"you're drunk."

On the side, Alice, who was always silent, looked at Saran gently and said softly.

"I...not drunk!"

Saran's voice began to blur, and was mixed with alcohol, she was really drunk.

Taking a look at the empty wine bottles on the table, I couldn't help but feel ashamed at the amazing amount of Shalan's drinks.

When the snoring breath came out of Saran, Alice, who smiled bitterly and sighed, put down the piano, supported Saran, and walked towards the back room.

"Is her mood fluctuating a lot in recent days?"

Putting down the wine glass, looking at Shalan's disappearing back, I asked softly.

"This has nothing to do with mood swings," Socia said: "It has nothing to do with being your fiancee."

My brows frowned slightly, and I wondered: "What does this have to do with being my fiancee?"

"Becoming your fiancee...you can drink a lot of good wines you haven't tasted before."

Socia smiled lightly: "She loves to drink, and now she has the opportunity to taste the best wines. How can she let go of this opportunity?"

"So?" I frowned deeper: "What does this have to do with how much she drinks?"

After speaking, he pointed to the empty wine bottle on the bar: "Not a single bottle of these wines was brought from the magic airship."

"Of course" Socia said: "She suddenly became alcoholic because she drank too many top wines uncontrollably, which attracted gluttons, and suddenly felt that top wines were nothing but this, and she wanted to try ordinary wines for a drunk recipe. Feeling like Hugh, that’s why we have the current situation."

Eye sockets twitched and there was a moment of silence. I nodded helplessly: "Such words are really inseparable from me."


After setting up Saran, Alice left the room and went to the bar. She continued to hold her piano and tasted her unfinished glass of wine.

If I remember correctly, Alice rarely drinks.

It's not that her puppet body can't drink. After all, except for the inner core and the heart of ordinary people, everything else is no different from humans, and even in their blood vessels, there is blood flowing.

Here I have to admire Herder's puppet manufacturing technique. The puppet created is exactly the same as a real person. After adding emotion and life, it is a complete human individual.

No wonder the elytra of the Seven Gods was being played around.

"You started drinking too" I asked softly, looking at Alice.

"Wine is a channel for humans to express their emotions."

"Really?" I scratched my head. Why haven't I heard of it?

"Only people who are drunk will have this kind of emotion," Socia added.

Oh, this **** make-up.

The created puppet can even be drunk, and Herder's puppet manufacturing technology is simply the pinnacle.

"Well, it's my fault whether I'm drunk or not." I curled my lips and said helplessly: "But you can't always tease me about this."

"This is not teasing" Alice looked at me and said lightly: "This is what Xilan told me before she died."

"Dying..." My eyes trembled, subconsciously murmured.

"Yes" Alice said blankly, flicking the strings lightly, and said lightly.

This tone is not right.

I remember before, when Alice talked about Xilan, her expression, her manner, and her thoughts for the one she loved...wait!

Her changes seem to be too big, if I guess right...

First here, I quickly looked at Socia.

Socia was still tasting the wine indifferently, her eyes calm.

"you said?"

"Alice is my friend" Socia said lightly: "We have been in friendship for tens of millions of years."

"Ah, headache, distress..." I groaned in a low voice.

Then turned to Alice, tentatively asked: "So, what do you mean..."

"I want this sentence to become Xi Lan's last words" Alice's eyes are still calm, but her aura is terribly cold.

"Now Xi Lan has just had his own life, you go..."

"Alice should have her life, but her life was ruined by Xi Lan."

"Alice is still young... well, what I mean is that she can start a new life at any time."

Socia's eyes remained flat: "But he never came back once."

"Maybe the strength is not enough to open the portal..."

"He can open" Socia directly blocked the excuse I made for Xi Lan: "He has the power of Stalker Shilock in him, enough to open the portal several times."

"So that means... Xilan's sin is unforgivable?"

"If he really died in the Demon Realm, or he could bring a message here, or come back and take a look, he can be forgiven," Socia said lightly: "But he did nothing, and even plans to start a family in the Demon Realm."


I really don't know what to say, but in this matter, I have a bad sense of Xilan.

If I were to be replaced by me, I would definitely not stay in the Demon Realm for that long. It would be great to come back directly to marry Alice, and to reap the friendship between Saran and Socia at the same time.

It's a pity, a move is wrong, and all the games are lost.

When extreme love turns into extreme hatred, all feelings will be broken, and any explanation will be an excuse.

"You help me open the portal, can you?" Alice asked me suddenly.

"No way."

I shook my head and refused.

"I can promise you any request, as long as you open the portal to the demon world and let me kill him."

"Hey, hey, can you not be so cruel, that's Xilan, your former lover..."

"Now we are enemies."

"No way, no way" I firmly refused: "If you go in the past, it will disrupt his current life. You know, Xilan is very miserable now, not only has his arm broken, but also has scars all over his body... .."

"Humph," Alice snorted coldly: "Even a broken arm and scars all over her body can be tolerated, but she just refuses to come back to see me. My former lover, what I did was a failure."

Once a daughter complains about herself, there are only two situations. One is that she will change for the better, and the other is that she will be completely blackened.

Looking at Alice's appearance, it's not like it can be changed in a good direction, it is likely to be blackened.

Do you want to tell Heroes about this?

She is my friend after all, and the relationship between her and Xi Lan, in Alice's eyes, must be the death penalty, and there is no chance of probation.

"Alice, I think you should calm down." I took a deep breath and said solemnly: "Since it has happened and it has been so long, you should face your life, put aside the past and face the future, so that you can invest Happy and happy embrace."

"Kill Xilan, the heartbreaker first, and talk about the others later."

Alice, who drank all the wine in the glass, suddenly became murderous.

I said, she is drunk too...

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