I thought that I could make fun of the blue witch, who knows, she actually said her truth-the nature of these animals is strongly oppressed, only a little bit of spirituality is left, the others are servile , And servile animals are difficult to get close to me.

"Oh?" I wondered: "Why is this?"

"Because my blood has been modified, once a servile animal gets close, it feels intense anxiety."

"Is the bloodline suppressed?" I murmured.

"Maybe it is" She also nodded uncertainly.

It may be suppressed by blood.

Just like a docile animal, when encountering a beast, the first reaction is to be afraid. The next step is to try every means to escape. When you are sure that you cannot escape, you will choose to fight to the death.

And this series of performances is the result of bloodline suppression.

"Are we going to other towns?" Looking into the distance, the Blue Witch asked.

"Don't go," I said: "Other towns are no different from here. At most, the buildings are taller and majestic, the number of livestock and poultry is more, the restaurant's meals are more expensive, and there are more tricks."

"Oh" the blue witch nodded: "Then it's meaningless, go back."

So early the next morning, we boarded the magic airship and left Dasai City.

This short trip is mainly to accompany the blue witch to see what is called grassland, what is called pasture, and what is the most authentic roasted whole lamb.

Although the blue sky and white clouds, the green grass, the flocks of cattle and sheep, and the chickens and ducks did not make the Blue Witch feel a little happy, fortunately the food here is good, especially the roasted whole lamb, which she killed by herself. Half, it was a worthwhile trip.

On the airship, the Blue Witch sighed and lay slanted and boring.

"What's the matter with you, why are you uncomfortable?"

I asked with concern.

"Yeah" She nodded: "I always feel...this sofa is so soft."

"Hi" laughed, and I sighed with relief, and said, "This is the most high-end sofa. It can make people feel like falling into a dream, and wake up to make sure they are refreshed."

"Really?" She changed her posture suspiciously, and continued to lie on the sofa, trying to get herself to sleep.

Unfortunately, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't sleep.

"Hmph, you lie!" The Blue Witch said angrily.

"I didn't lie to you."

"You said you didn't lie to me, why can't I sleep?" she asked back.

"How simple is it?" I said: "You went to this morning yesterday, but you slept for more than ten hours!"

"Is there?" She tilted her head and looked confused.

"Don't remember?" I hummed and said, "After lunch yesterday, you started to sleep and stay asleep until this morning. Did you say you had more than ten hours?"

"Huh? Why don't I remember?" She was even more confused.

I'm sure that the Blue Witch is definitely not pretending to be stupid, but she really doesn't remember, because once she forgets something, she will never remember it, even if she blames it face to face, she will not admit it.

Fortunately, the things she forgot were trivial things.

"You" sighed lightly, stretched out her hand and squeezed her cheek.

"Okay, just lie down as you want, I'm sleepy, squint for a while."

After all, I close my eyes and plan to have a nap.

But in a daze, I feel the wind in my ears.

"Huh?" Opened her eyes suspiciously, and suddenly discovered that the Blue Witch didn't know when to open the window!

I rub!

This girl!

are you crazy?

I closed the window and raised my eyebrows and said, "What are you doing?"

"Open the window to breathe," the blue witch said, "otherwise what do you think?"

"Don't forget, this thing is 10,000 meters high in the sky, what should I do if it is swept out by the wind?"

Seeing my serious look and stern tone, she stopped playing nonsense, she narrowed her mouth, and said, "I am bored."


Sigh deeply.

I had no choice but to rack my brains and try to mobilize the blue witch's enthusiasm.

For example, she drank more wine than anyone else.

This is a top-quality wine, not only tastes good, but also has a high degree of alcohol. The average person waited. One bottle fell over. The Blue Witch insisted on not falling after three bottles.

What's more amazing is that she actually went crazy with alcohol.

She was different from others in her drunkenness. She neither cried nor made trouble, nor beat or scolded. Instead, she stopped my head and hugged it in her arms. She held it so hard that she almost grabbed my head.

When I feel comfortable in the hug, I start to touch my hair. At this time, the technique is very gentle and comfortable, but it always feels weird.

After thinking twice, I suddenly woke up.

by! Isn't this what she did when she touched the tuo?

Damn it, treat me like a tuo!


With a roar in my heart, I pulled my head out vigorously.

As a result, she squeezed too hard, and she held her arms too tightly, and in order to prevent me from breaking free, she even grabbed my hair, which directly caused a lot of my hair to be pulled down by her.

This means that she is my fiancee, this is about to change someone else, I will not hammer him to death!

Angrily glaring at the Blue Witch for a while, she finally stopped, chose a weird-looking but seemingly comfortable posture, and fell asleep.

I finally breathed a sigh of relief, lay on the sofa, and tried to fall asleep again, but didn't sleep.

It’s no wonder that I have slept a lot from yesterday to today, and my body is immune to alcohol, which means that alcohol does not have any effect on me, and I slept well, coming and going, this morning, I can't sleep at all!

Looking at the blue witch on one side, her silly sleeping face, she always felt so envious.

Since you can't sleep, you won't sleep.

Take out a few bottles of juice from the freezer and put them on the table. I drink the juice while reading the daily newspaper.

This daily newspaper is the Dasay City Daily, and most of the contents recorded on it are related to Dasay City’s current affairs and people’s sentiments. There are also some interesting gossips recorded in some sections, as well as celebrity scandals, or celebrity anecdotes.

One of them was written about the old duke.

The content is that the old duke once had a mistress with an illegitimate child who lived in the border town of Dasai City.

Why live in that kind of place?

It was because of fear of being silenced by the old duke.

Why was he killed by the old duke?

It is because the old duke is a deep-hearted, cruel and ruthless guy.

Afterwards, the manuscript listed a lot of cases about the cruelty of the old duke, and even arranged my case.

Looking at this article, one by one, I couldn't laugh or cry.

The old duke is very cruel, and also behaved very ruthlessly, but he is not cruel enough yet, right?

I even wonder how much content in this manuscript besides mine is true.

But having said that, this kind of manuscript can actually be published in the Dasay City Daily. Is the author of the manuscript so bold that he is not afraid of death?

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