The only difference between Alice and human beings lies in the core drive, one is the heart and the other is the inner core.

Therefore, Alice will also get drunk.

But she drinks well.

However, a certain great poet once said: the water will flow more when the knife is cut off, and the sorrow will be relieved by a toast.

Girls who encounter emotional problems have always been fond of bluffing.

So Alice is very worried.

When she is worried, she wants to buy drunk. If she is drunk or not, she will be more worried, and she will be more able to drink, and she will be drunk.

Some people say that creatures like humans generally have two personalities, one is dominant and the other is recessive.

This overt character is the external character that is shown to everyone, while the recessive character is only revealed when it is unconscious.

Alice's dominant personality should be quiet and dignified, like everyone is a lady, but this shadow personality... is really a bit aggressive.

I very much doubt whether Xilan's behavior of running to the Devildom and never returning is related to witnessing Alice's hidden personality.

Of course, all this is just conjecture, without any actual basis.

Moreover, even if I asked Xilan for confirmation, he would definitely not pay attention to me. Even if I kept entangled, he would treat me as an annoying ornament at best.

Alice was helped by Socia into the room to rest.

Glancing in the direction of the room, I secretly said in my heart: "Thanks to Saran being drunk first, otherwise, just because of Alice's drunk appearance, if she can fall asleep, there will be ghosts."

After Alice was placed, Socia returned to the bar and continued to taste the wine.

Facing Socia who was tasting wine with a calm expression on his face, I curiously said: "The same is true for you, are you drunk?"

Socia shook her head: "It's not the same, I can get drunk, but I drink a lot."

Suddenly interested, I asked: "How old is it?"

She thought for a while: "Drink all the wine in the wine rack, maybe you will get drunk."

"That's good too" I murmured: "Unlike me, I have lost the pleasure of being drunk."

"If you are not drunk, there are benefits of not being drunk," Socia said lightly: "I have to not lose my mind in front of others."

"I think, like you, you can get drunk, but if you drink a lot, it's the best" I squeezed my chin, and said softly, "This way I won't lose my stance in front of others, and I won't lose the fun of being drunk."

Sosiah heard the words, thought for a moment, and suddenly smiled: "You are right."

When it is found that the enemy is invincible and can only be outsmarted, it is a wise move to act decisively and choose to outsmart.

Obviously, the national power organization is very wise.

At first, they had great strength, thinking that they could do whatever they wanted with their strength, so they first forced Emily and then challenged me.

But when they discovered that my personal strength was stronger than the vast majority of people in the organization, they immediately changed their routines, instead of attacking me through combat, they turned to the spiritual level and launched a public opinion attack on me. .

And this so-called public opinion is not a damaging thing. After all, although I have been cruel and bloodthirsty, in fact, I have never harmed real innocent civilians. For this alone, I have been heinous. Picked out of the team.

Since no record of my crimes can be collected, then start with the people around me-my relationship with Emily has become a breakthrough.

Although the momentum of the rumors is very strong, the effect is not satisfactory.

Especially after discovering that I didn't take this set at all, and continued to do my own way, the national power organization saw that the physical attack was ineffective, and the public opinion attack was also ineffective. It immediately concluded that I was invincible.

It may be that they finally chose to give up challenging me, or maybe they are plotting a more insidious plan in private, which I can't control.

Even if they really planned some cryptic and insidious tricks, I will be fine when I see them.

This is a calm night.

Heroes' call came as usual.

Recently, the talk time between me and Heroes has basically remained after dinner.

Fortunately, this is Moonlight City, the evening breeze is breezy, comfortable and pleasant, if it is replaced by Ai Rui City, it will be hot.

However, Eri City is okay, but it is slightly hot. If it is replaced with the southern area of ​​Darcy City, it can be called a melting pot.

If at this time, I live near the ‘melting furnace’, I would not have the mind to chat with Heroes.

Heloise's situation is pretty good recently.

Previously, she organized some of the Oath Guardians and successfully challenged the crying eye Herder. Although she was defeated, she returned to her hometown. Her influence in the Oath Guardians organization has increased, and her reputation is close to the current position of the Oath Guardians. The leader, that is, the father of Heroes.

According to her, this result made her father very angry.

The main reason is that her father didn't look down on her from the beginning, and always believed that the leader of the Oathkeepers organization should be inherited by her younger brother.

In fact, at first, after learning that her talent was an auxiliary talent, Heloise also deliberately gave her the position of leader to her younger brother to inherit, but she couldn't stand her father's endless grinding and took her and her brother endlessly. In comparison, the endless display of dislike and indifference towards her made Heroes, who was in the rebellious period, directly gave birth to a rebellious psychology.

Originally, she was a girl who kept the rules and was forced to take up the vanguard of challenging the apostle.

This is much harder than forcing Liangshan.

At least I went up to Liangshan and fell into the grass. I don’t have to worry about eating or drinking. Although there is a risk of losing my head, at that time, the national power is weak, and the court will not move troops easily. There will be no life problems if there is something out of wisdom, or something like blocking the way.

But Heroes is different.

The Apostle is the highest combat power in the Demon Realm, and Crying Eye Herder is even more respected as the originator of the Demon Magic. It can be seen that her strength, especially the magic power, is second to none in the Demon Realm.

Challenging her is basically a life of nine deaths... that life depends on the mood.

So whenever I get here, I am full of respect for Heroes.

This girl is not only a Tiehan Han, but also a hard-headed Tie Han.

"So, you now have most of the right to speak in the Oathguard Organization?"

I asked with a smile.

"Yes" Heloise also responded with a smile: "It's all thanks to you."

"Don't say that" I said: "These are the fruits of your own efforts, which have little to do with me. I believe that even without me, you can still accomplish this feat, but the process may be difficult. some."

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