Facing the sock that was able to stand up, I was shocked: "Fuck, how long has this sock been here?"

"Huh? There are socks?" Eva poked her head out curiously, and then exclaimed: "Hey, I found it, that lost sock!"

"Lost socks?"

Question mark face, and at the same time shocked: How long has it been lost?

Rodney, who was holding the child, only glanced at him, and avoided disgustingly: "Where is the other one?"

"Lost it," Eva said: "Other than me, you lost this one. There is only one that looks like something, so I lost it."

"Then throw this one away, too" Rodney looked disgusted and said, "Quickly, throw it away, it tastes too big!"

Eva's nose fluttered, and she was quickly shocked by the overbearing smell. She took a few steps back in fright and kept blinking at me.

"What do you blink at me?" I pretended to be confused.

"I'm a girl!"

She emphasized.

"It's not my home here." I smiled, and I retorted: "Besides, you will become Rodney's wife in the future. You can't even bear this point. Don't you be afraid that this kid will give you away?"

"He won't!" Eva shouted.

But then, her eyes fell on Rodney's face.

Forced by Eva's threatening gaze, Rodney had to bite the bullet and said: "Yes, I won't give up her because of such a small matter."

"Hmm, it won't be because of such a small matter, that is to say, maybe because of something bigger?"

My words successfully aroused Eva's vigilance, and two sharp sword-like gazes pierced Rodney's back over and over.

"I won't give up, no matter what, I won't give up her." Rodney had no choice but to promise, "She will be my only wife, that's it."

Eva nodded in satisfaction, and cast her eyes on me.

"How exciting is it?" I smiled away from the smelly socks, and said: "Quickly, clean up your future husband's smelly socks, or I will leave."

"Go," Eva said nonchalantly: "Hurry up, you are here, you are in the way."

"Uh-huh, it typically uses people facing forward, not people facing backwards, well, then I can go."

After all, raise your foot and walk out.

"Hey, wait." Rodney walked a few steps tightly and stood in front of me: "How come you just left!"

Tan Tan Shou, I aggrieved: "Your fiancee does not welcome me."

"You are really..." Rodney didn't know how to speak. After holding back for a while, he turned to Eva and said: "He is a guest. There is no reason for the guests to pack their socks. Go."

"I won't clean up, smelly!" Eva refused.

"I'm holding the baby," Rodney emphasized.

"Then I will hug." Eva stretched out her hand and hugged Xiao Budian into her arms: "You pack it up."

Rodney had no choice but to personally clean up the sock that could stand on the ground.

Seeing his sad expression when he was packing up his socks, I didn't feel sympathy at all, but wanted to laugh.

Aside, Eva couldn't hold back any longer, and she chuckled.

Judging from Rodney's handling of socks and cleaning up the nearby dust, most of the hygiene here is Rodney's sole responsibility.

And judging from his expression, this guy didn't like cleaning very much. However, under Eva's pressure, he had to do it again.

I guess, in the future, after taking over as the Grand Ceremony of Eri City, Rodney is likely to refuse to abdicate to the virtuous due to cleaning problems. He is firmly nailed to the throne like a nail house.

Unless, Eva agrees to stop him from cleaning the room.

I think this should not be a problem.

Becoming the lord of the city, especially the lord of Ai Ruicheng, the income is still high.

With the blessing of huge income, Rodney can easily hire a servant, and it is the kind of one-stop laundry, cooking and cleaning service.

I just don't know whether Eva will spend the money.

After brewing a pot of tea and filling the cup, Rodney poured tea for himself without hurriedly. While pouring tea, he usually said slowly: "Come from afar, don't you just want to confirm whether I still have the resolve? Right?"

"Of course it's more than that" I said: "Are you in a national war until the city of Ai Rui?"

"Know" Rodney said: "It was published in the newspaper early, and now the streets and alleys are talking about it."

"What do you think will be the outcome of this national war?" I asked again.

"The result?" Rodney snorted disapprovingly, and said: "How can it? Still chanting like before, unbeaten."

"Invincible and undefeated?" I grinned and said: "Which war did you see that the result was unbeaten?"

"It's not always" Rodney curled his lips and said with disdain: "Don't think of me as an ordinary person who doesn't know anything. I am also the prince of Erri City anyway. I don't talk about reading books since I was a child, but there are always books. The scholars and professors of the group of books act as teachers and have been systematically taught a lot of this knowledge."

"Since you have received systematic preaching, why should you be a rebellious prince?" I asked, "If you do this, won't your teacher be disappointed?"

"Disappointed?" Rodney shook his head: "No, my teacher is not only a student of me, besides, he prefers my brother."

"Carter Scott or Carter Nelson?"


"Hmph, your teacher is really blind" I smiled: "Scott, what a gloomy kid, he still likes him?"

"That's how you behave in front of you" Rodney snorted coldly: "Scott is very good in front of other people, not only like a good boy, but more like a mature prince."

"What about you?" I asked, "Why don't you pretend it?"

"I'm too lazy to pretend."

"You won't" I said with a smile: "I remember the first time you told the truth, you had an expression of disbelief and thought that Scott could not hurt you. At that time, I knew that you were not What a deep city mansion."

"So what?" Rodney retorted, "Besides, I'm not deep in the city, but I don't want to be tempted with my brother."

"If you don't have a city, you don't have a city. If you admit it, no one will say anything about you." I said, "On the contrary, if you always feel that your city is deep and don't admit the facts, you will regret it one day."

"Regret?" Rodney was startled, his face pale: "What do you mean by this?"

"Do you think that after your succession ceremony, the noble group will not test the depth of your city?"

"Noble group?" Rodney snorted, his expression gloomy, and said: "I will kill them all, not one of them!"

"The idea is always good, but you have to admit that the noble group is the only organization that promotes the development of Ericheng and maintains the only organization that is needed for Ericheng. Without them, Ericheng will not only be chaotic, but may also completely collapse."

"Impossible!" Rodney retorted, "Even if there is no noble group, there is still my father!"

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