Perhaps it was because Sharan had taught Kelly, she also had a sense of mentoring and apprenticeship for Kelly.

At least when Kailan sneaked into the Moonlight Tavern to get drunk, Sharan would always hide it for her. Over time, when I saw Kailan coming home drunk, I knew she must have gone to the Moonlight Tavern to get drunk again.

When it comes to buying drunk, many girls in Hefeng Mainland have similar experiences, and there is no traditional explicit stipulation that women are not allowed to buy drunk, but in some chaotic areas, they will be posted on the walls and trunks of the streets and alleys. The notice stated that the area is rather chaotic. It is best for women not to buy drunk easily. Even if they buy drunk, it is best not to buy drunk when the night is dark and windy.

In fact, in dealing with drunk women, the residents of Hefeng Mainland still performed very well.

Generally, when a woman is found drunk by the side of the road, the first reaction of the people is to send her to the adventurer base.

As long as she is sent to the adventurer's base, even if someone who proves to be a female relative comes to claim it, the base will not release anyone. When the drunk female wakes up, when will she be let go.

In other words, the Adventurer Base did not have similar services, after all, it was dedicated to serving adventurers and the God of Creation.

However, there are too many women who have a good drink, and the local law enforcement agency does not have so much energy to accommodate and care for them. After consultation, the Adventurer Base reluctantly set up such an agency.

However, since the establishment of this organization, the prestige of the adventurer base among the people has risen. It is true that this is a matter of direct benefit to the people after all, how can the people not appreciate it?

Of course, it is not to say that women in all places are safe after being drunk.

Those areas that publicly stated that local order is chaotic and that women should not buy drunk are really not easy to buy drunk.

After all, no matter how strict the law and the binding force are, there will always be people with corrupt morals who are willing to challenge the law for their own selfish desires.

Once a drunk woman meets those people, there is nothing to tell.

Most of the women in my guild also like to drink, especially the Kailan generation, who often get drunk.

And many of the girls, the towns where they were drunk were still unstable towns, but even so, they never suffered.

Among them, there are reasons.

In the case of Kailan, every time she gets drunk Lingding, someone will notify Daphne that she will receive Kailan and pay the bill.

This virtually blocked the opportunity for those who wanted to take advantage of Kailan.

Xiao Leimi, who lives in the slums of Erri City, often gets drunk.

However, she didn't go to the tavern lobby to get drunk. Instead, she relied on her speed and ability to fly to steal alcohol in the tavern warehouse.

After stealing the wine, he would go to the slum area, where he belonged to the corner, and taste the wine secretly.

Occasionally, she will be discovered, but Xiao Leimi is very generous. After being discovered, she often distributes wine to the poor who found her.

Lele alone is not as good as the rest, this is the attitude of Xiao Lemi towards fine wine and food.

But after getting drunk, Xiao Lemi has never been coveted and insulted by bad guys. It's because she is thin and small, and her body is dirty. Her dreadlocks also imprisoned those sharp ears. Keep it tight, in this case, even if the trafficker is in person, she won't have any interest in her.

At most, he kicked, scolded and drove Xiao Leimi away.

Yura, who lives in the city of Ai, often gets drunk, but unlike other girls, although she always feels that she has gotten rid of her noble status well, but the slightly discerning guys who are in the city of Ai, but All know the true identity of Yula.

The aristocrats of Ai Ruicheng, especially those who have a relationship with the royal family, are the most difficult group of people, because they are sheltered by the royal family and taken in by the noble group, and belong to the lord who can eat no matter what.

Girls with this status are very dangerous when they are awake, and even more dangerous when they are drunk.

If you are a little disrespectful to her, and the news is passed to the ears of the noble group by those who are intent, those who disrespect her, and the whole family, will completely disappear in the world in a day.

This is not a threat, it is a fact.

Therefore, Yura after being drunk is no different from an explosive bomb in the eyes of the others in Eri City, and it is the kind that kills a family.

For this reason, no one dared to approach her within two meters of her body, even if Yura slept deeply.

Apart from her, it was Kagali and the girls who like to get drunk.

But when they were drunk, they still lived in Dasai City.

Although many people don’t know the identity of Kagali, no one dared to approach Kagali who was drunk easily. The reason is simple. After these girls get drunk, there will be digital masters who do not know where they come from. , Like a sculpture, guarding them.

These masters, but the real masters, are the national forces dispatched by the orc king to protect the lives of Kagali and his friends.

And it is an old national power.

It is the kind of national power that is impossible to win one-on-one with my current strength.

There are such a group of guys guarding, let alone bad guys, it is an army of a thousand people, and it is impossible to take Kagali and the others away!

One can imagine how safe the situation of Kagali and other girls is.

Closer to home.

While I did not change my life because of Kailan, the national war on another continent was in full swing.

Today, the scale of the national war has increased to a battle between thousands of adventurers, and this number of adventurers will fight every day.

One can imagine how tragic the national war has been in this short period of more than one month.

But I heard from Shalan that casualties of this magnitude meant that the national war had just begun.

Hearing this, I was quite embarrassed.

Just as the battle between Dasai City and Eri City and York Seoul was gradually escalating, Her Majesty the Fairy Queen also received a souvenir from Dasai City’s messengers.

The manuscript was not written by the orc king, but signed by the regent, the old duke.

I guess that most of the orc kings did not want to talk to the old duke, and the old duke was struggling to ride a tiger because of the terrible situation at home and abroad. As a last resort, he had to write an order to ask the two queens of Moonlight City to send troops to help.

However, among the two queens, Her Majesty the Elf Queen did not like the old duke as a person and did not agree to send troops, while Her Majesty the Fairy Queen would not send troops easily because she wanted to profit from it.

Ever since, the Dasay City messenger was caught in a dilemma.

But in order to be able to complete the task as soon as possible, he had to activate his contacts in Moonlight City and contact all the people who could speak before the two queens.

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