The truth that the fairy queen can understand, how can the fairy queen who is a guider fail to understand?

The reason she wanted me to interfere in the national war was nothing more than the words of Elder Lindsay, which aroused the desire in her heart to unify the Hefeng Continent and regain the glory of our ancestors.

But the question is, how easy is it to unify the Hefeng Continent and reproduce the glory of the ancestors?

Even if I agree to send troops to help Moonlight City contain Fort Witch, Moonlight City may not be able to defeat Dasai City, Ere City and York Seoul at the same time.

Just like Master Dewey said, even if the apostles participate in the war, they may not necessarily be able to capture any country.

Do not underestimate the heritage of any country.

In the beginning, the Tyrannosaurus King Bakar wanted to rule the heavens, not only spent a lot of manpower and material resources, but in the end, he almost took his own life.

Compared with the current five major countries, the scope of the heavens is many times smaller.

And even if the Celestial people are striving to develop scientific and technological capabilities, they may not have the military strength of any of the five major countries today.

Take a look at those Celestial weapons reproduced by Master Dewey. Let’s put aside the submarines that have little to do with the battle. Cannons, anti-tank guns, G-14 grenades, and the M-137 Green machine gun that looks amazing. There is an absolute damage blow to adventurers below level ten. When encountering adventurers above level ten, the damage begins to be discounted. When encountering a strong national power level, the damage appears to be minimal.

This is still in the case that the strong of the national power level is unprepared and uses the body to receive weapons.

If it is a little defensive, even a small amount of damage will not be caused.

However, according to the archaeological research of Master Dewey, the above attack methods are only the conventional attack methods of the Celestial people.

In addition to conventional methods, the Celestials also mastered unconventional attack methods and killer attack methods.

Speaking of mortal attacks, it is naturally Geboga, a fighter that can fight against the apostles.

Non-conventional combat methods are divided into many types, such as grenades, quantum bombs, compressed quantum guns, and laser weapons.

The former can also be analyzed from a macro perspective, while the latter can only be viewed from a micro perspective.

In particular, laser weapons. According to the historical documents of the Celestial weapons collected by Master Dewey, there is a powerful laser weapon that is released by a small moving celestial body called a satellite launched into the universe. Its power can even be Inflicting substantial damage to the apostle is roughly equivalent to a full blow by a middle-level national force.

This is amazing.

However, it seems that this kind of laser weapon attack requires a huge amount of energy. Not only does it need to accumulate a huge amount of energy, but it also requires energy storage. Only when the energy is full, the released power will reach the theoretical upper limit.

If the energy is insufficient, the power released can only reach the average attack level of ordinary national power.

It can be said that there is a huge gap between the upper limit and the lower limit.

Closer to home.

The Celestial people can still use the power of a single country to fight against the ninth apostle of Antigen, Tyrannosaurus King Bakar, how can they not be able to fight against a few apostles in today's five great nations?

But don’t think that the overall strength level of adventurers today is not as good as that of the ancient times, and that the upper limit of the strength of adventurers is not as good as that of the ancient times...Although the upper limit is indeed lower than that of the ancient times, the general level of the strong is the same as that of the ancient times. quite.

The five powers with a huge base are completely fearless of any other apostles except Black Plague Dirich, even if the first apostle comes in person, they are fearless.

Yes, you heard that right, it was any other apostle except Di Ruiji.

Di Ruiji is not included.

Black Plague Di Ruiji's virus lethality is not something that can be resisted by strength. Only priests with high-level purification ability have that strength.

And the priest-like adventurers with this kind of strength, in the entire Hefeng Continent, there are no more than a thousand.

Therefore, if I want to fulfill the wish of the Fairy Queen and unify the Hefeng Continent, the only thing I can do is Di Ruiji.

However, once Di Ruiji is taken out, I will not only be expelled from a certain country, but will become the enemy of the whole people.

Because the lethality of the virus is not a joke, but devastating.

Once identified, if the source of the virus is me, Hefeng Continent will no longer have a place for me.

Without using Di Ruiji's words, unless all the apostles are summoned, plus the Destroyer Legion, and the entire dragon family, it is impossible to win any country.

Faced with the elf queen who could understand me, I could only respond with a wry smile: "The words of Elder Lindsay directly activated my grandma's ambition. This matter, I am afraid it will not be so easy."

The Elf Empress also smiled helplessly, but she was helpless.

She also knows the ambition of Her Majesty the Fairy Queen, and although Elder Lindsay is not close to her, she is also a distant relative of the Elf royal family. She is the elder promoted by her grandmother herself, so she can’t be taken just because of a little dispute. Take it away.

It can be said that as long as Elder Lindsay is not treasonous or collaborating with the enemy, even if she makes a big mistake, her position as an elder will not be shaken in the slightest.

At most, it's just that she is not treated well.

This would make Elder Lindsay very unhappy, after all, she is a person who loves to be swagger.

Although things may become very troublesome, it hasn't happened yet, and you don't need to care too much.

After that, I chatted with the Elf Queen for a while, and after a short walk, I left the palace.

After returning home, Father Taylor was sitting cross-legged on the carpet drinking. Seeing me coming back, he smiled and said hello: "Yeah, bastard, have you come back so early?"

"Isn't it?" I reluctantly smiled and said: "Speaking of which, old man, why didn't you lie down and drink today?"

"Lying tired, just sit for a while."

The old man said.

"I think your expression is wrong today, why, someone bullied you?"

"No" waved my hand and said, "Who would bully me?"

"It's hard to say," the old man said with a chuckle: "Don't look at your deep background, but in Moonlight City, there are many people who can bully you on one acre of land."

"Hey, you guessed it right" I sighed, "Yes, I was bullied."

"What kind of person, tell me about it."

The old man asked with a smile.

"Elder Lindsay... also some other elders."

"How did they bully you?" The old man asked again: "Should it be that, taking advantage of the opportunity of the national war, I want you to represent Moonlight City?"

"You are really wise," I couldn't help but praise: "They not only hope that I will represent Moonlight City, but they also offer me to lead the Destroyer Corps and the apostles to fight for them."

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