In the next few days, I called the enchanted airship and went to Fort Vitch to find Master Dewey to confirm Father Taylor’s conjecture.

As Father Taylor had expected, the reason why Master Dewey prevented me from participating in the national war was because he was afraid that I would be in a dilemma.

"The national war is bound to start" Master Dewey took a sip of his tea and slowly said: "If Dasai City is still under the rule of the orc king, this national war is still possible to avoid, but unfortunately, the old duke After usurping the throne, Dasai City is now facing internal and external troubles. The city of Ai Rui and York Seoul, which have always coveted Dasai City’s large territory, will naturally not miss such a good opportunity."

"However, a lot of people will die in a national war, and the construction of national strength and other aspects will be stagnant. The only increase is military expenditure."

"Since the extinction of foreign races, Eri City has also fallen into a state of stagnation. To quickly resume development, it needs huge economic power, but the economic power of Eri City alone is not enough to quickly return to it in a short time. On track."

Having said that, Master Dewey paused for a moment and continued: "According to the actual situation, there is no organization or individual in Hefeng Mainland except me, who has the economic strength to easily rebuild the country, but I will not help him because of the massacre. In, there are also people from Fort Witchcraft who were brutally killed by them."

"So in order to accumulate enough economic foundation and rebuild the country, Carter Horton can only think of other ideas. As far as I know, the best way to get money is to sell prohibited items and war."

"Nowadays, the ban on prohibited items in various countries is increasing year by year. It is impossible to make a fortune from prohibited items. Moreover, once a merchant is found to transport prohibited items, maybe the next moment, the caravans of Erri City will be attacked. With a foot restraint, you can't even do business."

"So" Master Dewey put down the tea cover and said lightly: "The only way Carter Horton can choose is war."

"Ordinary wars may be able to bring about a certain scale of material replenishment, but this is far from enough. If you want to obtain more materials, you must make a big bet, and this big bet is a national war."

"Although the national war is cruel, once the bet is won, a huge amount of resources will be obtained, which will turn the decline and re-enter the ranks of prosperous countries."

"What if you lose?" I asked curiously.

"If you lose in the war, you will be overwhelmed." Master Dewey said slowly: "But if Dasai City is defeated, it's better to say that the land is vast and the resources are abundant, and even if the huge amount of resources is compensated, it can still make a comeback."

"If Erie City and York City are defeated, the situation in Hefeng Continent will be turbulent."

"Can York City and Ere City not be able to compensate?"

"York, Seoul can, but Eri City is very reluctant," Master Dewey said: "Don’t look at Eri City’s once beautiful scenery, it seems to have accumulated wealth, in fact, the aftermath of the extinction of foreign races and the aftermath of the disaster. They all need huge amounts of gold coins. In addition, since the noble group’s business with the outside world was cut off by you, the noble group’s treasury began to experience deficits. This is more than a deficit, and you still need to withdraw money from the national treasury to make up."

"The treasury?" I looked stunned: "Can the money of the noble group and the money of the treasury be confused?"

"Do you think you can't?" Master Dewey looked at me with burning eyes.

I shook my head.

"You don't think you can, but what you said is not counted." Master Dewey laughed: "The main financial, economic and power lifeline of Ai Ruicheng has always been in the hands of the noble group, and Carter Horton is just the noble group behind as the promoter. , Just one of the noble representatives who sent him to the throne."

"What?" I said in shock: "Cart Horton didn't rely on tactics to kill all his brothers and sisters, and then..."

"Then, with a vicious temperament, ruthless means, as well as a win over people's hearts, as well as family blood, became the monarch of Eri City?"

Master Dewey smiled more happily: "I think you read too many novels."

"How can a rookie who is barely an adventurer have the patience to kill his brothers and sisters who are adventurers?"

"It was the noble group behind them that really killed them." Master Dewey explained the truth in a single word, saying: "I thought back then, I was just a stunned young man, and I even admired and looked forward to the strength and talent of the Carter Horton brothers and sisters. At that time, Carter Horton was still hidden by his father Huangxue, and he did not even tell outsiders that he still had this son."

"How did such an unloved and bored little guy poison his brothers and sisters?"


I thought for a while, and tentatively said: "The poison that sneaked out?"

"Your thoughts are too naive" Master Dewey said: "They are also princes and princesses at any rate. Not only are they strong, but there are also many adventurer guards who can die for them at any time. But these guards have fewer casualties, and the prince and The princess is dead and wounded. Do you think he has the ability to bypass these adventurer guards and poison his brothers and sisters specifically?"

After thinking for a while, I shook my head: "Impossible."

"But the fact is that they were poisoned to death in this way. The old emperor also got angry because of anxiousness, and he was angry and attacked. He passed away before he was too young. After that, he went on board under the methodical control. The throne of the monarch."

"If there were no aristocratic groups, Carter Horton would have been just a little-known adventurer until today."

"Since the noble group has such a large energy, why hasn't it stopped the extinction plan of the foreign race?"

"Why do you want to stop it?" Master Dewey asked, "Is it good for the country's economic structure to stop the extinction plan?"

"This does not?"

"No" Master Dewey said earnestly: "And not only there is no, it will also affect the economic growth of the noble group."

"Huh?" I scratched my head: "I don't understand."

"It's normal if I don't understand, for example," Master Dewey said: "I and the Noble Group sell things at the same time. The Noble Group's items are just ordinary products made by the human race, and the texture is very ordinary. Because of my ethnic talent, I have a great deal of artistic creation. Naturally, the things made by people are more popular. As a result, the things of the noble group will start to stay, and the money will gradually become less."

"After the foreigners are killed, the entire Ai Rui City is a human race. Naturally, no one dares to trouble the noble group, nor dare to compete with the shops under the noble group."

"Without a contest, the family will naturally be the only one, and the family will be the only one, money and so on, it will continue to flow into the pockets of the noble group. You said, in such a situation, the noble group might stop it?"

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