On the one hand, the consumption of vegetables is not large, and on the other hand, there are many farmland near the town that can be cultivated, which is easy for plant growth.

For this meal, I ordered a total of more than 20 dishes, and it was the most expensive one, but it only cost one silver coin in total.

"Hmm, the barbecue here is really delicious" The Blue Witch was full of food, and said excitedly: "I want it, I want it!"

Later, she was dissatisfied and grabbed the last leg of lamb on the plate in her hand.

Deterred by her embarrassed eating phase, my eating rhythm was disrupted.

Fortunately, after eating this leg of lamb, she ate another leg of beef. She was full. She was really full. She didn't want to eat any more food. Even the sour goat milk on the table, she refused to take a bite. Drank it.

It turned out that I cleaned up all the remaining food, which made me unable to stand up for a long time.

"Therefore, it is not advisable to have big eyes and small belly. You have to seek truth from facts and eat as much as you can, otherwise it is a waste."

On the way, I blamed the blue witch.

"I thought I could eat it," the blue witch grieved.

"Uh..." After a moment of silence, I suggested: "Otherwise, next time you order, you can order half first, and when you are done, you can order one by one. How about?

"Well, then do that next time."

The blue witch nodded in response.

After the meal, we walked through the remaining half of the city.

After walking, the Blue Witch suddenly felt that the town had no attraction for her anymore.

The first is that livestock and poultry do not get close to her. Second, there is no forest here. There is only an endless grassland, and there are no animals in the grassland.

When she complained, I reminded: "There are hares, and there are mice."

"Those animals are not close to me either!" The Blue Witch pursed her lips unhappily, "I only want to contact the animals close to me!"

"The selectivity is really strong" I tweeted: "But then again, do you know why these animals don't get close to you?"

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