"I really thought that your father was the Dinghai Shenzhen of Ai Ruicheng? Can you not be so stupid?"

"What do you mean?" Rodney stared at me badly.

Although he hates Carter Nelson and Carter Scott, he respects his father.

"I thought I was stupid enough. I didn't expect you to be stupid than me."

With a light sigh, I said: "I admit that Carter Horton is a personal thing. No matter the city or the means, it is beyond the reach of ordinary people, but have you ever thought about it? It is clear that the capital of Ai Ruicheng is one of the economic center towns of the Hefeng Continent. One, why does he want to fight for the future of Ai Rui City, and also launch an extermination plan for foreign races?"

"Really because he is a foreigner?"

Rodney frowned, thinking.

After a while, he shook his head uncertainly: "I...I don't know."

"Yes, of course you don't know" I sneered: "You never even thought about becoming the heir to the throne of Eri City, right?"


"This is all because Carter Horton has protected you so well" I said solemnly: "Have you ever thought about why Ere City will grow in the hands of your father? It even became a member of the Hefeng Continent. One of the economic center towns?"

"Because of what?" Rodney looked blank.

"Because he reuses foreigners and welcomes foreigners to do business in Ere City. Do you think that a monarch who values ​​foreigners may hate, or even wish to kill foreigners?"

"No, impossible?"

"Don't be so unconfident" I said: "It's impossible!"

"Carter Horton has never had any prejudice against foreigners, but you have not thought about it. Why does he even start a foreign extermination plan?"

"Because... what?"

Rodney was dumbfounded again.

Even Eva, who was holding the child not far away, was curious.

Only the little one who plays with himself is a joy.

"Because Carter Horton wants to use this incident to remove the Carter family from the control of the noble group."

"How is this possible?" Rodney didn't believe it at all, and said: "Father is the highest leader of Eri City. The Noble Group is just a card in his hand. I have never heard of it before. There are cards that threaten the owner."

"It seems that you didn't understand your father's position" I said lightly: "Do you think that why your father, who is not successful in writing or martial, will be elected as the monarch of Ai Ruicheng? And his powerful brothers Sisters, but one by one died in accidents? Do you think that is really an accident?"

"Oh, you should also have related speculations that they died at the hands of your father, right?"

Rodney nodded subconsciously.

"But I think there are two explanations for this matter. One is that they may have died at the hands of your father. After all, as long as they don’t die for a day, your father would never want to become the emperor, but there is another possibility. , That is, those people were not killed by your father, but killed by the noble group. The reason is very simple. They are too good and aloof. It is impossible for them to be willing to become the puppets in charge of the city of Ai. Therefore, they must dead."

"But your father is different. Although he has a little strategy, he is not strong enough. The difference is not even a little bit. And in a world where the strength is dominated by the Hefeng Continent, a weak person like him would die very much without a backer. It's miserable, even dead without a whole body. If he wants to survive, he must find support, and the noble group happens to be his backer."

"In other words, as long as your father is obedient, the noble group will keep him on the throne. Now, you should have a bit of a clue, about your father's rights and status in Eri City?"

No matter how reluctant Rodney is to admit it, after all, this analysis is closer to reality.

"What does the foreign extinction plan have to do with weakening the noble group?"

Rodney asked.

"It's a big relationship," I sighed softly: "The foreign extermination plan is actually very much supported by the radicals in Eri City. Among the royal and noble groups, the radicals are the majority, so they will definitely agree to this action of the foreign extinction plan. That's why this operation started so smoothly, but it went smoothly. The real huge wealth of Hefeng Continent, in addition to the money in Master Dewey's treasury and his huge business empire, are all foreign merchants."

"The plan for extinction of foreign races will make countless foreign merchants feel terrified. If foreign merchants dare not come, it means that the internal economic income of Ai Ruicheng will drop sharply."

"The sudden drop in income means that Ai Ruicheng Metropolis will be forced to be removed from the list of economic centers in a short period of time."

"Without the support of huge economic resources, not only will the country be unable to carry out more and better construction, even the noble group's own business will be damaged."

"Business is damaged. This starts to weaken the strength of the noble group from the side. Until now, the strength of the noble group has been weakened. But after all, the centipede is dead but not stiff. I really want to be like York Seoul, where the imperial power is greater than Everything, when Carter Horton is in office, I’m afraid I can’t do it, but that doesn’t mean that future generations won’t do it...it’s a long way off, let’s get back to business."

"In order to keep the Carter family in peace for a long time, in order to allow Carter Nelson, Carter Scott, and you to succeed in the future, without worrying too much, he must do things again, and this time. Son, it must be more influential than before."

"And the only real influence that can reach that level is the national war."

"So" I took a deep breath, and I slowly said, "At present, it is not your father who really controls the city of Eri, but the aristocratic groups."

"But why do you want me not to eradicate the noble group?" Rodney asked puzzledly: "If the noble group can be eradicated, wouldn't it be better?"

"What did I say before?" Staring at Rodney, I slowly said: "Eri City is a huge monster. It is impossible to build it with you and your family alone. It can only be shared."

"Don't look at the noble group treating your father as a puppet, or even your family as a puppet. Once you succeed to the ceremony and master the skills that the noble group dare not provoke, then the noble group will take the initiative to surrender to you."

"And what you need to do is not to pull out all the noble cliques who surrender to you, but to know how to use them and treat them as your finger-tip chess pieces, and throw the noble clique where you need it."

"And what you need to do is to maintain your majesty. Of course, these are all too far away. I am just letting you know that the real cause of Ai Ruicheng became what it is now. The mastermind is not your father, but the noble group. "

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