I always thought that Carter Horton was a dictator who covered the sky in Eri City, but I didn't want to. He was just a puppet of the noble group.

"Where is Simmons Locke?" I asked curiously, "Is he also a puppet of the York Seoul Noble Group?"

"He is not" Master Dewey shook his head slightly and said, "He is the true monarch of York City, and the only ruler of the Royal Family and Noble Group of York City."

"Eri City, York City, two neighboring countries so close, why is the highest regime completely opposite?"

"The problem here is simple and simple, and complicated and complicated."

"Say a simple answer," I said.

"Different backgrounds, different strengths."

Master Dewey explained: "With Simmons Locke's strength, it is placed in the national power, which is also a medium level, but Carter Horton is just a novice who can't even reach the change."

"From the perspective of family heritage, Carter Horton’s family is nothing more than a new family that emerged during the legendary heroic era. Simmons Locke’s family is an ancient family that has experienced countless storms. Both have penetrated the country. The degree is completely different."

"In that case, the foreign extinction incident has little to do with Carter Horton?" I wondered: "Everything is the fault of the noble group, and Carter Horton is just a mess?"

"I don't know about this," Master Dewey said: "Regardless of whether Carter Horton is just a mere backer, the extinction event of the foreign race occurred during his rule, and it cannot escape."

"How should I put it?" I thought for a while and murmured: "It feels a bit pitiful."

"Poor?" Master Dewey smiled and shook his head: "From the moment he reaches the throne of the city lord with the help of the noble group, he must be prepared to endure all this. This is his fate."

At the end of the talk, his tone suddenly became serious.


I murmured.


During my stay at Fort Witchc, the Allied Forces of Ayre City and York-Seoul once again collided with the Dasay City Army.

The cause of this collision was an iron-rich vein.

It's also a coincidence that half of the iron ore contained in this rich iron ore vein is in the city of Darcy and half in the city of Eri.

If this happened within the territory of York, Seoul and Erie City, things would be easy to handle, and the two countries could negotiate and develop together.

The relationship between Kodak Cyberjaya and Ai Ruicheng is not good, and naturally they will not agree to joint development, and they both want to buy this rich iron ore as their own.

So the problem is that the rich iron ore veins traverse the territories of two countries, no matter who owns it, it will be accompanied by a large piece of land.

What is the difference between this special and Kaijiang Tuotu?

Neither the old duke nor Carter Horton wanted to be the sinners who lost their land when they succeeded the supreme ruler of the country.

So a big battle inevitably started.

This battle is much fiercer than the previous contact wars.

After a great battle, thousands of adventurers died on the battlefield, tens of thousands of adventurers were wounded, and adventurers with nothing at all accounted for less than one-twentieth of the total number of adventurers.

It can be seen that the fierceness of this war is exaggerated.

If so, neither of the two forces would take a step back.

Just continue to station, increase staff, and set up a larger base in the station, intending to have a protracted battle.

Although the monarchs of the two powers looked fierce, the adventurers of the two powers looked listless.

Compared to wars, they prefer to be adventurers, spawn monsters, promote promotion, earn money, find a daughter-in-law, give birth to a few babies... The above are probably all their goals in life, but Because of the contradictions between the monarchs of the three countries, they had to stand on the opposite side of their fellow human beings, fighting, bleeding, and perishing... How can such a huge gap make them motivated?

But even so, they still had to implement the orders issued by the commanders of the two forces.

Among them, some adventurers tried to escape.

Adventurers enlisted as soldiers will be judged as deserters once they escape, and deserters often end up badly.

Either he was killed and the monkeys were intimidated, or he was imprisoned.

This is the law that has always been observed by the city of Irrie and York. It used to be, is now, and will be in the future. Unless someone overthrows the two countries and recreates their laws, this law will continue forever. .

As a result, those adventurers who wanted to escape were killed by their own people and became the worst group of dead souls under the sword.

Having said that, I firmly disagree with this law.

Except for the five major guilds, all countries in the Hefeng Continent do not have strict and absolute military organization, and they do not enjoy the treatment granted by the state.

It can be said that the armies collected from the people in Ai Rui City and York Seoul are no different from mercenaries, and there are no benefits other than normal commissions.

In this way, in the face of danger, when they are in despair, these adventurers are not allowed to escape, either die on the battlefield, or run wildly in the direction of death on the battlefield. Once they stop or retreat, they will suffer. To the slaughter of their own people.

I don't know whether it is appropriate to use the word "person" here. Maybe from the beginning, those regular army adventurers didn't treat these folk adventurers as their own.

The attitudes of the other three countries are quite different in the same treatment of folk adventurers.

Let’s talk about Dasai City. The recruitment of folk adventurers in Dasai City is entirely voluntary, and for adventurers who die on the battlefield, their family will receive a very generous pension, which is enough to support the family’s number. Ten years of daily expenses.

It is also for this reason that the adventurers recruited by Dasai City are extremely brave in combat, and you will find that the lower the level of adventurers, the more brave, the more hopeless they are to improve their strength, so they are not afraid sacrifice.

This created a phenomenon-the soul of the army.

Yes, the so-called military spirit is the manifestation of the military's momentum. It is precisely because they have no worries in the back and because they are not afraid of death, they can use the power of one country to fight against the two armies.

Moonlight City and Dasai City are different.

Moonlight City is rich, and will give all its citizens a fixed salary every month. Although this salary is not much, it is enough for a person to spend a month without doing anything. If you save some money, you can save some money.

Years of welfare benefits have made the people of Moonlight City feel a sense of belonging.

This also caused Moonlight City’s people to actively line up to join the army when it was recruited. Because of this, Moonlight City has never been worried about the number of soldiers.

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