The People Walking in Dungeons are surely not Normal

Chapter 3327: People with lofty ideals

In this world, there is no shortage of people who are not afraid of death.

For example, Sima Qian, in order to preserve the truth and to leave justice in the world, he did not hesitate to oppose the supreme ruler of the dynasty.

In addition, there are many people who are not afraid of death. After seeing the false and injustice, they will write in anger, utter anger, and use their own voice to break through the layers of fog and retain a ray of light.

These people seek justice and defend morality. They are people with ideals and beliefs.

But this is not the case when he left a manuscript in the Dasay City Daily to denigrate the authors of the old duke.

Even if I haven't verified it personally, I dare to conclude that at least half of the content on this is a mess of shit.

It's simply that an impossible thing that happened, was printed in such a fair and upright newspaper.

However, during this period in Dasai City, I have never heard of any author imprisoned or sentenced for writing a fictional article.

Thinking of this, I got up, went out of the room, went to the lobby, summoned a waiter, and asked casually, "Is there any case in which the author or editor was arrested during Dasai City?"

The waiter heard the words, thought for a moment, and shook his head: "No."

"Not together?" I emphasized and asked.

"No" his tone is equally positive.

"Come on, you help me see this piece of content in this newspaper, what's the matter?"

While speaking, I handed the newspaper over and pointed to the article.

The waiter took the newspaper and looked at it for a while, his face suddenly became weird.

After a long while, he put down the newspaper and said to me: "My lord, I'm sure that a lot of the content on this is groundless."

"Nothing?" My eyes narrowed slightly: "What do you mean?"

"That's it, my lord..." he said, showing me the newspaper, and explaining each of the above to me one by one.

"...The above content is something that has been used many times."

"You mean, these were lace news from the royal and noble circles?"

"Yes, my lord" he said with a serious face: "I haven't talked about similar content and I have read it more than 20 times."

"What is the significance of putting other people's crimes on the head of the old duke in the way of wearing a crown and wearing a crown?"

Frowning slightly, I fell into thought.

Could it be that the old duke asked people to defile themselves?

Fortunately, even in the future, even if you go to the wild, you can win the sympathy of some of your people?

But it's not right.

The old duke’s behavior is already grossly rebellious, and his behavior is unforgivable. Since forgiveness is impossible, what is the use of self-defilement?

I don't think the old duke will come up with such a faint trick unless he is really confused.

Since it's not self-defeating, then what is going on?

Is it possible to use this method to divert the public’s attention and to dilute the public’s impression of his treason?

It is possible.

Either one is that its freshness period will not be long. As long as it avoids the freshness period, and then publishes more interesting, or even more exciting, preferably full of controversial news, you can get the impression of the previous event. dilute.

Even if it involves treason.

Anyway, for the people, whether the old duke’s treason or not will not affect them very much. At most, taxes have increased abruptly in various aspects, or they are more focused on the country’s military, or they will be recruited from time to time. , And establish the national thinking of'the most glorious soldier', and finally improve the treatment of the army and so on.

In short, the national center of gravity has moved closer to the military.

But this is the case, how should they live, or how should they live.

After all, domestic prices have not skyrocketed, and there has been no substantive conflict between countries. Although there is a shadow of national war covering the sky, hasn't it been war yet?

With this kind of thinking, the vast majority of people still live a life of mixed food and death.

Among the public groups I know, there are only a few adventurers who realize that this situation should not be maintained. Over time, it will have an immeasurable impact on Dasai City.

Representatives of this group of aspiring people even came to Moonlight City to lobby me.

Their reason for lobbying me is very simple-I was the prime minister of Dasai City, second only to the old duke in terms of status and influence.

And I'm not like Prime Minister Leista, who has no real power in his hands, let alone an army to control.

As far as they know, I have at least a thousand-man combat puppet army in my hand, and this army is most likely an army of Destroyers that had attacked the heavens in ancient times.

In addition, I have a very good relationship with the apostle, and it will be a great help if I go to war with the old duke.

After listening to the representative's analysis, I only pondered for a second, and then refused his invitation.

Then, in his lost gaze, I frankly told the reason: I am now the foreign elder of Moonlight City. If I rashly go to war with the old duke, it will cause great trouble to Moonlight City.

The representative did not give up and continued to persuade me to give up the post of Moonlight City elder. Of course, it was not a permanent renunciation, but a temporary renunciation. After the dictatorship of the old duke was overthrown, he would resume the post of elder.

I was amused by his words.

Wouldn't this guy think that the position of elder is a joke?

Stop it, the elder is the most authoritative official position in Moonlight City.

Once an elder becomes an elder, even an idle elder like me who likes to fish will have to bear all diplomatic responsibilities.

And I also have the right to approve and veto major policies.

This is a qualification that other royal families, nobles and officials do not possess.

Why should I leave the position of the elder and overthrow the power of the old duke?

Even if it is overthrown, the seat of the orc king is not for me. At most, I will be restored to office and become the prime minister, but this prime minister is far less valuable than the elder. The latter has the right to participate and vote in any policy, while the former , This is an honorary position, and the one who is truly eligible to participate and vote is Leista.

Although I am dissatisfied with the reign of the old duke, I am not yet ready to give everything for it.

I remember that afterwards, the delegates left with disappointment.

Although they didn't say anything bad when they left, their expressions were really ugly and their eyes were very unfriendly.

There was even a representative who was eager for me to return Princess Kagali to them when I was leaving. The implication was that Kagali could lead this group of lofty people to overthrow the old duke's regime.

For this kind of request, I definitely refuse.

Just kidding, Kagali is my fiancée and one of my weaknesses. Once they are taken away and forced Kagali to fight the flag of uprising, shout slogans, and implement actions, will I help or not?

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