The lingering sound of Elder Lindsay's words still rippled in the hall.

"So, Elder Lindsay, you mean, I must go to war?"

"That's it." Elder Lindsay nodded and said: "Moreover, you must participate in the war as the elder of the tribe outside Moonlight City, so that you can demonstrate the strength of Moonlight City."

Frowning, I pressed the restless mood and continued to listen carefully.

"In addition, it has been a long time since Moonlight City has reproduced the glory of our ancestors." Elder Lindsay said in a painful tone: "For a long time, Dasai City has many soldiers, Ai Ruicheng has a strong economy, and York and Seoul have a long history. None of them are difficult to deal with, and the most difficult one is Fort Witch, which has the above three advantages at the same time."

After a pause, she said again: "Nowadays, Dasai City, Ai Rui City and York City are in a state of constant weakening due to the national war. The only country that can pose a threat is Fort Witch, but I Believe that even if Fort Witch is strong, it is not as strong as your Destroyer Legion and the apostles. As long as you are willing to help, even if you are not directly attacking Fort Witch, but holding their offensive, as long as I Moonlight City pulls out a hand to solve those three countries, and has enough energy to fight against Fort Vitch. With my Moonlight City background, I believe that within a few years, I will be able to capture Fort Vitch. Reappearing the glory of the ancestors..."

Elder Lindsay talked eloquently, what he said was a passion, but I was full of black lines.

This old witch is really a proper spokesperson for radical thinking!

Having said that, don’t you know that every country has its own heritage?

No, I think you must know, even if you don’t know the details, you must know the general concept.

If you still say this when you know these things, I doubt her motive. Could it be that she has been coveting the position of foreign elders?

In other words, she actually had a recommendation from a foreign elder, but unfortunately she was taken over by me.

After being taken over by me, although she harbored a grudge, she never had the opportunity to pull me off. Now, the national war is about to come. This happens to be the best opportunity. If applied properly, it is very likely that I will be taken from the position of a foreign elder. pull down.

The reason why I say this is because I know very well the ambition of Her Majesty the Fairy Queen-she has always been eager to fulfill the ancestral aspirations and unify the Chinese mainland.

But before that, the fairy queen also couldn't find the opportunity to unify the Hefeng Mainland, and she didn't dare to rashly initiate a provocation and provoke a national war.

After all, things like national warfare, if there is no cause, would very likely become a sinner in Moonlight City.

No matter what, the fairy queen loves her country deeply.

Now, Ai Ruicheng and York City are launching a national war against Darcy City, which is the best time to unify the Hefeng Mainland.

Therefore, when Elder Lindsay was talking, her eyes were bright.

After Elder Lindsay finished her speech, although the fairy queen showed expectation, she did not rush to order, but turned to me and said, "Xiaoyi, do you have anything to say?"

"Yes, Your Majesty" got up and gave a salute, and I said solemnly: "The words of Elder Lindsay seem to make sense, but in reality it doesn't work."

"How can't it work?" the fairy queen frowned and asked.

"First of all, all the countries of Hefeng Continent have their background, and each country is not weaker than the apostle. Once a war is launched, it is hard to say who wins and who loses."

"Secondly, once the apostles enter the war, it will once again worsen the public's impression of the apostles, leaving the apostles nowhere to stand. This will bury hidden dangers for the Hefeng Continent."

"Furthermore, if the Destroyer Corps and the Apostles participate in the war at the same time, it is very likely that the pattern of the Hefeng Continent will be changed, and this originally balanced pattern will be instantly broken. Once the balance is broken, the next thing that will happen is war. "

After a pause, I continued: "And this kind of war is not the kind of war that seems to be tragic, but is actually scrupulous. It is a scrupulous war for the fight for territory. These terrible adjectives no longer specifically refer to the battlefield, but also refer to the living space of ordinary people."

"Finally, even if I have the will to participate in the national war, I will not do anything against Fort Witch. There are not only my adoptive father, but also my father-in-law, and my uncle. They are all people who treat me sincerely. The feelings towards them are the same as those towards your Majesty. If this is the case, I can still do things that are detrimental to Fort Witch. It can be seen that I am already cold-blooded and ruthless to the point of hopelessly. I believe that even your Majesty will not Use me like this."

After listening, the fairy queen nodded slightly and agreed with me.

"The loyalty to the emperor, and the loyalty to the emperor." Elder Lindsay looked unhappy, and said: "Are you scorning the future of the country because of a little family affection?"

"Yes," I admitted: "I am such a person."

When Elder Lindsay heard this, his eyelids jumped suddenly, without a word coming out for a long while.

"I really agree with Xiao Yi's words." Elder Sonoda Mai stood up, bowed, and said in a deep voice, "Speaking of something a bit rebellious, everyone present, don't you put the family first and then consider the country?"

As soon as he said this, everyone present fell silent.

Don't look at their high-sounding words one by one, but if you really want them to dedicate everything to the country, none of them are willing.

Typically, verbal giants, behavioral ants.

"Even if the Deporter Legion is the family of a foreign elder, what about the apostle? The apostle can't be his family, right?" Elder Lindsay did not give up, and asked: "As far as I know, the apostle is otherworldly existence, even It does not belong to the Hefeng continent."

"Are you trying to press the future on the apostle?" Elder Mai Sonoda suddenly asked: "When are we Moonlight City so weak and powerless? Need external force to protect ourselves?",

"The other party is a friend of a foreign elder's friend, not his family member. It can belong to any camp without being criticized. Why can't such a convenient and practical power be used by my Moonlight City? Does the foreign elder have other thoughts? "

I have to say that Elder Lindsay's words are not level, but they are very heartfelt.

The main problem is that I not only have such a powerful force as the Destroyer Legion, but I am also a good friend of the Apostle.

Even if I want to fight against Moonlight City, it is not impossible.

Besides, my dragon ally is not only the three dragons that I can see, but behind them, there is also one and the former apostle Tyrannosaurus King Bakar, as well as a huge race.

I think back then, this was an existence that could stand up against the forces of the entire Demon Realm, so I changed it to the Hefeng Continent and used it to conquer cities.

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