The People Walking in Dungeons are surely not Normal

Chapter 3392: Kelly who was once drunk

What I said was not just being humble and flattering, but sincere.

It is true that my Russian sovereignty has indeed helped Heroes and others a lot, but even without my help, they can still accomplish this feat.

On the one hand, because Heroes's men are all elite soldiers and strong generals in the Oath-Guardian organization, it is very easy to deal with the adventurers of other organizations.

On the other hand, when confronting the final boss Weeping Eye Helder, Helder would not kill her, at best, he would kill all other adventurers except her.

Herder often does this, and he is already familiar with it.

As for why Herder would not kill Heroes, I have analyzed before. Although for Herder, the overall strength of the Oathkeeper organization is not strong, but it has a very wide penetration, almost every seat There are branches of the Oathguard Organization in cities and towns, and each branch has many people joining, which proves that the Oathguard Organization has a strong appeal among the people.

Herder wants to maintain the stable development of the Demon Realm. It is impossible to suppress it by force alone. It is better to have an organization that can maintain order. It happens that the Oath Guardian organization can play this role.

So Herder would not kill Heroes, even if she knew that Heroes was the least valued abandoned son of the family, she would not do it.

The reason is simple. Heroes is the least valued abandoned son in the family, but she is still pregnant with family blood, and the family name is also crowned on the top of her head. Once she has an accident, it is equivalent to the family's suffering. Insult, how can you give up?

Although Herder could ignore the Oathguard Organization, she did not dare to ignore the public opinion of the Demon World, thinking that the Flame Devourer Antun, what a powerful apostle, still died under the siege of adventurers.

It's more than just talking about punching the master to death.

Weeping Eye Herder's dream is to create a new, vibrant Demon Realm, not a lifeless Demon Realm, let alone a Demon Realm that treats her as a public enemy of the whole people.

She wants to become the actual ruler of the demon world and the true emperor of the demon world.

Therefore, public opinion is very important.

It is precisely because of various reasons that Herder cannot kill any heir of any large organization.

It was frustrating to think about it, but Herder didn't seem to care.

Although I spoke sincerely, Heloise did not agree with me. She kept explaining, saying that I should not be too modest, saying that if there is no place in my town, everything is still an unknown fixed number, even Whether she can return to the family alive is a mystery.

After explaining it for a while, I found that Heloise didn't listen to my explanation at all, and only accepted what she thought.

I don't know, is this considered self-serving?

After my greeting, I hung up the phone, only to see the blue witch with a sullen face.

I wonder, who provokes the Blue Witch and doesn't want to live anymore?

Unexpectedly, as soon as the Blue Witch spoke, she explained the reason for her anger.

She is straightforward and does not conceal, she is directly accountable. Why am I still in contact with Heroes?

I said that I am also very innocent. This phone call was originally from Heroes, and it was not her who I forcibly hooked up.

But the Blue Witch displayed a harder rascal temperament, all kinds of disagreement, disagreement, and distrust came out of my mouth, which made me really a headache.

Fortunately, the brain cells of Heroes are still awake. I finally listened to my explanation, but still had a very bad impression of Heroes.

Today, she not only thinks that the woman Heloise is very bad, but she is not firm in her position, and she also thinks that she wants to do the thing that wins love with her grace.

But the problem is that the conversation between me and Heloise has never been mixed with even a little bit of personal affection.

But the so-called sin of wanting to add to it, there is no reason to worry.

The blue witch's ability to cry and hang himself is simply amazing.

Regrettably, this amazing set of ‘unlearned’ only works for me, and it’s annoying if it’s against other people.

However, I understand the reason why the Blue Witch did this. In fact, apart from my fetters, she still has no sense of belonging, and her relationship with the other girls in the family is also very normal.

There is no buddy who can talk about it, no like-minded companions, and no family who loves the same. The Blue Witch is actually very lonely.

Many times, I want to help mediation, but the words of adjustment have come to my lips, but I don't know what to say.

So, in order to make up for her trauma, all I can do is to accompany her to fool around.

Having said that, although Heloise is mischievous, she is also very measured.

She only talks about things, but never like a real violent maniac, grabbed my mobile phone and threw it to the ground, smashing it to pieces on the spot, and died violently.

This is exactly the wiseness of the Blue Witch, even if it is mischievous, it is within my acceptable range.

I even began to wonder if this was the secret technique of the Blue Witch taught by Helder?

If it weren't for the silly look she usually showed, I can basically conclude that the above is her own comprehension and has nothing to do with Herder.

Otherwise, there is no need to fight against Herder, just give her incense...

It was indeed beyond my expectation that the Blue Witch could think of this.

You know, she grew up in a cold laboratory since she was a child, and then ran into the Red Witch's Forest, basically not communicating with anyone.

Of course, the changes of the Blue Witch are obvious to all, but Kailan's changes are extremely small.

She liked to drink from the beginning, and she still likes to drink.

You say you drink at the bar when you drink, and you always go crazy, this is the real helpless place.

Every time he drank too much, Kailan would rush into the Fairy Forest, as if going crazy, shooting around.

Later, I heard Shalan say that Kailan followed his ancestors.

I vaguely remember that it was Kailan's ancestor tens of millions of years ago, which is what he said Kelly.

This woman is a genius in combat, but she is very unruly. Not only is she good for wine and gambling, she also created anti-human equipment such as equipment reinforcement machines, which made countless adventurers bankrupt and even had the honor of being a public enemy of the whole people.

After a certain battle, Kelly finally realized that the power of guns was not enough to kill the enemy, so she ran to the most famous magic school at the time, with Shalan as the principal.

Under Sharan's meticulous training, Kelly learned how to use magic, and because she was too excited, the firearm went out on the spot, and countless bullets with thoughts blasted the entire Shalan's office into ruins with broken walls and leaks.

Since then, Shalan strictly forbids Kelly to go out to play.

And she is not allowed to drink too much.

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