Compared to other countries, Fort Witch's conscription is far more comical.

Generally speaking, Fort Witch has no shortage of troops, but there are often problems with the recruiting resources.

Either a guy with a simple mind and well-developed muscles, or a guy with a simple brain and muscles, but is always enthusiastic.

The spokesperson of the former is President Steel Hammer, and the spokesperson of the latter is President Aoli.

That's right, they are the two most famous dwarf presidents around the two majesty, and they are also the two most famous star presidents in the dwarf guild.

The reason why they are so famous is not because of how outstanding their strength is, but because their character is too conspicuous, and this character is precisely the collection of personality traits of the adventurers of Vitchburg.

Adventurers with these two personalities are often the most difficult to control after being drafted into the army.

The most difficult thing I'm talking about here is not to say that they don’t listen to orders, do not respect military orders, or flee from battle. Once they have shot their blood, these people are like angry wild boars, roaring and rushing towards the enemy. The warhammer in his hand smashed the enemy into meat sauce, or was killed by the enemy, and vowed not to stop.

If this group of "disobedient" battlefield lunatics died in battle, it would be fine, but the group of people who did not die, even if they were physically disabled, were still determined, and belonged to the kind that they would not want even if the state issued a pension.

For this reason, Fort Witchie has never dared to recruit troops, but every time a conscription order is issued, dwarven adventurers will rush upwards, as if the battlefield is their paradise.

In fact, for the dwarven adventurers living in Fort Witch, the battlefield is really a paradise where they can be happy, and wine is their first love.

Pulled away.

All in all, the easiest conscripts are Fort Witch and Moonlight City, then Darcy City, and the most difficult is Eri City.

This ranking is also equated with national strength.

Fort Witch is deservedly the strongest country in the Zephyr continent, followed by Moonlight City, and again, Dasai City, then York Seoul, and finally Eri City.

It is conceivable how miserable it is today in Ai Rui City.

I think at the beginning, after the extinction of the foreign race, the strength of Ere City was second only to Dasai City.

However, the hero does not mention that he was brave in the past. Today's Ai Ruicheng is not only weak in strength, but also economical. Without the help of York and Seoul, it would have been on the verge of collapse.

Having said that, I always feel that Carter Horton launched a national war with a hidden conspiracy.

Do you think Ai Ruicheng is now facing internal and external troubles, and even internal conflicts are difficult to resolve. How can it resist external pressure?

No matter how you look at it, it feels like you are heading in the direction of subjugation.

But the question is, if the country is subjugated, what good will it do for Carter Horton? What good is it for the Carter family?

As we all know, although Carter Horton is not in the right position, the Carter family is favored by the people because of the ancestors of the heroic king Carter Adams who founded the city of Arrived. Even in successive years of war, even if the treatment is reduced, the majority of the people are still the same. Concerned about the Carter family.

It can basically be guaranteed that as long as the Carter family does not forcefully stand on the opposite side of the people, his family's imperial business will continue, even if someone wants to overthrow it, the people of Ai Ruicheng will not do it.

It is conceivable that the monarchs selected by the family with such a high popularity must receive the best treatment.

And if the country is destroyed by Eri City, it means that all welfare benefits will be in vain, and the Carter family will most likely be completely turned into the dust of history because of this change.

Could it be that Card Crocodile Horton has an enmity with the family?

Or is he actually the descendant of an unknown legendary hero who has been persecuted for decades, just to destroy the city of Ariel for decades?

This is too illusory!

Unreal, unreal.

And although I haven't read the genealogy of the Carter family, what is certain is that Carter Horton must be a descendant of Carter Adams. He just looked down on the adventurer industry and chose to play politics.

After this idea hovered in my mind for several hours, I became more and more sure of the authenticity of this conjecture.

At the same time, an idea came up: Carter Horton acted in this way, shouldn't he use his tail docking method to survive by kicking over the noble group and turning himself into the master.

Anyway, as long as Carter Horton is still alive, the vast majority of the people in Ariel City will continue to support him.

Even if he died, the people would still support his heirs. However, this support is closer to a kind of dependence. It is a dependence on the Carter family's power. At the same time, it also believes that only the Carter family is qualified to lead the city to glory. Superstitious ideas.

It is precisely because he and his heirs, as long as one person is alive, the Carter family’s monarchy position will not be able to run away from other people’s homes, and Carter Horton wants to get rid of the control of the noble group, so he will be in trouble in the city of Ai. At this time, launching a national war, in one fell swoop weakening the comprehensive strength of Erri City.

In other words, Carter Horton does not want this war to be won, on the contrary, he longs for the defeat of this war.

Only if he fails, can he have the confidence to challenge the noble group, and only if he fails, can Carter Horton be qualified to act as a leader, either to force the noble group to resign from power, or to force the noble group to bow.

Only when the noble group withdraws from the core power circle of Eri City, can he have the opportunity to completely control everything in Eri City, and no longer allow the ‘magic sprite’ to break in easily.

Want to come in?

Yes, you have to be obedient, otherwise the disobedient will either be killed or exiled.

It is estimated that Carter Horton wanted to say such righteous words to the noble group a long time ago.

And without the constraints of the noble group, some of Carter Horton's decisions can naturally be carried out.

When it comes to decision-making, I think of Carter Horton's heroic son-Carter Scott.

This is a terrible bear kid who even digs his ancestral grave in order to become stronger.

Don't know where he is now, how is his life?

Hearing the news from Shan Yong, it seems that Scott is still alive and has been living in the forest around the capital, while his men are wandering around several towns surrounded by the forest.

This group of wandering guys are playing soy sauce most of the time, but as long as they encounter an inhuman caravan, they will find a way to get him a vote.

Moreover, this group of people is really lawless. In order to plunder their wealth, they even robbed Master Dewey's caravan.

But Master Dewey didn’t say anything about it. He just said in a flat tone: “Since he wanders in the mountains and forests all the year round, most of them are already helpless wandering adventurers. Do something evil, I understand that."

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