Although I have the ability to attack the city, and even though mobilizing the apostles to fight for me, it will not cause criticism, but I still will not do it.

The reason is simple, I don't want my previous efforts to be wasted.

It is easy to reverse the bad impression of the apostle in people's hearts. Once participating in a national war, it will inevitably cause a siege by public opinion from all sides.

I can even imagine the general content of their attack on the apostles:

‘The apostles once again slaughtered mankind. It seems that the maliciousness of these alien creatures towards mankind has never stopped. ’

‘Apostles and survival, this is a problem. ’

"On the harm of the apostles to mankind and the necessity of eliminating the apostles."


In short, once humans are killed, the apostle will be attacked by humans from all Hefeng continents.

At that time, there will be ill-intentioned people who will gather human adventurers to attack the place of the apostle.

The harm this group of human adventurers did to the apostles was very limited, but they would surely ignite the apostles’ anger and force the apostles to kill them.

Once this group of annoying guys are killed, the impression score of the apostle among humans will continue to decrease, and even continue to set new lows, until the vast majority of humans are malicious towards the apostles, the country will organize coalition forces to jointly defeat the apostles.

Just as it has happened.

I don't want to see the apostles being besieged and retaliated by human beings because of some wrongdoers. This is unfair to them.

Therefore, I will try my best to refuse the apostles to participate in the national war.

After clearing my throat, I said solemnly: "Elder Lindsay is right. The apostle does not belong to the Hefeng Continent, so naturally he will not belong to any camp. Apostles who do not belong to any camp are indeed very good tools to use. Even if something goes wrong, only they will be regarded as public enemies by humans, and the beneficiaries themselves will not suffer any loss."

"Hmph, what do you mean by this?" Elder Lindsay snorted coldly: "Am I wrong for the glory of Moonlight City?"

"I didn't say that you were wrong. From your standpoint, for the glory of Moonlight City, any outsider can be used and abandoned, but" I became serious and said solemnly: "In your opinion it is The apostle of outsiders is my friend. Again, I will not put my friend in a dilemma, let alone make my family suffer and struggle because of my decision. This is my bottom line."

"Elder An Xiaoyi, please recognize reality, clarify your thinking, and don't be blinded by useless emotions." Elder Lindsay looked like an arrow, as if he wanted to pierce me through: "Please remember your identity, you are Elder of Moonlight City!"

"I think of myself as an independent human being." I didn't flinch and said solemnly: "I have my own thoughts and emotions, so naturally I will have my own bottom line. If I don't touch my bottom line, I can say anything. , But if you touch my bottom line, don’t blame me for being unsympathetic."

"Is the glory of Moonlight City still inferior to your personal wish?"

"The two cannot be confused" I said lightly.

"How can we not confuse the questions that can be put together?" Elder Lindsay asked rhetorically.

"Dare to ask Elder Lindsay, once Moonlight City participates in the national war, will you send the whole family to the battlefield together?"

Elder Lindsay raised his brow and shouted angrily: "What does this have to do with my family?"

"Although the apostles are my friends, I treat them as family members. Since Elder Lindsay refuses to send his family to the front line, he is trying to force me to fight me?"

"You are a mess!"

"You are a mess!"

I shouted angrily: "If this conversation were heard by the apostle today, how do you think the apostle would view Moonlight City?"

"How do you think the three dragons allied with Moonlight City will treat Moonlight City?"

"How do you think Fort Witch, who has established a friendly relationship with the apostles, view Moonlight City?"

A set of three consecutive questions made Elder Lindsay speechless.

For a while, she sat back in her seat with a gloomy face.

The fairy queen sitting on the throne sighed slightly, her gaze was a little disappointed, but it was more fortunate. She thought a little and said slowly: "Elder Lindsay’s thoughts are for the sake of Moonlight City, but they are indeed somewhat Thoughtless."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Elder Lindsay bowed in response.

"Elder Sonoda Mai is right. Moonlight City does not need other external forces to intervene. We ourselves can win the national war."

"Xiao Yi," the fairy queen said solemnly.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"Don't take part in this national war."


"Your Majesty" Elder Prisella suddenly stood up and said: "Our country has always been selected by foreign elders and led the team to march. Since An Xiaoyi is a foreign elder, he has the responsibility and obligation to perform. The behavior that every foreign elder should perform."

"That said," the fairy queen said, shook her head, "but Xiaoyi's family situation is too special, and it is indeed not suitable to participate in the national war. This time, the deputy chief of the foreign affairs department will execute it on his behalf."

"...According to the purpose."

"Okay." The fairy queen slowly got up, waved her hand, and said, "That's it, the meeting is over."

All the elders dispersed, but I stayed.

Came to the Royal Garden with the two Majesty, the fairy queen said: "Xiaoyi, did you not intend to participate in this national war?"

"Yes, grandma" I said: "I have already told my foster father and several other city owners about this matter."

"But if you just give up participating in the national war, won't you be unwilling?" The fairy queen stopped, staring at me, and slowly said: "Your power can even fight alone as a country."

"But once I do this, I will become a public enemy of the country, and will have no place to stand before the end of the national war."

"That's it." The fairy queen slowly nodded and said: "But if I find a way, I can still extradite you back to China secretly, but I can't show up in public."

"Thank you grandma for caring, but I really don't want to participate in the national war."

"Yes," the fairy queen said: "It's right not to participate in a national war. After all, a national war is not only about winning or losing, but also bearing the psychological impact of the death of a companion. This is an unacceptable feeling. "

"Yes, grandma" I said: "It's really hard for me to accept such a blow."

The fairy queen sighed, waved her hand, and returned to the bedroom alone.

In the imperial garden, only two of me and the elf queen remained.

Seeing that the fairy queen was gone, the fairy queen just said softly: "I agree with your idea, don't go to the cruel and terrible national war, and your fiancées come from various towns, once you participate in the national war, they will also So I feel separated."

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