The relationship between Xiao Lemi and me is already semi-public in Moonlight City.

She was returned from Eri City by me. Before returning to Moonlight City, her relationship with me had reached a level of intimacy, even far closer than her blood relationship with Her Majesty the Fairy Queen.

In addition to being close, she also trusts me very much. Even when it is only me, she will accept it verbatim. In addition, even if it is Phoenix, who is the second closest to her, or has a relationship with her Her Majesty the Fairy Queen, who is directly related by blood, will not work.

This trust indirectly proves that no matter how the national power organization operates, it cannot separate the relationship between Xiao Lemi and me.

As for Her Majesty the Elf Queen, this is even more difficult to divorce.

Not to mention Her Majesty the Elf Queen’s distrust of the national power organization, just to talk about her character, although she looks weak and kind, in fact, in her bones, there is hidden stubbornness.

As long as she is looking for something, even if the whole world opposes it, she will still insist.

This is the hidden character of Her Majesty the Elf Queen, and at the same time, it is also a direct proof of the relationship between Her Majesty the Elf Queen and me.

Only Emily, only her relationship with me, looks very vague to outsiders.

First of all, Emily is the president of the Rose Legion.

Secondly, Emily is the bodyguard of Her Majesty the Elf Queen.

Finally, Emily is the most outstanding talent specially cultivated by Moonlight City.

Combining these three points together, Emily would never be able to look like me who was ordinary to no bright spot at the time, let alone become a lover with me at the time.

Even if I became the adopted son of Master Dewey later, I had wealth, power, and strength... But these, when we first met, we didn't have it!

Thinking of this, the National Power Organization came to a conclusion. They believed that the reason why I, who had nothing at the beginning, was able to capture Emily's heart is mainly because I can speak sweet words.

Shalan told me this conclusion. When I heard this conclusion, I almost squirted out the nose after drinking the wine in my mouth.

What conclusion is this?

Did you use your head to think about it?

Have you tried to analyze it?

Is Emily a girl who can deceive with rhetoric?

I would like to ask, before me, how many men from the Hefeng Continent racked their brains and tried every means to please Emily, but finally came back?

There are not ten thousand, but several thousand... and these are still young Toshihiko.

Wouldn't it be an exaggeration to talk about the key training targets of various countries, or the mainstays of major guilds?

But even so, did Emily care about any of them?

No, not one.

That being the case, why bother to talk about Emily's reason for falling in love with me?

By the way, my rhetoric seems to have not reached that level yet, right?

Anyway, I know that none of the fiancées was deceived by me with rhetoric.

Either you depend on me for your life, or you are like-minded, or you want to use my platform to get out of danger at first, and fall in love with me in the process...Anyway, none of them came for nothing.

After listening to Shalan's retelling, I sighed on my forehead, poured a sip of wine into my mouth, and swallowed with a grunt.

"You don't seem to like the organization's evaluation of you?" Shalan's smile was very bright.

"Looking at you smiling" I said helplessly: "They slander me so, can't you be more serious?"

"Why are you serious?" Saran continued to laugh, "I think their definition of you is very interesting."

"Interesting?" I said distressed: "This is slander, okay, I'm the fiancee I found by my strength!"

"Perhaps" Sharan took a sip of her wine, and asked, "But who believes it?"

This is the point. Who would believe that I didn't trick Emily into becoming my fiancee with rhetoric?

You know, Emily is the dream lover of Moonlight City and even the male adventurers of the whole Hefeng Mainland.

When I learned that Emily had become my fiancee, I don’t know how many adventurers yelled out and secretly that it was flowers stuck in cow dung. How many adventurers wanted to take a weapon to a duel with me?

Anyway, they would definitely not agree that I was favored by Emily based on my strength. Half of them felt that Emily had poor vision and did not know people, and the other half coincided with the conclusions of the Moonlight City National Force Organization. , I think my rhetoric is very powerful.

"Fine, nothing." I flicked my sleeves and I decided not to care about it.

With that group of guys, because of this matter, there is no end to it. God knows, if I overturn this conclusion, will there be newer and more outrageous conclusions?

After all, the human brain is endless.

Seeing me deflated, Saran leaned forward and closed with a smile, and I glared at her helplessly: "Is it so funny?"

Saran just laughed and did not respond.

Socia held a glass of wine and said lightly: "This should be revenge, the national power organization will retaliate against you."

"Is this revenge a bit too pediatric?" I wondered.

"You may think so, but if you put it on other peers, maybe you won't stop so easily."

"What does this mean?" I wondered.

"Young and vigorous" Socia said lightly: "This is what the national power grasps."

"Everything you have done on the land of Moonlight City, the major events that you have done on the land of Fort Witch, and the things you have done in Darcy City, these intelligence, national power Organizations have collections, and through centralized analysis, they affirm that you are the kind of impulsive personality."

"The best way to deal with impulsive young people is to find ways to irritate the other person. As long as you can irritate you, even if you pay some price for it, it is worth it."

"Is it worth it?" I was even more puzzled, and said: "Just to discredit me... Or, in order to divide Emily's relationship with me and let her join the national power organization, I will not hesitate to discredit me. Me, is this really worth it?"

"I don't think it's worth it." Sharan hiccuped and said: "If I want to change, I am the top leader of the organization. I definitely choose to have a good relationship with him, and it is best to form an alliance.

"But you are not the supreme leader, are you?"

Socia said lightly.

"Humph" Saran picked up the glass, drank it, and said angrily: "That idiot, no, that group of idiots, don't know what they are doing, do you really think that the National Power Organization can be lawless in Moonlight City? Have they forgotten that on top of their heads, there are also the economic sanctions imposed by your majesty and Master Dewey!"

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